Adam Watkins

A. W. · Adam F. Watkins · Adam Watson

titlemedia typeISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Cinema 4D 9/9.1 HandbookPaperback978-1-58450-402-32005Anson Call
Cinema 4D R8 Handbook   "978-1-58450-216-62003
Creating Games with Unity and Maya   "978-1-4987-9744-32021Jere Miles
Creating Games with Unity and MayaDigital978-1-4987-9757-32019   "
Creating Games with Unity and Maya   "978-1-4987-9746-72018   "
Creating Games with Unity and Maya: How to Develop Fun and Marketable 3D GamesHardcover978-1-138-42799-02017
Creating Games with Unity and Maya: How to Develop Fun and Marketable 3D GamesPaperback978-0-240-81881-82011
Final Cut Pro 3 & DVD Studio Pro Handbook   "978-1-58450-200-52002
Getting Started in 3D with Maya: Create a Project from Start to Finish―Model, Texture, Rig, Animate, and Render in MayaHardcover978-1-138-40072-62017
Introduction to 3D Graphics & Animation Using MayaPaperback978-1-58450-485-62006
Maya 6 Handbook   "978-1-58450-351-42004Chris Neuhahn
The Cinema 4D XL Handbook with CDROM   "978-1-58450-039-12001

CRC Press · Charles River Media · Focal Press · Routledge


Adam Wątor