Brad Kearns

Bart Kranstauber · Burt Kearns

McGraw-Hill · Primal Nutrition, Inc.

titleISBN-13year of publica-
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How Lance Does It978-0-07-711910-22008
How Lance Does It: Put the Success Formula of a Champion into Everything You Do978-0-07-147740-62006
How Tiger Does It978-0-07-154564-82008
Keto for Life: Reset Your Biological Clock in 21 Days and Optimize Your Diet for a Longer Healthspan978-1-9848-2571-12019Mark Sisson
Primal Endurance: Escape chronic cardio and carbohydrate dependency and become a fat burning beast!978-1-939563-08-82016   "
The Keto Reset Diet: Reboot Your Metabolism in 21 Days and Burn Fat Forever978-1-5247-6223-02017   "
TRIATHLON TRAINING FOR EVERYBODY: How To Balance Your Busy Life, Avoid Burnout And Achieve Triathlon Peak Performance978-0-07-146279-22005


Brad Keena