Albert Kostenevich

titleISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Bonnard and the Nabis978-1-85995-117-01997
Bonnard und die Nabis.978-1-85995-017-32005
First Impressions: Henri Matisse978-0-8109-4296-71997
French Art at the Hermitage: Bouguereau to Matisse 1860-1950978-1-86154-136-91999
French Art Treasures at the Hermitage978-0-8109-3889-21999
From Russia: French and Russian Master Paintings 1870 - 1925 from Moscow and St Petersburg978-1-905711-15-42008Anna Poznanskaya
Hidden Treasures Revealed978-0-8109-8160-71998
Hidden Treasures Revealed Impressionist Masterpieces and other Important French Paintings Preserved by the State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg978-0-8109-3432-01995
Impressionisti E Avanguardie Da Renoir a Matisse: Capolavori Dall'Ermitage978-88-435-7191-82000
One Hundred Masterpieces from the Hermitage: Impressionist and Avant-garde Works at the Scuderie Papali al Quirinale978-88-435-7353-02000

A. K. · A. Kostenevich · Albert G. Kostenevich · Albert Grigorevich Kostenevich · Albert K. · Albert Kostenewitsch

Booth-Clibborn Editions · Harry N. Abrams · Mondadori Electa · Royal Academy of Arts, London


Albert Kostenevitch