year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
1992 | 978-92-9120-012-2 | Product life cycle assessments: Principles and methodology (Nord) |
1993 | 978-92-9120-015-3 | 143> · ke R< · 129> · hling | Atmospheric Heavy Metal Deposition in Northern Europe: 1990 (Environment - Monitoring) |
1992 | 978-92-9120-018-4 | Health effects of selected chemicals (Nord) (v. 1) |
'' | 978-92-9120-030-6 | Nordic criteria for reproductive toxicity |
1993 | 978-92-9120-055-9 | Review of Biological Variables Used for Long-term Monitoring (Environment) |
1992 | 978-92-9120-059-7 | Svenolof Karlsson | Frihetens Kalla: Nordens Betydelse for Europa |
'' | 978-92-9120-060-3 | Nordic Council | The Source of liberty: The Nordic contribution to Europe: an anthology |
'' | 978-92-9120-061-0 | Nord 2494 Cooperationbaltic Sea a |
1993 | 978-92-9120-075-7 | Ulf G. Ahlborg · Annika Hanberg · Kerstin Kenne | Risk Assessment of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) (Nord) (Environment) |
1992 | 978-92-9120-077-1 | Att studera i Norden |
'' | 978-92-9120-078-8 | Finnish regional policy in a period of radical changes: Report from an evaluation initiated by the Nordic Council of Ministers, October, 1991 (Nordiske seminar- og arbejdsrapporter) |
1992 | 978-92-9120-080-1 | Nordisk trafikkgruppe | Nordisk trafikk og milj² |
'' | 978-92-9120-081-8 | Fiskerinæringens hovedtrekk: Landanalyser av Danmark, Færøyene, Grønland, Island og Norge (Danish Edition) |
'' | 978-92-9120-094-8 | Michael Bogdan | Nordisk internationell konsumenträtt (Swedish Edition) |
'' | 978-92-9120-097-9 | Food safety after nuclear accidents: A Nordic model for national response: report from a group of experts appointed by the Nordic Committee of Senior ... (ÄK-LIVS), Nordic Council of Ministers |
'' | 978-92-9120-105-1 | Nordic Council of Ministers | Arbejdsmarked og arbejdsmarkedspolitik i Norden 1991 |
1992 | 978-92-9120-111-2 | Nordic Council of Ministers | Safer traffic in the Nordic countries: Action programme, 1992-1994 |
'' | 978-92-9120-121-1 | Critical loads for nitrogen: A workshop report (NORD) |
'' | 978-92-9120-122-8 | CFC-free technology in the plastic foam sector: A catalogue from the Nordic countries |
'' | 978-92-9120-130-3 | Nordic experiences and future trends for the preparation of safety reports |
1993 | 978-92-9120-137-2 | Nordic Council of Ministers | Yearbook of Nordic Statistics 1993 |
'' | 978-92-9120-152-5 | '' | Multispecies fisheries management: Proceedings of a symposium in Hirtshals, May 22-23, 1992 (Nord) |
1993 | 978-92-9120-158-7 | Hälsovårdspersonal i Norden: Statistiska uppgifter om hälsovårdspersonal, deras arbete och hälsa (Danish Edition) |
'' | 978-92-9120-169-3 | Electronic documents and EDI in the public administration of the Nordic countries: Proceedings of a seminar organized by the Nordic Council of ... 1992 (Nordiske seminar- og arbejdsrapporter) |
'' | 978-92-9120-170-9 | Arbetsprogram 1993-1995 för långsiktig övervakning av Nordens yttre miljö (Nordiske seminar- og arbejdsrapporter) (Danish Edition) |
1998 | 978-92-9120-179-2 | Nord 1993516 Pollutiontanneries |
1993 | 978-92-9120-182-2 | Marine Monitoring Project Group | Nordisk havovervågningsprogram: Forslag til koordinering af overvågningsaktiviteter (Miljö) (Danish Edition) |
