Charles Zika

Charles Zech · Charles Ziga

titlemedia typeISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Dürer and his CulturePaperback978-0-521-61988-22005Dagmar Eichberger
Dürer and his CultureHardcover978-0-521-62037-61998   "
Exorcising Our Demons: Magic, Witchcraft, and Visual Culture in Early Modern Europe   "978-90-04-12560-52003
Feeling Exclusion: Religious Conflict, Exile and Emotions in Early Modern Europe   "978-1-138-21917-52021Giovanni Tarantino
Feeling Exclusion: Religious Conflict, Exile and Emotions in Early Modern EuropePaperback978-0-367-36706-02019   "
Rituals, Images And Words: Varieties of Cultural Expression In Late Medieval And Early Modern EuropeRelié978-2-503-50907-52006F W Kent
The Appearance of WitchcraftPaperback978-0-415-56355-02009

Brepols Publishers · Brill · Cambridge University Press · Routledge


Charles Zinser