year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
2001 | 978-92-894-0926-1 | Caren Weilandt · Michel Rotily · European Communities | European Network on HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis Prevention in Prisons: Health and Consumer Protection |
2002 | 978-92-894-0930-8 | Ec Eur 19432 Troposphere Res Air |
2001 | 978-92-894-0931-5 | Ec Eur 19440 Agricult Research |
'' | 978-92-894-0932-2 | European Commission | Sustainable Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry 1999-2001 |
'' | 978-92-894-0939-1 | Eurostat | Agricultural Sector Modelling: A New Medium-term Forecasting and Simulation System (MFSS99) |
'' | 978-92-894-0941-4 | Information Society Technologies Programme | Clusters and Networks of Excellence in the Ist-Programme |
2002 | 978-92-894-0944-5 | Oj Ec Taric 2002 Cdrom |
2001 | 978-92-894-0947-6 | a. C Cardoso | Criteria for the Identification of Freshwaters Subject to Eutrophication: Their Use for the Implementation of the Nitrates and Urban Waste Water Treatment Directives |
'' | 978-92-894-0955-1 | Not Available | Environmental Pressure Indicators for the Eu, 2001 Edition: Data 1985-98 (Eurostat - Panorama of the European Union) |
2001 | 978-92-894-0959-9 | Directorate-General for Employment and Social Affairs European Commission | Directory of Products - Years 2, 3 and 4: Medium-Term Community Action Programme on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men (1996-2000) (Employment & social affairs) |
'' | 978-92-894-0972-8 | European Consultative Forum on the Environment and Sustainable Development · Office for Official Publications of the European Communities | Towards a New Environment Action Programme for Europe: a Contribution to the Co-Decision Process By the European Consultative Forum on the Environment and Sustainable Development |
'' | 978-92-894-0973-5 | European Consultative Forum on the Environment and Sustainable Development · Office for Official Publications of the European Communities | Eu Sustainable Development Strategy: a Test Case for Good Governance |
'' | 978-92-894-0974-2 | '' | Activity and Self-Assessment Report 1997-2001 |
'' | 978-92-894-0990-2 | Roger-Alexandre Lefèvre | Sciences and Technologies of the Materials and of the Environment for the Protection of Stained Glass and Stone Monuments: Advanced Study Course - Paris, France, 7 to 18 September 1998 (European Commission community research studies) |
2001 | 978-92-894-0992-6 | European Commission · European Space Agency | Europe and Space: Turning to a New Chapter |
'' | 978-92-894-0993-3 | European Commission · European Space Agency | L'Europe et l'espace: ouvrir un nouveau chapitre |
2002 | 978-92-894-0996-4 | Information Society DG European Commission | Information Society Technologies Programme: " Systems and Services for the Citizen ": Synopses of Research Projects: Applications Relating to Administrations |
'' | 978-92-894-0997-1 | Information Society DG European Commission | Systems and Services for the Citizen: Synopses of Research Projects: Applications Relating to Environmental Protection |
2001 | 978-92-894-0999-5 | Information Society DG European Commission · Information Society Technologies Programme | Applications Relating to Tourism |
'' | 978-92-894-1000-7 | Not Available | Integration, Indicators for Energy, 2001 Edition: Data 1985-98 (Eurostat - Key Indicators) |
