European Space Agency

ISBN 978-92-9092-000-7 to 978-92-9092-357-2 << ISBN 978-92-9092-359-6 to end of this ISBN range

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
1996978-92-9092-359-6R. DemetsBiological Experiments on Bion-8 and Bion-9 (ESA SP)
2005978-92-9092-365-7Sergio BenedettoA Flexible Near-Shannon Sccc Turbo Code for Telemetry Applications (ESA STR)
1995978-92-9092-367-1Space 2020: Round table synthesis report
2011978-92-9092-369-5Asian Development Bank. Economics and Re · Asian Development Bank. Development IndiKey Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2011
1994978-92-9092-372-5Ulysses first year in flight: Fast track to Jupiter (ESA BR)
1996978-92-9092-375-6ESA's report to the 31st COSPAR meeting: Birmingham, United Kingdom, July 1996 (ESA SP)
  ''978-92-9092-383-1Reports for assessment, the nine candidate earth explorer missions (ESA SP)
2005978-92-9092-386-2P. -E Tegehall · Barrie D DunnImpact of Reworking Ceramic Area Array Packages on the Integrity of the Printed Board Laminate (ESA STM)
1995978-92-9092-388-6Nigel CalderBeyond this world: Scientific missions of the European Space Agency (ESA BR)
1997978-92-9092-391-6M LockwoodSatellite-ground based coordination sourcebook (SP)
1996978-92-9092-395-4Andre HussonThe role of ERS-SAR data for Central African countries (SP)
1995978-92-9092-396-1The ESA programmes
1996978-92-9092-400-5Towards the next century: ESA's advanced satellite communications technology
  ''978-92-9092-407-4N. Larter · A. Gonfalone · B. BattrickInternational Space Station: a Guide for European Users: Early Opportunities Issue
  ''978-92-9092-411-1M. Franchini · C. Morossi · M. L. MalagniniIue-Ulda Access Guide: International Ultraviolet Explorer-Uniform Low Dispersion Archive
1997978-92-9092-416-6A ScanoLife sciences experiments in space bring benefits on Earth
  ''978-92-9092-419-7Ana I. Goméz de Castro · Merche FranqueiraIue-Ulda Access Guide
1997978-92-9092-423-4Life sciences experiments performed on sounding rockets (1985-1994): Texus 11-32, Maser 3-6, Maxus 1
2002978-92-9092-431-9R. Demets · Wim Jansen · E. SimeoneBiological Experiments on the Bion-10 Satellite (Special publication)
2005978-92-9092-434-0Satellite Telecommunications: Market Perspectives and Industrial Situation
1997978-92-9092-435-7Rechtsanwalt M SchmittmannIntellectual property rights and space activities in Europe (SP-1209)
2005978-92-9092-442-5The Telecommunications Long-Term Plan: 2006-2010
1997978-92-9092-447-0A HahneThe Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment: Scientific achievements of GOME-1 and expectations for GOME-2 (SP)
2005978-92-9092-450-0The Telecommunications Long-Term Plan: Executive Summary
978-92-9092-453-1Egnos: The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System: A Cornerstone of Galileo
1997978-92-9092-455-5Innovations for competitiveness (SP)
2006978-92-9092-457-9P. C SimonThe Changing Earth: New Scientific Challenges for Esa's Living Planet Programme (SP)
1997978-92-9092-459-3Ana Peréz Calpena · Judy PepoyIue Spacecraft Operations: Final Report
1999978-92-9092-463-0The missions studied for the M3 opportunity of Horizon 2000: COBRAS/SAMBA, Intermarsnet, MORO, STARS, and STEP (SP)
1998978-92-9092-468-5Supporting Europe's endeavours in space: The ESA Directorate of Technical and Operational Support (ESA BR)
