Birgitta Hardh

Birgit Heerde · Brigitte Herde · Brigitte Horiot

titleISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Centrality - Regionality: The Social Structure of Southern Sweden During the Iron Age978-91-22-01993-02003Lars Larsson
Central Places in the Migration & Merovingian Periods: Papers from the 52nd Sachsensymposium, August 2001978-91-22-01979-42002   "
On the Road: Studies in Honor of Lars Larsson978-91-22-02163-62007Kristina Jennbert · Deborah Olausson
Patterns of Deposition and Settlement: Studies on the Megalithic Tombs of West Scania978-91-22-01139-21990
Wikingerzeitliche Depotfunde aus Südschweden: Probleme und Analysen978-91-40-04364-11976Birgitta Hårdh


Birgitta Hasselgren