'' | 978-92-894-1002-1 | Eurostat | Regio Database, Reference Guide, 2001 Edition (Eurostat - Methods and Nomenclatures) |
2001 | 978-92-894-1005-2 | Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development European Commission | A Global Strategy for Atmospheric Interdisciplinary Research in the European Research Area, Aires in Era (Air pollution research report) |
'' | 978-92-894-1006-9 | a Visconti | Determination of Fumonisins at Levels of Interest for Future Eu Legislation: Development of An Analytical Method and Interlaboratory Validation for Maize Flour and Cornflakes (Bcr information) |
'' | 978-92-894-1016-8 | Ec Eur 19782 Impressionsolmanylif |
'' | 978-92-894-1034-2 | Directorate General for Research European Commission | Ein neues Rahmen-programm für die europäische Forschung |
'' | 978-92-894-1035-9 | Directorate General for Research European Commission | A New Framework Programme for European Research |
2001 | 978-92-894-1036-6 | Directorate General for Research European Commission | Un nouveau programme cadre pour la recherche européenne |
2002 | 978-92-894-1038-0 | Eurostat | Statistical Yearbook on Candidate and South-east European Countries: Data 1995-1999 |
2001 | 978-92-894-1040-3 | '' | Regions: Statistical Yearbook |
| 978-92-894-1041-0 | Régions: annuaire statistique 2001. Avec CD-ROM |
2001 | 978-92-894-1044-1 | J Magill · J Richter | Annual Report 2000 |
'' | 978-92-894-1061-8 | European Governance: A White Paper |
2001 | 978-92-894-1070-0 | European Communities | Reflections on the Role of Research Infrastructures in the European Research Area: Highlights from the Research Infrastructure Conference, Held in ... (Community Research - General Information) |
2003 | 978-92-894-1072-4 | European Governance: Preparatory Work for the White Paper |
| 978-92-894-1073-1 | Gouvernance européenne: Travaux préparatoires au livre blanc |
2001 | 978-92-894-1074-8 | Euratom | Partitioning and Transmutation: Towards An Easing of the Nuclear Waste Management Problem |
'' | 978-92-894-1078-6 | Medium-Term Community Action Programme on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men | Directory of projects 2000 (Employment & social affairs. Equality for women and men) |
'' | 978-92-894-1080-9 | Directorate-General for Education and Culture European Commission | Preparing for the Global Challenge: European Union -Canada, European Union - United States: Two Cooperation Programmes in Education and Training |
'' | 978-92-894-1085-4 | Information Society DG European Commission | Information Society Technologies - Systems and Services for the Citizen: Cluster of Research Projects |
2001 | 978-92-894-1088-5 | Success stories from Denmark, Finland and Sweden |
'' | 978-92-894-1092-2 | Ec Eur 19471 Primary Steelmakingmo |
2004 | 978-92-894-1093-9 | Ec Eur 19472 Primary Steelmakingch |
2001 | 978-92-894-1094-6 | Ec Eur 19474 Reductioniron Oresde |
'' | 978-92-894-1095-3 | a Dubs · R Fistarol · C Dulcy | Maîtrise de la productivité: comportement des microboulettes dans la zone surhumidifiée en agglomération: rapport final (Recherche technique acier) |
'' | 978-92-894-1096-0 | Claude Grisvard · Didier Huin | Fusion de préréduit à haut carbone Jupiter: rapport final (Recherche technique acier) |
| 978-92-894-1097-7 | Ec Eur 19470 Primary Steelmakingfo |
| 978-92-894-1098-4 | Ec Eur 19468 Primary Steelmakingre |
2001 | 978-92-894-1099-1 | Eurostat | Enterprises in Europe: Data 1987-97 6th Report |