1994978-92-9092-480-7P. A KallenbachCatalogue of ESA patents (ESA SP)
2005978-92-9092-482-1Bruce BrattrickThe European Space Sector in a Global Context: Esa's Annual Analysis 2004 (ESA publication.:)
  ''978-92-9092-483-8Clive SimpsonSoyuz at the Guiana Space Centre (ESA BR)
1999978-92-9092-484-5European Space AgencyBiorack on Spacehab: Biological Experiments on Three Shuttle-to-Mir Missions
2005978-92-9092-486-9Monica Talevi · B Battrick · Carl WalkerVenus Express: Welcome to the Cryptic Planet (European Space Agency -publications- ESA BR)
1999978-92-9092-492-0European Space AgencyRa-2/Mwr Science and Applications
2005978-92-9092-493-7Andrew WilsonEuropean Space Agency: Achievement: More Than 30 Years of Pioneering Space Activity
  ''978-92-9092-494-4European Space AgencySpace Debris (ESA BR)
  ''978-92-9092-497-5The First Galileo Satellites: Galileo In-Orbit Validation Element (Giove)
  ''978-92-9092-499-9Bruce T BattrickThe Implementation of Esa's Telecommunications Programme 2003-2006: Achievements and Perspectives (ESA BR)
1998978-92-9092-504-0The Earth explorers: The science and research elements of ESA's Living Planet Programme (SP)
1998978-92-9092-508-8European Space AgencyFurther Achievements of the Ers Missions
2000978-92-9092-512-5   ''Envisat: the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Mipas: An Instrument for Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Research
1999978-92-9092-520-0Exobiology in the solar system and the search for life on Mars: Report from the ESA Exobiology Team Study, 1997-1998 (SP)
  ''978-92-9092-524-8M. C. E. HuberReport on the Activities of Space Science Department 1997-1998
1997978-92-9092-525-5Arturo RussoBig technology, little science: The European use of Spacelab (HSR)
  ''978-92-9092-526-2   ''The definition of ESA's scientific programme for the 1980's (HSR)
  ''978-92-9092-527-9Lorenza SebestaSpacelab in context (HSR)
1999978-92-9092-528-6European Space AgencyAtmospheric Dynamics Mission (Reports for Mission Selection)
1997978-92-9092-529-3John KrigeThe European Meteorological Satellite Programme (HSR)
1998978-92-9092-530-9Arturo RussoThe Third Phase of the Telecommunications Programme Ecs, Marecs and Olympus (ESA history studies reports)
1999978-92-9092-531-6   ''Esa's Scientific Programme Towards the Turn of the Century (HSR)
  ''978-92-9092-532-3European Space AgencyIntroducing the Living Planet Programme: the Esa Strategy for Earth Observation
2002978-92-9092-533-0Lydia DottoCanada and the European Space Agency: Three Decades of Cooperation
2000978-92-9092-536-1John KrigeA history of the European Space Agency 1958-1987
2002978-92-9092-537-8Helmuth TrischlerThe " Triple Helix " of Space: German Space Activities in a European Perspective (HSR)
2003978-92-9092-538-5Dawinka LaureysBelgium's Participation in the European Space Adventure
2003978-92-9092-539-2Michelangelo De Maria · Lucia Orlando · Filippo PigliacelliItaly in Space 1946-1988
  ''978-92-9092-541-5Peter CreoleSwitzerland in Space: a Brief History
  ''978-92-9092-542-2Ilkka SeppinenFinland and the Space Era
1999978-92-9092-544-6INES access guide: International Ultraviolet Explorer-IUE newly extracted spectra
2004978-92-9092-545-3Bruno P. BesserAustria's history in space