'' | 978-92-9120-185-3 | Claes Bernes | The Nordic environment: Present state, trends and threats |
'' | 978-92-9120-189-1 | Terttu Luukkonen | Evaluation of research fields: Scientistsʹ views (Nord) |
1998 | 978-92-9120-190-7 | Nord 1993520 Environmental Policy |
| 978-92-9120-196-9 | Nord 1993526 Glycyrrhizic Acid |
| 978-92-9120-202-7 | Nord 1993530 Fire Safetyinterior |
| 978-92-9120-205-8 | Ncm Media Concentration Media |
1993 | 978-92-9120-213-3 | Långtidsarbetslöshet i Norden: Tankar och erfarenheter: rapport från ett nordiskt seminarium den 2-4 december 1992 (Nordiske seminar- og arbejdsrapporter) (Swedish Edition) |
1993 | 978-92-9120-219-5 | Narkotikasituationen i Norden: Utvecklingen 1987-1991 (Swedish Edition) |
'' | 978-92-9120-220-1 | Ingemar Olsson | Miljö och fisk i Skagerrak, Kattegatt, Öresund och Bälten (Fiskeri) (Swedish Edition) |
| 978-92-9120-240-9 | Nord 1993568 Work Programnordic |
| 978-92-9120-242-3 | Nord 1993560 Environmental Pollut |
1997 | 978-92-9120-245-4 | Nord 1993563 Glycol Ethers |
| 978-92-9120-246-1 | Nord 1993564 Asthmachronbronch |
1997 | 978-92-9120-248-5 | Nord 1993570 Potency Evalcontact |
'' | 978-92-9120-252-2 | Nord 1993572 Nordic Workshop |
| 978-92-9120-253-9 | Nord 1993573 Quantificatatmosph |
1993 | 978-92-9120-307-9 | Consumer policy in the Baltic and Nordic countries: Report from the Nordic-Baltic Consumer Conference in Pärnu, May 10-15, 1992 (Nordiske seminar- og arbejdsrapporter) |
'' | 978-92-9120-311-6 | Helge Jensen | Sustainable development in transportation: Preparations for the 21[st] century (Nord) |
1998 | 978-92-9120-321-5 | Nord 1993589 Cryopresfish Eggs |
1993 | 978-92-9120-324-6 | Nordic Council of Ministers | Health Effects of Selected Chemicals: Vol 2 (Nord) |
| 978-92-9120-330-7 | Nord 1993596 Conservatretinfo |
1993 | 978-92-9120-332-1 | Den nordiska skogsindustrins miljöfrågor (Nordiske seminar- og arbejdsrapporter) (Danish Edition) |
| 978-92-9120-334-5 | Nord 1993600 Nordic Pulppaper |
1998 | 978-92-9120-335-2 | Nord 1993601 Nordic Pulppaper |
1993 | 978-92-9120-338-3 | Nordic Council | Arctic challenges: Report from the Nordic Councilʹs Parliamentary Conference in Reykjavik, 16-17 August 1993 |
'' | 978-92-9120-339-0 | Gentekniskt modifierade organismer: Etiska och jurdiska debatter i Norden (Nordiske seminar- og arbejdsrapporter) (Danish Edition) |
1998 | 978-92-9120-341-3 | Nord 1993605 Antitumourigens |
| 978-92-9120-342-0 | Ncm Temanord 93606 Nordic Labour M |
1997 | 978-92-9120-343-7 | Nord 199334 Methyl Bromide |
1998 | 978-92-9120-348-2 | Nord 1993607 Metal Degreasing |
1993 | 978-92-9120-349-9 | Finansfusionerne i de nordiske lande (Nordiske seminar- og arbejdsrapporter) (Danish Edition) |
1993 | 978-92-9120-351-2 | Information security in Nordic countries (Nordiske seminar- og arbejdsrapporter) |
1994 | 978-92-9120-368-0 | Bernt Schiller | The Future of the Nordic Model of Labour Relations - Three Reports on Internationalization and Industrial Relations (Nord: 1993:36) |
'' | 978-92-9120-376-5 | Hugo Lyse Nielsen | Air traffic noise calculations: Nordic guidelines |
1993 | 978-92-9120-386-4 | Perspectives of regional coordinated energy and environmental planning (Nordiske seminar- og arbejdsrapporter) |
1998 | 978-92-9120-391-8 | Nord 1993645 Transformer Industry |
