Barry Spitz


titleISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
2002 International Tax Havens Guide: Offshore Tax Strategies978-0-7355-2738-62001
International Tax Planning978-0-406-38237-51983
International Tax Planning978-0-406-38235-11972
Marin: A History978-0-9620715-9-12006
Mill Valley: The Early Years978-0-9620715-8-41996
Offshore Service978-0-406-99822-41996Giles Clarke
Offshore Strategies 2001-2002978-0-406-94871-72001
Open Spaces: Lands of the Marin County Open Space District978-0-9620715-6-02000
Tamalpais Trails978-0-9620715-2-21998Dewey Livingston · Brad Rippe
Tax Havens Encyclopaedia978-0-406-38226-91975

Aspen Publishers · Butterworths Law · Potrero Meadow Pub Co


Barry Sproat