  ''978-92-9092-546-0Ole Anders Røberg · John Peter CollettNorwegian Space Activities 1958-2003: a Historical Overview (HSR / European Space Agency)
2000978-92-9092-548-4X-ray evolving-universe spectroscopy: The XEUS science case
2006978-92-9092-549-1Herve MoulinLa France dans l`Espace 1959-1979. Contribution a l´effort spatial europeen
2004978-92-9092-556-9a WilsonMars Express: the Scientific Payload (SP)
2000978-92-9092-564-4X-ray evolving-universe spectroscopy: The XEUS Mission summary
2006978-92-9092-566-8Samuel T BuisánLift-off!: physik- und chemieübungen für weiterführende schulen auf der grundlage echter raumfahrtdaten der Europäischen Weltraumorganisation
2000978-92-9092-568-2Liliana Formiggini · Willem WamstekerNormal Galaxies (IUE Newly Extracted Spectra) (INES Guide No 2)
2001978-92-9092-572-9Envisat: GOMOS: an instrument for global atmospheric ozone monitoring
2004978-92-9092-575-0Maren StockTania, Europäische Astronautin
2001978-92-9092-576-7MIMR Science Advisory Group · European Space AgencyThe Multifrequency Imaging Microwave Radiometer: Science Advisory Group Report
2005978-92-9092-578-1Paul Ingmann · M Endemann · Honora Rider · M Rast · B BattrickAdm-Aeolus: Esa's Wind Mission (European Space Agency brochure)
1999978-92-9092-580-4Investing in space: The challenge for Europe
2002978-92-9092-583-5Giuseppe Reibaldi · Giovanni Caprara · Elena LippiSpace Base Europe: How the International Space Station is Used to Improve Life on Earth
2001978-92-9092-588-0B. G. Taylor · K. P. WenzelReport on the Activities of the Space Science Department 1999-2000
  ''978-92-9092-592-7Jan StiernstedtSweden in space: Swedish space activities 1959-1972
2001978-92-9092-596-5European Space AgencyOutlook for Space Technology and Typical Tasks for High-Tech Smes
2000978-92-9092-603-0Paul RobinsonEconomic benefits from ESA programmes
2001978-92-9092-604-7Gunther Seibert et alA World Without Gravity - Research in Space for Health and Industrial Processes SP-1251
2012978-92-9092-606-1Asian Development BankAsian Development Outlook 2012: Confronting Rising Inequality in Asia
2002978-92-9092-608-5European Space Agency · European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research OrganizationCost Action 255 - Radiowave Propagation Modelling for Satcom Services at Ku-Band and Above: Final Report
2012978-92-9092-612-2Managing for Development Results: Relevance, Responsiveness, and Results Orientation
2001978-92-9092-616-0European Space AgencyTechnologies for Exploration: Aurora Programme Proposal
1999978-92-9092-625-2Exploiting the international space station: A mission for Europe: services/research/education/applications (BR)
2001978-92-9092-628-3European Space AgencyAcechem - Atmospheric Composition Explorer for Chemistry and Climate Interaction (Reports for Assessment)
2000978-92-9092-631-3Towards the future (BR)
1997978-92-9092-640-5Proceedings 7th European Space Mechanisms & Tribology Symposium: ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands 1-3 October 1997
2000978-92-9092-641-2France) (1999 : Harris, R. A. · Ouwehand, L. · European Space Agency. · Centre national d'Getudes spatiales · Committee on Earth Observation Satellites. CEOS SAR Workshop ToulouseCEOS SAR Workshop: 26-29 October 1999, Toulouse, France (SP)
2012978-92-9092-646-7How Can Asia Respond to Global Economic Crisis and Transformation?