'' | 978-92-894-1101-1 | Measuring Progress Towards a More Sustainable Europe: Data 1980-99: Proposed Indicators for Sustainable Development |
2001 | 978-92-894-1107-3 | Directorate-General for Employment and Social Affairs European Commission | Towards a Community Strategy on Gender Equality (2001-2005) |
2002 | 978-92-894-1117-2 | Ec Internat Trade Endangered Specie |
| 978-92-894-1120-2 | Ec Cleanefficenergieseurresult |
| 978-92-894-1123-3 | Ec Eur 19464 Clean Efficient Europe |
2001 | 978-92-894-1124-0 | Ec Eur 19473 Primary Steelmaking |
2004 | 978-92-894-1126-4 | Ec Eur 19467 Primary Steelmakingne |
2001 | 978-92-894-1138-7 | a. B Tomkings · J. R Nicholls · D. G Robertson | Discontinuous Corrosion Testing in High Temperature Gaseous Atmospheres Testcorr: Final Report (Bcr information) |
'' | 978-92-894-1141-7 | European Communities | The Social Situation in the European Union 2001N |
'' | 978-92-894-1143-1 | Ec Eur 19466 Qual Assess Non Nuclea |
| 978-92-894-1144-8 | Ec Eur 19476 Secondary Steelmaking |
2001 | 978-92-894-1145-5 | European Communities | European Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Mammography Screening |
'' | 978-92-894-1146-2 | Ilana Löwy · John Krige | Images of Disease: Science, Public Policy and Health in Post-war Europe - Barcelona, 25-28 November 1998 |
'' | 978-92-894-1151-6 | Directorate-General for Environment, Nuclear Safety, and Civil Protection European Commission | Eu Focus on Coastal Zones: Turning the Tide for Europe's Coastal Zones |
2001 | 978-92-894-1168-4 | Josick van Dromme-Desvignes · Sonia Sornom-Aï | Translation and Interpreting: Languages in Action |
'' | 978-92-894-1184-4 | Eurostat | Road Freight Transport at Regional Level in the European Union, 2001 Edition / Transports De Marchandises Par Route Au Niveau Regional Dans L´union ... Detailed Tables) (English and French Edition) |
'' | 978-92-894-1190-5 | '' | Transport and Environment, Statistics for the Transport and Environment Reporting Mechanism (Term) for the European Union, 2001 Edition: Data 1980-99 (Eurostat - Detailed Tables) |
'' | 978-92-894-1191-2 | '' | Transports Et Environnement, Statistiques Pour Le Mecanisme De Rapport Transport Et Environnement (Term) Dans L´union Europeenne, Edition 2001: ... - Tableaux Detailles) (French Edition) |
'' | 978-92-894-1204-9 | Directorate-General for Energy and Transport European Commission | Completing the Internal Energy Market: Commission Proposals |
2002 | 978-92-894-1207-0 | Not Available | Economic Portrait of the European Union 2001 |
2002 | 978-92-894-1208-7 | Commission européenne | PORTRAIT ECONOMIQUE DE L'UNION EUROPEENNE 2001 (Eurostat) |
2001 | 978-92-894-1220-9 | Ec Eur 19484 Secondary Steelmaking |
'' | 978-92-894-1221-6 | Ec Eur 19490 Casting Solidificati |
'' | 978-92-894-1222-3 | Ec Eur 19488 Secondary Steelmaking |
| 978-92-894-1223-0 | Ec Eur 19491 Casting Solidificati |
2001 | 978-92-894-1224-7 | J. F Martin | Nouvelles stratégies de régulation du niveau d'acier liquide en coulée continue: rapport final (Recherche technique acier) |
| 978-92-894-1225-4 | Ec Eur 19485 Secondary Steelmaking |
| 978-92-894-1226-1 | Ec Eur 19480 Primary Steelmaking |
2001 | 978-92-894-1227-8 | Ec Eur 19481 Reductioniron Oresbl |
'' | 978-92-894-1230-8 | Ec Eur 19487 Secondary Steelmaking |
