Ayhan Demirbas

A. D.

Cambridge University Press · Springer

titlemedia type ISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Algae Energy: Algae as a New Source of BiodieselHardcover 978-1-84996-049-62010Muhammet Fatih Demirbas
Biodiesel: A Realistic Fuel Alternative for Diesel Engines   " 978-1-84628-994-12008
Biorefineries: For Biomass Upgrading Facilities   " 978-1-84882-720-22009
Gasoline, Diesel, and Ethanol Biofuels from Grasses and Plants   " 978-0-521-76399-82010Ram B. Gupta
Methane Gas Hydrate   " 978-1-84882-871-12010
Waste Energy for Life Cycle AssessmentTaschenbuch
Waste Energy for Life Cycle AssessmentGebunden


Ayhan Demirci