2004978-92-9092-647-4AnonymeL'espace entre science et fiction
1998978-92-9092-648-1Third Euro-Latin American Space Conference: Mexico City, 10-14 November 1997
  ''978-92-9092-652-8Ultraviolet astrophysics beyond the IUE final archive: Proceedings of the conference held in Sevilla, Spain, from 11th to 14th November 1997
1997978-92-9092-656-6Third ERS Symposium on space at the service of our environment: Florence, Italy, 14-21 March 1997 (ESA SP)
2001978-92-9092-657-3Proceedings, First International Symposium on Microgravity Research & Applications in Physical Sciences and Biotechnology: 10-15 September 2000, Sorrento, Italy (SP)
2012978-92-9092-658-0Mark Bray · Chad LykinsShadow Education: Private Supplementary Tutoring and Its Implications for Policy Makers in Asia (Cerc Monograph Series in Comparative and International Education and Develoment)
1997978-92-9092-660-3The 31st ESLAB Symposium on correlated phenomena at the sun, in the heliosphere, and in geospace: 22-25 September 1997, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
2001978-92-9092-662-7Monica SalomoneThe infrared revolution: Unveiling the hidden universe (ESA BR)
1998978-92-9092-664-1Proceedings of the Fifth European Space Power Conference (ESPC): Tarragona, Spain, 21-25 September 1998
2000978-92-9092-665-8ISO beyond the peaks: Proceedings of the Second ISO Workshop on Analytical Spectroscopy: ISO Data Centre, Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain, 2-4 February 2000
1998978-92-9092-668-9Proceedings of the conference, a crossroads for European solar and heliospheric physics: Recent achievements and future mission possibilities: Puerto ... Canary Islands, Spain, March 23-27 1998
2004978-92-9092-671-9Karen Fletcher · André BouwmanChristiaan Huygens: Facets of a Genius (ESA BR)
1998978-92-9092-672-6SOHO 6/GONG 98 Workshop on Structure and Dynamics of the Interior of the Sun and Sun-like Stars: 1-4 June 1998, Boston, Massachusetts, USA (SP)
1997978-92-9092-676-4Proceedings of the First ISO Workshop on Analytical Spectroscopy: Madrid, Spain, 6-8 October 1997
2001978-92-9092-677-1Exploring the gamma-ray universe: Proceedings of the Fourth Integral Workshop, 4-8 September 2000, Alicante, Spain
2003978-92-9092-679-5European Space AgencyAgenda 2007
1997978-92-9092-680-1Proceedings of the Alpbach Summer School 1997: Fundamental physics in space: Alpbach, Tyrol, Austria 22-31 July 1997
1998978-92-9092-684-9Proceedings of an international meeting on solar jets and coronal plumes: Guadeloupe, France, 23-26 February 1998 (SP)
2003978-92-9092-687-0Peter Bond · B. Battrick · Monica TaleviRosetta, Europe's Comet Chaser (ESA BR)
1998978-92-9092-688-7Proceedings DASIA 98: Data systems in aerospace: 25-28 May 1998, Divani Caravel Hotel, Athens, Greece
  ''978-92-9092-692-4The 32nd ESLAB Symposium on remote sensing methodology for Earth observation and planetary exploration: 15-18 September 1998, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands (SP)
2000978-92-9092-693-1The solar cycle and terrestrial climate: Proceedings of the 1st Solar and Space Weather Euroconference: 25-29 September 2000, Instituto de ... Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Tenerife, Spain
2004978-92-9092-695-5European Space AgencyWater Recycling Systems for the Antarctic Concordia Station (ESA BR)
2001978-92-9092-697-9A. WilsonHelio- And Asteroseismology at the Dawn of the Millennium: Proceedings of the Soho 10/Gong 2000 Workshop: 2-6 October 2000 Instituto de Astrofisica d
2000978-92-9092-701-3Third International Conference on Spacecraft Propulsion: 10-13 October, 2000, Cannes, France (ESA SP)
1999978-92-9092-704-4Proceedings of the Third European Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles: 24th-26th November 1998, Estec, Noordwijk, the Netherlands