'' | 978-92-9120-396-3 | Nord 1993650 Nordic Management |
1993 | 978-92-9120-398-7 | Environmental accounting and macroeconomic analyses of environmental problems: Nordic conference, Helsinki, August 1993 (Nordiske seminar- og arbejdsrapporter) |
1994 | 978-92-9120-400-7 | Yearbook of Nordic Statistics 1994 (Nord) |
'' | 978-92-9120-402-1 | Women and men in the Nordic countries: Facts and figures, 1994 (Equal opportunities) |
1995 | 978-92-9120-403-8 | Stein W. Wallace · Snjolfur Olafsson | The Nordic Fisheries Management Model: Description and Experience |
| 978-92-9120-406-9 | Ncm Nord 1994007 Naturskoger I Nor |
1993 | 978-92-9120-407-6 | Niklas Bruun | Koncernarbetsrätt i europeisk och nordisk perspektiv (Nordiske seminar- og arbejdsrapport) (Swedish Edition) |
1994 | 978-92-9120-427-4 | 143> · ke R< · 129> · hling · Nordic Council of Ministers | Atmospheric heavy metal deposition in Europe: Estimations based on moss analysis (Nord) |
'' | 978-92-9120-428-1 | Rasmus Nielsen | Shared Nordic marine stocks (TemaNord) |
1994 | 978-92-9120-441-0 | Norden är död, länge leve Norden!: En debattbok om de nordiska länderna som en "megaregion" i Europa (Nordisk debatt) (Swedish Edition) |
'' | 978-92-9120-442-7 | Norden, kvinners paradis? (Norwegian Edition) |
'' | 978-92-9120-458-8 | Environmental statistics for transport |
'' | 978-92-9120-464-9 | The role of ministries of industry in a market economy context: A report from the Baltic-Nordic Seminar, 26-28 January 1994, Vilnius, Lithuania |
'' | 978-92-9120-467-0 | Bioetisk debatt i Norden 1993: Rapport från Nordiskt utskott för etik inom bioteknologi (TemaNord) (Danish Edition) |
1994 | 978-92-9120-483-0 | Brit Fouger · Mona Larsen-Asp | The Nordic Countries - a Paradise for Women? (Nord) |
'' | 978-92-9120-491-5 | Tårnet midt i verden: En bog om William Heinesen: William Heinesen symposium (Nord) (Danish Edition) |
'' | 978-92-9120-492-2 | Forbrugerpolitik i forhold til finansielle tjenesteydelser (TemaNord) (Danish Edition) |
'' | 978-92-9120-500-4 | Möjligheternas landskap: Nordiska kulturanalyser (Swedish Edition) |
'' | 978-92-9120-510-3 | Norden och Europa: Ett nordiskt forskningsprogram (Danish Edition) |
1994 | 978-92-9120-536-3 | Ole J< · 179> · rgensen | Fibre Alternatives to Asbestos in the Nordic Countries (Nord: 1994:24) |
'' | 978-92-9120-549-3 | Unit price: A modern method for consumer price information (TemaNord) |
1995 | 978-92-9120-551-6 | Nordic Council of Ministers | Yearbook of Nordic Statistics 1995 |
1994 | 978-92-9120-573-8 | Etik & gentester: Prediktiva gentester på friska personer (TemaNord) (Swedish Edition) |
'' | 978-92-9120-574-5 | Åge Eknes | Norden i FN: Status och framtidsutsikter (Swedish Edition) |
1995 | 978-92-9120-591-2 | 162> · J< · nas J< · nasson | Salmon Ranching: Possibilities for Selective Breeding (Nord: 1995:4) |
1994 | 978-92-9120-593-6 | Vegetationstyper i Norden (Miljö) (Swedish Edition) |
| 978-92-9120-608-7 | Ncm Lca Nordic Tech Rpt No19 |
| 978-92-9120-609-4 | LCA Nordic Technical Reports: Number 10 |
1995 | 978-92-9120-612-4 | Nordiskt utvecklingsarbete på arbetsmarknadsområdet i Östeuropa (TemaNord) (Norwegian Edition) |
1994 | 978-92-9120-623-0 | Multiculturalism in the Nordic societies: Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Seminar for Researchers on Migration and Ethnic Relations: final report (Swedish Edition) |
