Ann Taket

Aimé Thuizat · Amy Texido · Amya Tushita · Anna Tuckett

Routledge · Wiley

titlemedia typeISBN-13year of publica-
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Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse: Tackling the Health and Mental Health EffectsPaperback978-0-415-55532-62010Catherine Itzin · Sarah Barter-Godfrey
Health and Societies: Changing PerspectivesHardcover978-0-470-23576-81996Sara Curtis
Health and Societies: Changing PerspectivesPaperback978-0-470-23577-51996   "
Health Equity, Social Justice and Human RightsHardcover978-0-367-28137-32020Fiona H McKay
Theorising Social ExclusionPaperback978-0-415-47585-32009


Ann Talheim-Smith