  ''978-92-9092-708-2The universe as seen by ISO: UNESCO, Paris, France, 20-23 October 1998 (SP)
1998978-92-9092-716-7Proceedings, 34th Liege International Astrophysics Colloquium: The Next Generation Space Telescope, science drivers and technological changes: Liege, Belgium, 15-18 June 1998
1999978-92-9092-720-4Co-operation in space: Where East & West finally meet: Euro-Asian Space Week, Singapore, 23-27 November 1998
2004978-92-9092-723-5Judy Redfearn · Peter Bond · a WilsonLe défi spatial (BR)
1998978-92-9092-724-2Space science and the long-term future of space in Europe: Proceedings of a colloquium to celebrate R.M. Bonnet's 60th birthday, Paris, 7/8 January 1998
2012978-92-9092-726-6Sri Wening Handayani · Babken BabajanianSocial Protection for Older Persons: Social Pensions in Asia
2004978-92-9092-727-3B BattrickThe European Space Sector in a Global Context: Esa's Annual Analysis 2003 (BR)
1998978-92-9092-728-0Conference on Academic and Industrial Cooperation in Space Research: Vienna, Austria, November 4-6 1998
1999978-92-9092-732-7The 2nd European Symposium on Utilisation of the International Space Station: 16-18 November 1998, ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands
2004978-92-9092-735-8Michael Berger · Honora Rider · Michael Rast · B BattrickSmos: Esa's Water Mission (BR)
1998978-92-9092-736-5Second Latino-American Seminar on Radar Remote Sensing: Image processing techniques = Segunda Jornada Latino-americana de Sensoriamento Remoto por ... Paulo, Brazil, 111-12 September 1998 (ESA SP)
2004978-92-9092-739-6B Battrick · Monica TaleviCassini-Huygens: Unique Insights Into a Ringed World (BR)
1999978-92-9092-740-2R. J. · Siebenmorgen, Ralf, Workshop on ISO Polarisation Observations ISO Data Centre) (1999 : LaureijsWorkshop on ISO Polarisation Observations: ISO Data Centre, Villafranca, Spain, 25-28 May 1999
2004978-92-9092-743-3Amerhis: A New Generation of Satellite Communications Systems
1999978-92-9092-744-0UnnamedThe History of the European Space Agency
  ''978-92-9092-748-814th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research: Potsdam, Germany, 31 May - 3 June 1999 (SP)
1999978-92-9092-752-5France) 1999 : (8th : Danesy, D. · European Space Agency. · Centre national d'Getudes spatiales (France) European Space Mechanisms & Tribology Symposium ToulouseProceedings of the 8th European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium: Toulouse, France, 29 September - 1 October 1999
2012978-92-9092-760-0Donghyun Park · Mukul G. Asher · Azad Singh Bali · Orin Brustad · Gemma EstradaPension Systems in East and Southeast Asia: Promoting Fairness and Sustainability (ESA SP)
2003978-92-9092-762-4Alan Lothian · Solveig PettersenInternational Space Station Education Kit
1999978-92-9092-768-6International organisations and space law: Their role and contributions: Perugia, Italy, 6-7 May 1999
2000978-92-9092-772-3Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Substorms: 16-20 May 2000, Congress Centre of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia (SP)
  ''978-92-9092-780-8The 33rd ESLAB Symposium on star formation from the small to the large scale: 2-5 November 1999, ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands (ESA SP)
1999978-92-9092-784-6Plasma dynamics and diagnostics in the solar transition region and corona: 8th SOHO Workshop, 22-25 June 1999, CAP 15, 1-13 Quai de Grenelle, 75015 Paris, France (SP)
2002978-92-9092-786-0Richard Francis · Helge RebhanCryosat: Esa's Ice Mission (ESA BR)
1999978-92-9092-792-1Magnetic fields and solar processes: The 9th European Meeting on Solar Physics: 12-18 September 1999, Florence, Italy (SP)