'' | 978-92-894-1231-5 | P Valentin | Improvement of Cleanness and Grain Size in Ca-Treated and Al-Deoxidised Steels With High S-Contents in Billet and Bloom Casting: Final Report (Technical steel research) |
2001 | 978-92-894-1232-2 | a Baulig | Die Vermeidung der Wiederaufkohlung bei der Herstellung von ULC-Stählen: Abschlussbericht (Technische Forschung Stahl) |
| 978-92-894-1233-9 | Ec Eur 19482 Reductioniron Oresta |
| 978-92-894-1237-7 | Ec Eur 19794 Physical Aspectslead |
| 978-92-894-1238-4 | Ec Eur 19784 Palaeohydrogeo Geofor |
2002 | 978-92-894-1240-7 | "Systems and services for the citizen" synopses of research projects |
2001 | 978-92-894-1242-1 | European Commission Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs | 2001 Broad Economic Policy Guidelines: Statistical Annex (European economy) |
'' | 978-92-894-1246-9 | Not Available | European Coal And Steel Community: Financial Report 2000 |
2002 | 978-92-894-1250-6 | Office for Official Publications of the European Communities · European Chemicals Bureau | Acrylamide: Risk Assessment (European Union risk assessment report) |
'' | 978-92-894-1251-3 | European Chemicals Bureau · European Commission Joint Research Centre | O-Anisidine: Risk Assessment (European Union risk assessment report) |
'' | 978-92-894-1252-0 | European Chemicals Bureau · European Commission Joint Research Centre | 1,4-Dioxane: Risk Assessment (European Union risk assessment report) |
'' | 978-92-894-1253-7 | Office for Official Publications of the European Communities · European Chemicals Bureau | Methyl Methacrylate: Risk Assessment (European Union risk assessment report) |
2001 | 978-92-894-1255-1 | European Commission | European Union action to combat racism: European Commission contribution to the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, ... September 2001 (Employment & social affairs) |
2001 | 978-92-894-1259-9 | P. R Scheller | Begleitende mathematische Modelle zum Dünnbandgiessen auf Stahlzuführung und Bandbreiten zwischen 200 mm und 1 000 mm: Abschlussbericht (Technische Forschung Stahl) |
'' | 978-92-894-1260-5 | Ec Eur 19855 Rolling Long Products |
'' | 978-92-894-1261-2 | R Steffen | Verbesserung des Makro-Reinheitsgrads beim Stranggiessen für höchste Qualitätsanforderungen: Abschlussbericht (Technische Forschung Stahl) |
'' | 978-92-894-1262-9 | Ec Eur 19851 Casting Steel |
'' | 978-92-894-1263-6 | N Link · N Knolzknecht · H Peters | Intelligente Überwachungs- und Diagnosesysteme zur Prozesskontrolle: Abschlussbericht (Technische Forschung Stahl) |
2003 | 978-92-894-1264-3 | Ec Eur 19847 Primary Steelmakingre |
2001 | 978-92-894-1265-0 | Ec Eur 19850 Casting Solidificati |
| 978-92-894-1266-7 | Ec Eur 19849 Casting Solidificati |
| 978-92-894-1267-4 | Ec Eur 19853 Casting Solidificati |
2001 | 978-92-894-1268-1 | Ec Eur 19856 Rolling Long Products |
2001 | 978-92-894-1269-8 | Ec Eur 19857 Rolling Long Products |
2002 | 978-92-894-1272-8 | European Chemicals Bureau · European Commission Joint Research Centre | Acrylic Acid: Risk Assessment (European Union risk assessment report) |
'' | 978-92-894-1273-5 | Office for Official Publications of the European Communities · European Chemicals Bureau | Methacrylic Acid: Risk Assessment (European Union risk assessment report) |
'' | 978-92-894-1274-2 | European Chemicals Bureau · European Commission Joint Research Centre | Dimethyl Sulphate: Risk Assessment (European Union risk assessment report) |
