
year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
1993978-975-7860-00-6Vedia Dökmeciİstanbul şehir merkezi transformasyonu ve büro binaları (Turkish Edition)
1994978-975-7860-01-3Murat EricYapi Fizigi Ve Malzemesi
  ''978-975-7860-27-3Bedri BaykamMonkeys' right to paint ;: And, The post-Duchamp crisis: the fight of a cultural guerilla for the rights of non-Western artists and the empty world of the neo-ready-mades
1995978-975-7860-48-8Zeyyat HatibogluEconomic theory and the Turkish experience
1996978-975-7860-69-3Beral MadraPost Peripheral Flux: A Decade of Contemporary Art in Istanbul
  ''978-975-7860-71-6Vedia Dokmeci · Hulya Yurekli · Fatma ErkokResidential Entrances and Doors of Istanbul (Turkish and English Edition)
  ''978-975-7860-72-3Kamil FiratKapadokya, Cappadocia (Turkish and English Edition)
  ''978-975-7860-73-0Bedri BaykamGeçici anlar kal,c, tatlar
1998978-975-7860-90-7Nur Akın19. yüzyılın ikinci yarısında Galata ve Pera (Turkish Edition)