CBS Publishers

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
2018978-93-87964-01-3Jayshree Daiya | ChoudhariDADH Dental Anatomy | Dental Histology
聽 ''978-93-87964-10-5Paul 路 Vinod K | Bagga 路 ArvindGhai Essential Pediatrics, 9e
2019978-93-87964-31-0Pradip Kumar Sadhu 路 Das Soumya 路 Shiv Prakash BihariBasic Electrical Engineering
2018978-93-87964-94-5Garg 路 Krishna | Joshi 路 Medha | Kundu 路 SudiptaAnatomy and Physiology Theory and Practical for Diploma in Pharmacy Students