2002 | 978-92-894-1275-9 | European Chemicals Bureau · European Commission Joint Research Centre | Acetonitrile: Risk Assessment (European Union risk assessment report) |
2003 | 978-92-894-1276-6 | European Commission Joint Research Centre | Dibutyl Phthalate: Risk Assessment (Environment and quality of life series) |
2002 | 978-92-894-1277-3 | Office for Official Publications of the European Communities · European Commission Water Marine and Soil Unit | Livestock Manures: Nitrogen Equivalents |
2001 | 978-92-894-1279-7 | Joint Research Centre European Commission | Joint Research Centre: Annual Report 2000 |
2002 | 978-92-894-1281-0 | European Communities | European Economy 2001: Public Finances in EMU: Reports and Studies |
2001 | 978-92-894-1286-5 | European Commission | The European Union Mine Actions in 2000 |
'' | 978-92-894-1288-9 | Directorate General for Research European Commission | Core Specifications, Guidelines and Testing Methods for the Production of Automotive and Domestic Upholstery Leather and Leather Goods: Guidelines Resulting from Contract No. Brst-Ct98-5459 (Bcr information) |
'' | 978-92-894-1289-6 | '' | Specifiche tecniche, linee guida e metodi di prova per pelli per arredamento, interni auto e pelletteria: indicazione da contratto BRST-CT98-5459 (Bcr information) |
2002 | 978-92-894-1290-2 | Office for Official Publications of the European Communities | Model Requirements for the Management of Electronic Records: Moreq Specification |
| 978-92-894-1291-9 | Ec Eur 19792 Rad Protect4th Frame |
| 978-92-894-1292-6 | Ec Eur 19858 Life Cycle Assess |
2001 | 978-92-894-1328-2 | Ec Eur 19795 Integratedin Situ Cor |
'' | 978-92-894-1332-9 | G. P Tartaglia · a Cardinali | Institute for Health and Consumer Protection Annual Report 2000 |
'' | 978-92-894-1333-6 | a Frias Rebelo | Institute for Health and Consumer Protection Annual Report 1999 |
2001 | 978-92-894-1338-1 | European Commission Humanitarian Aid Office | Humanitarian Crises: Out of the Spotlight (ECHO annual review) |
2002 | 978-92-894-1356-5 | Ec Advance Hot Rolling Pract Prod |
2001 | 978-92-894-1372-5 | Ec Eur 19966transport Pricing |
'' | 978-92-894-1373-2 | Ec Eur 19967 Pricing European Tran |
'' | 978-92-894-1379-4 | Environment Directorate-General European Commission | The Children's Green Thread |
'' | 978-92-894-1398-5 | Directorate General for Research European Commission | European Research in the Stratosphere 1996-2000: Advances in Our Understanding of the Ozone Layer During Theseo (European Commission community research scientific assessment) |
2002 | 978-92-894-1400-5 | Eurostat | Ec Consumers in Europefacts Figu |
'' | 978-92-894-1406-7 | Environment Directorate-General European Commission | Eu Focus on Nature Protection |
| 978-92-894-1413-5 | Ec Eur 19447 |
2001 | 978-92-894-1418-0 | The social situation in the European Union: In brief |
2002 | 978-92-894-1426-5 | Eurostat | Distributive Trades in Europe, 2001 Edition: Data 1995-99 (Eurostat - Panorama of the European Union) |
2001 | 978-92-894-1427-2 | '' | Commerce En Europe, Edition 2001 / Trade in Europe, Edition 2001: Donnees 1995-99 / Data 1995-99 (Eurostat - Panorama De L'union Europeenne) (French Edition) |
2001 | 978-92-894-1428-9 | Eurostat | Nameas for Air Emissions, 2001 Edition: Results of Pilot Studies (Eurostat - Detailed Tables) |
'' | 978-92-894-1429-6 | Elena Degoli | Achievements 1998-2001 - Si-Based Interconnects: Optoelectronic Interconnects for Integrated Circuits |
