C. W. Bess

C B · C. W. · W. B

Baker Book House · Broadman & Holman

titleISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Bible-Centered Object Sermons for Children978-0-8010-0886-31985Roy E. Debrand
Children's Object Sermons for the Seasons978-0-8010-1026-21993
Children's Sermons for Special Times978-0-8054-4929-71988
From Sad to Glad: . . . And Other Bible Lessons for Kids978-0-8010-6372-52001
Object-Centered Children's Sermons978-0-8010-0734-71978
Sparkling Object Sermons for Children978-0-8010-0824-51982
Straight As a String: . . . And Other Bible Lessons for Kids978-0-8010-6371-82001
Why Go to Church: . . . And Other Bible Lessons for Kids978-0-8010-6373-22001Roy E. Debrand


C. W. Betts