A.Institute · Asphalt Inst · Asphalt Institute(Manufactured by)
title | ISBN-13 | year of publica- tion | other author(s) |
Asphalt Binder Testing: Technician's Manual for Specification Testing of Asphalt Binders | 978-1-934154-57-1 | 2009 | |
Asphalt Binder Testing: Technician's Manual for Specification Testing of Asphalt Binders | 978-1-934154-26-7 | 2007 | |
Mix Design Methods for Asphalt Concrete and Other Hot-Mix Types | 978-1-934154-02-1 | 2001 | |
MS-16s El Asfalto En La Preservation y El Mantenimiento de Pavimentos | 978-1-934154-62-5 | 2011 | |
SP-1 Superpave Performance Graded Asphalt Binder Specifications and Testing | 978-1-934154-16-8 | 2003 | |
Superpave Mix Design | 978-0-614-07182-5 | 1996 | |
The Asphalt Handbook | 978-1-934154-27-4 | 2007 | |
The Asphalt Handbook | 978-0-318-40049-5 | 1989 | |
The Asphalt Handbook | 978-1-934154-03-8 | 1989 | |
The Basic Asphalt Emulsion Manual | 978-1-934154-56-4 | 2009 | Aema |
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