1995 | 978-92-9120-631-5 | Jan Höjer | Hotade djur och växter i Norden =: Pohjolan uhanalaiset eläimet ja kasvit = Threatened animals and plants of the Nordic countries (Miljö) (Swedish Edition) |
'' | 978-92-9120-636-0 | De nordiska länderna och FN:s framtid: Slutrapport från Nordiska rådets konferens i Helsingfors den 10-12 januari 1995 (Swedish Edition) |
'' | 978-92-9120-637-7 | Asbj< · 179> · rn Eide | The Nordic Countries and the Future of the United Nations: Final Report from the Conference of the Nordic Council Held in Helsinki from 10-12 January 1995 (Nord: 1995:13) |
1995 | 978-92-9120-648-3 | Mikael Hild< · 130> · n · Rauni Laitinen | The Nordic EIA-effectiveness Workshop: a Contribution to the International Study of the Effectiveness of Environmental Assessment (TemaNord: 1995:532) |
| 978-92-9120-651-3 | Ncm Temanord 1995535 Programmenor |
1995 | 978-92-9120-657-5 | Anders Linde-Laursen · Jan Olof Nilsson | Nordic Landscopes [sic]: Cultural Studies of Place (Nord: 1995:15) |
'' | 978-92-9120-662-9 | Nordic Enviromental Specimen Banking - Methods in Use in ESB: Manual for the Nordic Countries (TemaNord: 1995:543) |
'' | 978-92-9120-663-6 | Dispersion prognoses and consequences in the environment: A Nordic development and harmonization effort (TemaNord) |
'' | 978-92-9120-668-1 | Arbetsplatsen som mötesplats 1992-1993 (TemaNord) (Swedish Edition) |
'' | 978-92-9120-669-8 | Lika behandling i Norden (TemaNord) (Danish Edition) |
1996 | 978-92-9120-673-5 | Marina reservat i Norden: Har djur och växter i havet någon framtid? (TemaNord) (Swedish Edition) |
1998 | 978-92-9120-674-2 | Ncm Wasteelectricalelectronicpr |
1995 | 978-92-9120-676-6 | Solveig Stormbom | Resursknapphet och tyngdpunkterna i biblioteksverksamheten i Norden: En betraktelse i organisationsutveckling (TemaNord) (Swedish Edition) |
1995 | 978-92-9120-686-5 | Opportunities and costs of substituting lead: Experiences of the Nordic countrieson[sic] selected lead based products: fishing sinker, lead shot, ... plastic, stabilizers in plastic (Environment) |
'' | 978-92-9120-690-2 | J. Alexander · A. Oskarsson | Risk Evaluation of Essential Trace Elements - Essential Versus Toxic Levels of Intake: Report of a Nordic Project Group (Nord: 1995:18) |
'' | 978-92-9120-692-6 | Lars-Gunnar Lindfors | Nordic Guidelines on Life-cycle Assessment (Nord: 1995:20) |
'' | 978-92-9120-700-8 | Alternatives to methyl bromide (Environment) |
| 978-92-9120-706-0 | Ncm Nord 1995024 Nordic Countries |
1995 | 978-92-9120-707-7 | Austin J Jaffe | Property rights and privatisation in the Baltic countries (Building and housing) |
'' | 978-92-9120-709-1 | Nitrogen removal from municipal wastewater (Environment) |
1995 | 978-92-9120-710-7 | Nordic Council of Ministers | Towards new masculinities: Report from a Nordic conference on men and gender equality (Equal opportunities) |
1997 | 978-92-9120-711-4 | Finn Pedersen | Environmental Hazard Classification: Data Collection and Interpretation Guide (TemaNord 1995) (v. 1) |
1995 | 978-92-9120-715-2 | The golden riches in the grass: Lifelong learning for all: report from a think-tank (Adult and general education) |
'' | 978-92-9120-716-9 | Nordic Council of Ministers | Health Effects of Selected Chemicals: Volume 3 (Nord: 1995:28) |
