Ashish Bharadwaj

A. B.

Pentagon Press · Springer

titleISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Complications and Quandaries in the ICT Sector: Standard Essential Patents and Competition Issues978-981-10-6010-62017Vishwas H. Devaiah · Indranath Gupta
Environmental Regulations and Innovation in Advanced Automobile Technologies: Perspectives from Germany, India, China and Brazil978-981-10-6951-22018
Locating Legal Certainty in Patent Licensing978-981-15-0180-72020Vishwas H. Devaiah · Indranath Gupta
Multi-dimensional Approaches Towards New Technology: Insights on Innovation, Patents and Competition978-981-13-1231-12018Vishwas H. Devaiah · Indranath Gupta
Nanoelectronics978-81-8274-136-22006Parag Diwan
Nanorobotics978-81-8274-138-62006   "
Nanotechnology Revolution978-81-8274-128-72006   "


Ashish Bhargava