Anatoliy Malyarenko


Cambridge University Press · Springer

TitelArt ISBN-13Erschei-
andere Autoren
Algebraic Structures and Applications: SPAS 2017, Västerås and Stockholm, Sweden, October 4-6Gebunden 978-3-030-41849-62020Sergei Silvestrov · Milica Rancic
Invariant Random Fields on Spaces with a Group ActionTaschenbuch 978-3-642-44450-02014
Invariant Random Fields on Spaces with a Group ActionGebunden 978-3-642-33405-42012
Invariant Random Fields on Spaces with a Group ActionPaperback 978-3-642-33407-82012
Stochastic Processes and Applications: SPAS2017, Västerås and Stockholm, Sweden, October 4-6, 2017Gebunden 978-3-030-02824-42018Sergei Silvestrov · Milica Rančić
Tensor-Valued Random Fields for Continuum PhysicsHardcover
978-1-108-42985-62018Martin Ostoja-Starzewski


Anatoliy Markusha