Bryan Loughrey

B. L. · Bryan L.

titleISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
"Antony and Cleopatra", William Shakespeare978-0-582-06051-71990Linda Cookson
"Canterbury Tales General Prologue", Geoffrey Chaucer978-0-582-03790-81989   "
Critical Studies: The Poetry of Keats978-0-14-077266-11992Brian Stone
"Emma", Jane Austen978-0-582-00653-91988Linda Cookson
George Orwell978-0-333-67979-11998Graham Holderness · etc. · Nahem Yousaf
"Hamlet", William Shakespeare978-0-582-00648-51988Linda Cookson
"King Lear", William Shakespeare978-0-582-00649-21989   "
"Macbeth", William Shakespeare978-0-582-00650-81989   "
"Merchant of Venice", William Shakespeare978-0-582-07575-71992   "
"Much Ado About Nothing", William Shakespeare978-0-582-03791-51989   "
"Othello", William Shakespeare978-0-582-07578-81991   "
Poems and Letters, John Keats978-0-582-00652-21988   "
"Richard II", William Shakespeare978-0-582-03792-21989   "
"Romeo and Juliet", William Shakespeare978-0-582-07577-11991   "
"The Tempest" by William Shakespeare978-0-582-00651-51988   "
"Twelfth Night", William Shakespeare978-0-582-06050-01990   "
"Waste Land", T.S.Eliot978-0-582-00655-31988   "
"Wuthering Heights", Emily Bronte978-0-582-00654-61989   "

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Bryan Lovell