'' | 978-92-9120-717-6 | Nordiske fiskersamfund i fremtiden (Fiskeri) (Danish Edition) |
'' | 978-92-9120-721-3 | Sustainable patterns of consumption and production: Reports from the Seminar on Instruments to Promote Sustainable Patterns of Consumption and Production: Stockholm, 13-14 December 1994 (Environment) |
'' | 978-92-9120-733-6 | Ivars Silis | Sten og menneske: nordisk kunstprojekt i Sydgrønland (Nord) |
1995 | 978-92-9120-736-7 | Ivars Silis | Stone and Man: Nordic Art Project in Southern Greenland |
1996 | 978-92-9120-737-4 | Peter A Fischer | Migration and economic integration in the Nordic Common Labour Market (Labour market and working environment) |
1995 | 978-92-9120-738-1 | Baltic Sea politics: Achievements and challenges (Nordic debate) |
| 978-92-9120-740-4 | Ncm Temanord 1995600 Nordic Countr |
1995 | 978-92-9120-742-8 | Nordens män: En skiftande skara |
'' | 978-92-9120-744-2 | Anders Linde-Laursen | Det nationales natur: Studier i dansk-svenske relationer (Danish Edition) |
'' | 978-92-9120-746-6 | Biological methods for use in monitoring the Arctic: Proceedings of a workshop, Svanvik, Norway 7.-10. March 1995 (Environment) |
'' | 978-92-9120-756-5 | Ytringsfrihedens smertegrµnse (Nord) |
'' | 978-92-9120-768-8 | Nordic Council of Ministers | Measurement of psychological and social factors at work: Description of selected questionnaire methods employed in four Nordic countries (Labour market and working environment) |
1995 | 978-92-9120-769-5 | Peter M²gelvang-Hansen | Privat kaution for banklån: Kautionsproblemer og -beskyttelse (Nord) |
| 978-92-9120-774-9 | Ncm Tema Nord 95626 Baltic Herring |
1996 | 978-92-9120-780-0 | Nordic Group for Regional Analysis | Regional Development in the Nordic Countries: NOGRAN Periodic Report 1994/95 (Tema Nord: 1995:633) |
1995 | 978-92-9120-781-7 | Baltic investment programme: Evaluation report, October 1995 (TemaNord) |
'' | 978-92-9120-787-9 | Biological monitoring of streams: Methods used in the Nordic countries based on macroinvertebrates (Environment) |
'' | 978-92-9120-790-9 | Auli Suojanen | Addition of Nutrients to Food: Principles and Practices (TemaNord: 1995:643) |
| 978-92-9120-797-8 | Facts and Views on Nordic Consumer Policy: An Anthology |
1997 | 978-92-9120-799-2 | Ncm Temanord 1995651 |
1995 | 978-92-9120-800-5 | Ncm Nord 1995041 Towards a Baltic |
1996 | 978-92-9120-805-0 | Nordic Council of Ministers | Yearbook of Nordic Statistics: 1996 (Nord: 1996:1) (English and Swedish Edition) |
'' | 978-92-9120-808-1 | A Nordic Approach to Labour Market Policy: a Policy Document on Nordic Labour Market Policy in a European Perspective, Based on the Research Project ... Labour Market of the 1990s) (Nord: 1995:29) |
'' | 978-92-9120-814-2 | Lars Alfredsson | Acute Myocardial Infarction in Selected Occupations in Denmark and Sweden (TemaNord: 1996:507) |
1996 | 978-92-9120-819-7 | Nordic Council of Ministers · Peter Munk Christiansen | Governing the environment: Politics, policy, and organization in the Nordic countries (Research) |
'' | 978-92-9120-821-0 | Nordic Council of Ministers | The Effectiveness of Multilateral Environmental Agreements - a Report from a Nordic Project (TemaNord: 1996:513) |
