Achim Wennmann

A. W. · Achim Wennman · Achim Wiemann

titlemedia typeISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Ending Wars, Consolidating Peace: Economic PerspectivesPaperback978-0-415-61387-32010Mats Berdal
The Political Economy of PeacemakingHardcover978-0-415-58626-92010
Urban Safety and Peacebuilding: New Perspectives on Sustaining Peace in the City   "978-1-138-55472-62018Oliver Jütersonke
Urban Safety and Peacebuilding: New Perspectives on Sustaining Peace in the CityDigital978-1-351-37133-92018Oliver Jutersonke
Urban Safety and Peacebuilding: New Perspectives on Sustaining Peace in the City   "978-1-351-37134-62018   "
Urban Safety and Peacebuilding: New Perspectives on Sustaining Peace in the City   "978-1-351-37135-32018   "

Achim Wentzel