'' | 978-92-894-1430-2 | Jaakko Kukkonen | Meteorology During Peak Pollution Episodes: Status Report |
'' | 978-92-894-1431-9 | C. C Konijnendijk · T. B Randrup · F Andersen | Review of Higher Education on Urban Forestry in Europe: Report of Cost Action E12 Urban Forests and Trees |
'' | 978-92-894-1432-6 | I Gustavsson | Evaluation of the Contents of Trace Elements in Complex Steel Matrices from Scrap to Final Component: Final Report (Technical steel research) |
| 978-92-894-1433-3 | Ec Eur 19414 Analytical Wastewate |
2001 | 978-92-894-1435-7 | Ec Eur 19870 Rolling Flat Products |
2001 | 978-92-894-1436-4 | Ec Eur 19869 Reheating Furnaces |
'' | 978-92-894-1450-0 | Eurostat | Energy Balance Sheets 2001: Data 1998-1999 |
2002 | 978-92-894-1451-7 | Not Available | Energy Yearly Statistics, 1999 |
'' | 978-92-894-1452-4 | Ec Eur 19872 Pickling Linesroll |
2001 | 978-92-894-1453-1 | Ec Eur 19873 Rolling Flat Products |
| 978-92-894-1454-8 | Ec Eur 19871 Hot Rolling Steels |
2001 | 978-92-894-1456-2 | Ec Eur 19877 Metallurgy Rolling An |
'' | 978-92-894-1457-9 | Ec Eur 19874 Rolling Flat Products |
'' | 978-92-894-1458-6 | Directorate General for Research European Commission · ProfilARBED-Recherches · Centre de recherches métallurgiques | Élaboration d'une ligne de production d'ébauches de profilés lourds de qualité: rapport final (Recherche technique acier) |
2001 | 978-92-894-1463-0 | Directorate-General for Education and Culture European Commission | A New Beginning: Leonardo Da Vinci Community Vocational Training Programme: Second Phase (2000-2006) |
| 978-92-894-1470-8 | Ec Eur 19879 Metallurgy Rolling |
2001 | 978-92-894-1471-5 | O Pawelski | Untersuchung des Nachwalzens von metallisch beschichtetem Feinblech (Technische Forschung Stahl) |
'' | 978-92-894-1472-2 | a Pichler | Precipitation Behaviour in the Ferrite Range of Soft Microalloyed Ulc Steel Grades: Final Report (Technical steel research) |
'' | 978-92-894-1473-9 | L Nettelbeck · J Weber · W Ungerer | Verbesserte Bandqualität durch Prozessüberwachung mit schwingungsabhängigem Prozesseingriff: Abschlussbericht (Technische Forschung Stahl) |
'' | 978-92-894-1478-4 | Editors | Promoting a European framework for Corporate Social Responsibility Green Paper |
'' | 978-92-894-1480-7 | Ec Eur 19415 Analytical Steel |
2001 | 978-92-894-1481-4 | Ec Eur 19411 Steel Melts |
'' | 978-92-894-1482-1 | Wim J Nijhof · Marjolein Kieft · Marianne van Woerkom | Reviewing Flexibility: a Systems Approach to Vet |
'' | 978-92-894-1483-8 | Eurostat | Information Society Statistics: Pocketbook |
'' | 978-92-894-1484-5 | K. J. M Kramer | The Certification of the Contents (Mass Fractions) of Ce, Dy, Gd, La, Nd, Sc, Sm, Tb, Tm, Yb, Th and U in Calcareous Soil - Bcr-690 (Bcr information) |
'' | 978-92-894-1485-2 | '' | The Certification of the Contents (Mass Fractions) of Ce, Dy, Er, Eu, Gd, Ho, La, Lu, Nd, Pr, Sc, Sm, Tb, Tm, Y, Yb, Th and U in Estuarine Sediment - Bcr-667 (Bcr information) |
2001 | 978-92-894-1487-6 | K. J. M Kramer | The Certification of the Contents (Mass Fractions) of Ce, Dy, Er, Eu, Gd, Ho, La, Lu, Nd, Pr, Sc, Sm, Tb, Tm, Y, Yb, Th and U in Aquatic Plant - Bcr-670 (Bcr information) |
'' | 978-92-894-1489-0 | European Commission · Directorate-General for Regional Policy and Cohesion European Commission | A Guide to Bringing Interreg and Tacis Funding Together |