'' | 978-92-9120-823-4 | Sten-< · 143> · ke W< · 132> · ngberg | UV-B Effects on Nordic Marine Ecosystem - a Literature Review (TemaNord: 1996:515) |
'' | 978-92-9120-824-1 | Ensamma flyktingbarn i Norden (TemaNord) (Danish Edition) |
'' | 978-92-9120-825-8 | Traumatiserade flyktingar och mottagningsprocessen i de Nordiska länderna (TemaNord) (Danish Edition) |
1996 | 978-92-9120-827-2 | Conflicting interests in the use of natural resources: A Nordic school development project on environmental education (TemaNord) |
'' | 978-92-9120-828-9 | Nordic Council of Ministers | Classification of Surgical Procedures (Nord: 1996:46) |
'' | 978-92-9120-829-6 | Jens-Christian Smeby | Evaluation of higher education in the Nordic countries |
1997 | 978-92-9120-834-0 | Kari Strange · Amund Maage · Jarle Klungs< · 179> · yr | Contaminants in Fish and Sediments in North Atlantic Ocean (TemaNord: 1996:522) |
'' | 978-92-9120-836-4 | Hugo Lyse Nielsen | Road Traffic Noise: Nordic Prediction Method (TemaNord: 1996:525) |
'' | 978-92-9120-837-1 | '' | Railway Traffic Noise: the Nordic Prediction Method (TemaNord: 1996:524) |
1998 | 978-92-9120-838-8 | Ncm Empirical Nonptnutrient Loss |
2002 | 978-92-9120-841-8 | Ncm Temanord 1996528 Ozone Map |
1996 | 978-92-9120-843-2 | Nordic Council of Ministers | Riverine Input to Costal [coastal] Areas - Notes from a Workshop on Methodology: Workshop, Bergen, November 1-2 1995 (TemaNord: 1996:529) |
| 978-92-9120-850-0 | Nord Naturoccurantitumourigens |
1996 | 978-92-9120-862-3 | Nordic Council of Ministers · Harald Kristoffersen · Arne Tesli | Environmental impact assessment in the Baltic countries and Poland: Screening and quality control: report from a Nordic-Baltic-Polish cooperation project |
1996 | 978-92-9120-866-1 | Anmälda arbetssjukdomar i Norden 1990-1992 (Arbetsmarknad- och arbetsmiljö) (Swedish Edition) |
'' | 978-92-9120-868-5 | Nordic Council of Ministers | Health Statistics in the Nordic Countries 1994 (Nord: 1996:47) |
'' | 978-92-9120-871-5 | Gulbrand Wangen | Capacity building in cleaner production in the Baltic region (Environment) |
| 978-92-9120-872-2 | Ncm Tema Nord 96549 |
1996 | 978-92-9120-877-7 | The establishing of the Baltic integrated monitoring (BIM) sites, 1992-94 (Environment) |
'' | 978-92-9120-883-8 | Finn Helles | Afforestation experience in the Nordic countries |
| 978-92-9120-884-5 | Ncm Temanord 1996558 Bat for the |
1996 | 978-92-9120-887-6 | Nordic Council of Ministers | The Effectiveness of Multilateral Environmental Agreements: Second Publication - Workshop Proceedings and Study Reports (Nord: Environment) |
'' | 978-92-9120-897-5 | Claes Bernes | Arktisk miljö i Norden: Orörd, exploaterad, förorenad? |
1996 | 978-92-9120-899-9 | Claes Bernes | Arktisk milj² i Norden: Ur²rt, overutnyttet, forurenset? |
'' | 978-92-9120-901-9 | '' | Heimskautssvµºi Norºurlanda: ósnortiº, ofnýtt, mengaº? (Nord) |
1997 | 978-92-9120-902-6 | Claes Bernes · Martin Naylor | The Nordic Arctic Environment: Unspoilt, Exploited, Polluted? (Nord: 1996) |
1996 | 978-92-9120-903-3 | S< · 179> · ren Nielsen · Steffen Svendsen | Nordic Response to a Pan-European Challenge: Integration (Nord: 1996:20) |
| 978-92-9120-905-7 | Ncm Tema Nord 1996568 Useeconomic |
1996 | 978-92-9120-907-1 | A. Boman | Potency Evaluation of Contact Allergens - Dose -response Studies Using the Guinea Pig Maximization Test (TemaNord: 1996:570) |
