Alistair Barclay

A. B.

Oxford University School of Archaeology · Wessex Archaeology

titleISBN-13year of publica-
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Between and Beyond the Monuments.: Prehistoric activity on the downlands south-east of Amesbury.978-1-874350-90-32016Andrew Powell
Excavations at Barrow Hills, Radley: Neolithic and Bronze Age Monument v. 1978-0-947816-89-62012C.E. Halpin
Excavations at the Devil's Quoits, Stanton Harcourt, 1972-3 and 1988978-0-947816-84-11995Margaret Gray · George Lambrick
Horton Kingsmead Quarry Volume 1978-1-874350-66-82013Gareth Chaffey · Ruth Pelling
Lines in the Landscape: Cursus monuments in the Upper Thames Valley978-0-947816-79-72003George Lambrick · John Moore · Mark Robinson


Alistair Barros