Ashutosh Varshney

A. V. · Professor Ashutosh Varshney

titlemedia typeISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Democracy, Development, and the Countryside: Urban-Rural Struggles in IndiaPaperback978-0-521-64625-31998
Democracy, Development, and the Countryside: Urban-Rural Struggles in IndiaHardcover978-0-521-44153-71995
Ethnic Conflict And Civic LifePaperback978-0-19-567242-82005
Ethnic Conflict and Civic Life: Hindus and Muslims in India   "978-0-300-10013-62003
Ethnic conflict and civic life: Hindus and Muslims in IndiaHardcover978-0-19-566116-32002
India and the Politics of Developing Countries: Essays in Memory of Myron Weiner   "978-0-7619-3287-12004
India and the Politics of Developing Countries: Essays in Memory of Myron WeinerPaperback978-0-7619-3288-82004
India in the Era of Economic Reforms   "978-0-19-565529-22000Jeffrey D. Sachs · Nirupam Bajpai
India in the Era of Economic ReformsHardcover978-0-19-564830-01999Jeffrey D. Sachs · etc. · Nirupam Bajpai

Cambridge University Press · Oxford University Press · SAGE Publications · Yale University Press


Ashutosh Vinita Boloor