2000978-92-9092-796-9Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements: 22-24 September 1999, Imperial College, London (SP)
2001978-92-9092-802-7Les WoolliscroftSheffield Space Plasma Meeting: Multipoint Measurements Versus Theory: Les Woolliscroft Memorial Conference: Proceedings: 24-26 April 2001 Sheffield
  ''978-92-9092-807-2Physics on Stage: Full proceedings 2000 (SP)
2002978-92-9092-812-6Proceedings of the Sixth European Space Power Conference (ESPC): 6-10 May 2002, Porto, Portugal
2013978-92-9092-816-4Asian Development BankKey Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2012
2012978-92-9092-828-7Trade and Trade Facilitation in the Greater Mekong Subregion
  ''978-92-9092-830-0Finding Balance: Benchmarking the Performance of State-owned Enterprises in Papua New Guinea
2004978-92-9092-848-5European Space AgencyStellar Structure and Habitable Planet Finding. 2nd Eddington Workshop
  ''978-92-9092-855-3A. WilsonPlanetary Probe Atmospheric Entry and Descent Trajectory Analysis and Science: International Workshop 6-9 October 2003 Instituto Superior Tecnico (Ist
2004978-92-9092-856-0Proceedings of the III European Workshop on Exo-Astrobiology: Mars, the Search for Life: 18-20 November 2003, Madrid, Spain
2012978-92-9092-862-1Asian Development Outlook 2012 Update: Services and Asia's Future Growth
2013978-92-9092-865-2Greater Mekong Subregion Atlas of the Environment
2012978-92-9092-882-9Juzhong Zhuang · Paul Vandenberg · Yiping HuangGrowing Beyond the Low-Cost Advantage: How the People's Republic of China Can Avoid the Middle-Income Trap
2004978-92-9092-886-7R W WALSH · J IRELANDProceedings of the SOHO 15 WORKSHOP Coronal Heating
2012978-92-9092-896-6Asian Development BankGreen Cities (Urban Development Series)
2013978-92-9092-910-9Thomas Reardon · Kevin Chen · Bart Minten · Lourdes AdrianoThe Quiet Revolution in Staple Food Value Chains: Enter the Dragon, the Elephant, and the Tiger
2005978-92-9092-913-0Proceedings of the Dasia 2005: Data Systems in Aerospace Conference, 30 May-2 June 2005, Sheraton Grand Hotel, Edinburgh, Scotland
2012978-92-9092-923-9Bangladesh Bureau of StatisticsThe Informal Sector and Informal Employment in Bangladesh
2013978-92-9092-931-4Review of Energy Efficiency Interventions
2008978-92-9092-937-6Institute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersProceedings of the First European Conference on Antennas and Propagation
2013978-92-9092-943-7Supply and Use Tables for Selected Economies in Asia and the Pacific: A Research Study
  ''978-92-9092-945-1Managing Reforms for Development: Political Economy of Reforms and Policy-based Lending Case Studies
  ''978-92-9092-949-9Asian Development BankInvesting in Resilience: Ensuring a Disaster-Resistant Future
2003978-92-9092-961-1A. WilsonEuropean Utilisation Plan for the International Space Station (ESA SP)
2002978-92-9092-964-2European Space AgencySwitzerland. Europe and Space:Adventure and Imperative
2003978-92-9092-968-0R J Laureijs · U Klaas · P J RichardsLws--The Long Wavelength Spectrometer (ISO Handbook)
  ''978-92-9092-973-4B. BattrickCryosat Science Report (ESA SP)
  ''978-92-9092-976-5European Space AgencyHumex: Study on the Survivability and Adaptation of Humans to Long-Duration Exploratory Missions (SP)
2002978-92-9092-980-2   ''Peter Creola: Advocate of Space: a Lawyer With His Sights Set on the Stars and Both Feet Firmly on the Ground
2003978-92-9092-985-7R. A. HarrisErs Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging of Impact Craters (SP)
2013978-92-9092-988-8Asian Water Development Outlook 2013
978-92-9092-996-3Space, Science, and Me: Memoirs on Swedish Space Research During the Post-War Period (ESA Sp,)
2006978-92-9092-999-4Mark Ayre · Nicholas LanBiomimetic Engineering for Space Applications (SP)