'' | 978-92-9120-908-8 | Kimmo Louekari · Ebba Tiberg | Nordic Toxicological and Ecotoxicological Laboratories (TemaNord: 1996:571) |
'' | 978-92-9120-909-5 | Lasse Ringius · Asbj< · 179> · rn Torvanger · Elisabeth Meze | Climate Policy, Burden Sharing and the Nordic Countries - Present State of Analysis and Need for Futher Analaysis (TemaNord: 1996:572) |
'' | 978-92-9120-910-1 | Nordic Council of Ministers | Joint Implementation of Commitments to Mitigate Climate Change (TemaNord: 1996:573) |
1996 | 978-92-9120-911-8 | Nordic Council of Ministers | Joint Implementation of Commitments to Mitigate Climate Change (TemaNord: 1996:574) |
'' | 978-92-9120-916-3 | J. Bo Larsen | Sustainable Forest Management (TemaNord: 1996:578) |
'' | 978-92-9120-917-0 | Nordic Council of Ministers | Indicators and Parameters for Monitoring Cultivated Soil in Scandinavia (TemaNord: 1996:579) |
'' | 978-92-9120-918-7 | '' | Chemicals with Estrogen-like Effects (TemaNord Environment) |
'' | 978-92-9120-921-7 | H< · 134> · kan Pleijel · Lena Sk< · 132> · rby | Critical Levels for Ozone: Experiments with Crops, Wild Plants and Forest Tree Species in the Nordic Countries (TemaNord: 1996:582) |
1996 | 978-92-9120-924-8 | Nordic Council of Ministers | Women in leading positions: Gender distribution in the 100 biggest private enterprises in the Nordic countries (TemaNord) |
'' | 978-92-9120-928-6 | Inga Carlman | Programmatic and Strategic Environmental Impact Assessments: Concepts, Development, Pitfalls and Possibilities (TemaNord: 1996:589) |
'' | 978-92-9120-933-0 | Nordic Council of Ministers | Youth Unemployment in the North: Young People on the Labour Market (TemaNord: 1996:592) |
1996 | 978-92-9120-947-7 | Nordic Council of Ministers | Environmental Protection and Employment in Nordic Countries (TemaNord: 1996:604) (English, Swedish and Finnish Edition) |
'' | 978-92-9120-951-4 | Annelise Mark Pejtersen | Subject Access to Scandinavian Fiction Literature - Index Methods and OPAC Development (TemaNord: 1996:608) |
'' | 978-92-9120-956-9 | Orlov i Norden (Arbejdsmarked) (Danish Edition) |
'' | 978-92-9120-957-6 | Nordic Council of Ministers | Nordic world heritage: Proposals for new areas for the UNESCO world heritage list |
'' | 978-92-9120-965-1 | 143> · ke R< · 129> · hling | Atmospheric Heavy Metal Deposition in Northern Europe 1995 (Nord: 1996:37) (English, Swedish and Russian Edition) |
1996 | 978-92-9120-966-8 | Ole Lützen | Waste from ships (Nord) |
'' | 978-92-9120-968-2 | Seppo Rekolainen · Rodney Leek | Regionalisation of Erosion and Nitrate Losses from Agricultural Land in Nordic Countries (TemaNord: 1996:615) |
'' | 978-92-9120-970-5 | Nordic Council of Ministers | Grameen Bank/micro-credit Ideas: Report from a Seminar (TemaNord: 1996:617) |
'' | 978-92-9120-980-4 | Kaj < · 143> · djers | Monitoring in Baltic Coastal Reference Areas (TemaNord: 1996:627) |
'' | 978-92-9120-985-9 | Marko Nieminen | International Moth Monitoring Scheme - Proceedings of a Seminar: Helsinki, Finland 10 April 1996 (TemaNord: 1996:630) |
1996 | 978-92-9120-993-4 | Nordic Council of Ministers | Commercial Communications: Report from a Seminar in Stockholm, 26th of August 1996 (TemaNord: 1996:505) |
1998 | 978-92-9120-998-9 | Ncm Temanord 1997510 |