2002 | 978-92-894-1521-7 | Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development European Commission · Office for Official Publications of the European Communities | Gas Turbines of the Future: Providing Cleaner Power for Europe (European Commission community research report) |
2001 | 978-92-894-1522-4 | Eurostat | Environmental Protection Expenditure in Europe, 2001 Edition: Data 1990-99 (Eurostat - Detailed Tables) |
2002 | 978-92-894-1527-9 | Ec Eur 19884 Research Safety Gmos |
2001 | 978-92-894-1528-6 | Ec Eur 19889 Physical Metallurgy S |
'' | 978-92-894-1533-0 | Editors | EU employment and social policy, 1999-2001: Jobs, cohesion, productivity (Employment & social affairs) |
'' | 978-92-894-1541-5 | J Martial | Conception et synthèse de protéines utilisables dans la dépollution sidérurgique: rapport final (Recherche technique acier) |
'' | 978-92-894-1542-2 | Ec Eur 19892 Analytical Clean Ste |
| 978-92-894-1543-9 | Ec Eur 19893 Analytical Steel Stri |
| 978-92-894-1544-6 | Ec Eur 19417 Special Stainless Ste |
2001 | 978-92-894-1545-3 | Ec Eur 19890 Physical Metallurgy |
| 978-92-894-1546-0 | Ec Eur 19979 Phys Metallurgy Rolli |
2001 | 978-92-894-1560-6 | Office for Official Publications of the European Communities · European Commission Directorate General for Energy and Transport · Statistical Office of the European Communities | Eu Energy and Transport in Figures |
2001 | 978-92-894-1561-3 | Office for Official Publications of the European Communities | Energy Storage: a Key Technology for Decentralised Power, Power Quality and Clean Transport |
'' | 978-92-894-1564-4 | Ec Eur 19971 Fracture Steels |
2003 | 978-92-894-1565-1 | Ec Duplex Stainless Steels |
2001 | 978-92-894-1566-8 | Ec Eur 19973 Special Alloy Steels |
'' | 978-92-894-1567-5 | Ec Eur 19970 Study Blast Furnace |
2010 | 978-92-894-1568-2 | Ec Eur 19969 Corrosion Steels |
2001 | 978-92-894-1569-9 | Ec Eur 19972 Special Alloy Steels |
'' | 978-92-894-1570-5 | Ec Eur 19788 Reactor Safety Inno |
'' | 978-92-894-1573-6 | European Commission Information Society DG | Ist 2001: Technologies Serving People |
2003 | 978-92-894-1576-7 | Ec Eur 17038 Innovat Enter Creation |
2002 | 978-92-894-1577-4 | Eurostat | Disability and Social Participation in Europe 2001 |
| 978-92-894-1578-1 | Ec Eur 19986 Stainless Steel Passi |
2001 | 978-92-894-1579-8 | Ec Eur 19981 Special Alloy Steels |
2001 | 978-92-894-1580-4 | J Claeys | Soudage électrique MAG des tôles revêtues de zinc ou d'alliages de zinc: rapport final (Recherche technique acier) |
'' | 978-92-894-1581-1 | J. P Audouard | Étude des phénomènes de dépassivation-repassivation par corrosion-abrasion des aciers inoxydables: rapport final (Recherche technique acier) |
| 978-92-894-1582-8 | Ec Eur 19789 Accident Management a |
2001 | 978-92-894-1583-5 | Ec Eur 19980 Special Alloy Steels |
'' | 978-92-894-1584-2 | Ec Eur 19979 Special Alloy Steels |
'' | 978-92-894-1585-9 | Ec Eur 19984 Thin Sheets Report |
'' | 978-92-894-1586-6 | Ec Eur 19990 Mechanical Steel Weld |
2001 | 978-92-894-1587-3 | Ec Eur 19987 Mechanical Steels |
2004 | 978-92-894-1588-0 | Ec Eur 19989 Mechnical Characthigh |
| 978-92-894-1589-7 | Ec Eur 19988 Mechanical Welded Rai |
| 978-92-894-1590-3 | Ec Eur 19982 Special Stainless Ste |
2002 | 978-92-894-1620-7 | European Union Public Finance |
2001 | 978-92-894-1636-8 | Eurostat | Gas Prices 2001: Data 1990-2001 |