Charles Woolley

Dutton · Schiffer Publishing, Ltd

titleISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Echoes of Eagles: A Son, a Father and America's First Fighter Pilots978-0-525-94757-82003Bill Crawford
Feldgrau 1915-16: The War and Peace Time Uniforms of the German Army - The Official Regulations of 1915-1916978-0-7643-3958-52011
First to the Front: The Aerial Adventures of 1st Lt. Waldo Heinrichs and the 95th Aero Squadron 1917-1918978-0-7643-0749-22004
German Uniforms, Insignia & Equipment 1918-1923: Freikorps, Reichswehr, Vehicles, Weapons978-0-7643-1663-02002
In the Service of the Kaiser: Uniforms & Equipment of the World War I German Soldier as Painted by Soldier-Artist Friedrich Ludwig Scharf978-0-7643-1981-52004
The Hat in the Ring Gang: The Combat History of the 94th Aero Squadron in World War One978-0-7643-1427-82001
The Kaisers Army in Color: Uniforms of the Imperial German Army as Illustrated by Carl Becker 1890-1910978-0-7643-1173-42000
Uniforms & Equipment of the Imperial German Army 1900-1918: A Study in Period Photographs978-0-7643-1104-82000
Uniforms & Equipment of the Imperial German Army 1900-1918: A Study in Period Photographs978-0-7643-0935-91999
Uniforms of the German Colonial Troops 1884-1918978-0-7643-3357-62009
World War I German Aviators: The Sanke Cards978-0-7643-1879-52003

C. W. · Charles L Woolley · Charles Leonard, Sir Woolley · Charles Leonard Woolley · Charles W.


Charles Wordsworth