year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
1996 | 978-92-827-7709-1 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 384 L 0536: 84/536/EEC |
'' | 978-92-827-7710-7 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 394 R 0040: Council Regulation (EC) No. 40/94 of 20 December 1993 on the Community Trade Mark |
'' | 978-92-827-7711-4 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 389 L 0104: 89/104/EEC |
'' | 978-92-827-7712-1 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 387 R 2052: Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2052/88 of 24 June 1988 on the Tasks of the Structural Funds and Their ... European Investment Bank and the Other Exist |
'' | 978-92-827-7713-8 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 390 R 1866: Commission Regulation (EEC) No. 1866/90 of 2 July 1990 on Arrangements for Using the Ecu for the ... Budgetary Management of the Structural Funds |
1996 | 978-92-827-7714-5 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 389 D 0196: 89/196/EEC, Euratom, ECSC |
'' | 978-92-827-7715-2 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 393 R 3652: Commission Regulation (EC) No. 3652/93 of 22 December 1993, on the Application of Article 85 (3) of the ... Systems for Air Transport Services |
'' | 978-92-827-7716-9 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 387 L 0102: 87/102/EEC |
'' | 978-92-827-7717-6 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 387 R 3976: Council Regulation (EEC) No. 3976/87 of 14 December 1987 on the Application of Article 85 (3) of the ... Practices in the Air Transport Sector |
'' | 978-92-827-7719-0 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 383 L 0513: 83/513/EEC |
1996 | 978-92-827-7721-3 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 384 L 0533: 84/533/EEC |
'' | 978-92-827-7723-7 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 382 L 0176: 82/176/EEC |
'' | 978-92-827-7725-1 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 384 L 0491: 84/491/EEC |
'' | 978-92-827-7735-0 | Commission of the European Communities | Environmental Protection: a Shared Responsibility (Europe on the move) |
2000 | 978-92-827-7742-8 | Ec Eur16745 Appprocdisposnuc |
| 978-92-827-7743-5 | Ec Eur16916 Inventoryradioactive W |
1996 | 978-92-827-7746-6 | W P Darby · I M Barraclough · R W Allott | Development of Decommissioning Safety Data: Final Report (Nuclear science and technology) |
1997 | 978-92-827-7751-0 | Not Available | Reports of Commission Decisions Relating to State Aid 1973 1995: Article 93, Paragraph 2 (Negative Final Decisions) |
1998 | 978-92-827-7752-7 | Ec Recueil Deccommmataides 6495 |
1996 | 978-92-827-7759-6 | Heinz Renn · European Commission · Kurt-Jurgen Lange · Industrial rel European Commission Directorate-General for Employment | Urban Districts and Drug Scenes Prevention of Drug Dependence: A Comparative Study on Nuisance Caused by 'Open' Drug Scenes in Major European Cities |
'' | 978-92-827-7762-6 | European Communities | Contact Committee on the Accounting Directives: "an Examination of the Conformity Between the International Accounting Standards and the European Accounting Directives" |
1997 | 978-92-827-7765-7 | European Communities | Enterprises in Europe: Data 4th Report |
1996 | 978-92-827-7768-8 | Towards sustainable transport infrastructure: A sectoral approach in practice (Development) |
1996 | 978-92-827-7775-6 | Directorate C - Cooperation with Non-Member Countries, Action in the Field of Youth, Publications and Information European Commission | Young Citizens of Europe: European Voluntary Service for Young People |
'' | 978-92-827-7785-5 | Cost-benefit and multi-criteria analysis for nodal centres for goods (Transport research) |
'' | 978-92-827-7786-2 | Castle Rock Consultants | Assessment of road transport models and systems architectures (Transport research) |
'' | 978-92-827-7787-9 | Public transport prioritization (Transport research) |
'' | 978-92-827-7789-3 | Pete Thomas | Harmonization of European accident investigation systems (Transport research) |
1996 | 978-92-827-7790-9 | Yorick Benjamin | European workshops on eco products: Evaluation of the "design for health profiler"--proceedings |
'' | 978-92-827-7792-3 | Sue Leigh-Doyle | Social exclusion: A major challenge for public welfare services: European conference report: Santiago de Compostela, 18-20 October 1995 |
'' | 978-92-827-7795-4 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 384 L 0538: 84/538/EEC |
'' | 978-92-827-7796-1 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 389 R 4060: Council Regulation (EEC) No.4060/89 of 21 December 1989 on the Elimination of Controls Performed at the ... Field of Road and Inland Waterway Transport |
'' | 978-92-827-7797-8 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 385 D 0008: 85/8/EEC |
1996 | 978-92-827-7798-5 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 392 R 0479: Council Regulation (EEC) No. 479/92 of 25 February 1992 on the Application of Article 85 (3) of the ... Between Liner Shipping Companies (Consortia) |
'' | 978-92-827-7799-2 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 362 D 0308P0720: EEC |
1997 | 978-92-827-7801-2 | Information Society Forum | Redes al servicio de las personas y las colectividades: cómo sacar el mayor partido de la sociedad de la información en la Unión Europea |
'' | 978-92-827-7802-9 | '' | Netværk for mennesker og samfund: hvordan vi får størst udbytte af informationssamfundet i Den Europæiske Union |
1996 | 978-92-827-7805-0 | '' | Networks for People and Their Communities: Making the Most of the Information Society in the European Union |
1997 | 978-92-827-7806-7 | '' | Des réseaux pour les citoyens et leurs communautés: tirer le meilleur parti de la société de l'information dans l'Union européenne |
'' | 978-92-827-7807-4 | '' | Reti per i cittadini e per le loro comunità: trarre i massimi vantaggi dalla società dell'informazione nell'Unione europea |
1997 | 978-92-827-7808-1 | Information Society Forum | Netwerken voor mens en samenleving: de informatiemaatschappij waarmaken in de Europese Unie |
'' | 978-92-827-7809-8 | '' | Redes para as pessoas e suas comunidades: para tirar o máximo partido da sociedade da informa¸ão na União Europeia |
'' | 978-92-827-7811-1 | '' | Nätverk för människor och deras sammanslutningar: hur man bäst kan utnyttja informationssamhället i EU |
1996 | 978-92-827-7812-8 | Y Kazan · M Ghoreychi | Essais in situ CPPS: étude thermomécanique du champ proche d'un puits de stockage de déchets radioactifs dans le sel: rapport final (Sciences et techniques nucléaires) |
2002 | 978-92-827-7815-9 | Ec Analy Radioactive Waste Vitcis |
1996 | 978-92-827-7816-6 | J Paris · M Tachon · M Stauss | Melting of Contaminated Steel in the Marcoule G3 Furnace: Final Report (Nuclear science and technology) |
'' | 978-92-827-7817-3 | J R Costes · C Cochaud | Développement et essais d'un procédé de décatégorisation par électroérosion en milieu nitrique et application aux déchets contaminés alpha de l'installation RM2: rapport final (Sciences et techniques nucléaires) |
'' | 978-92-827-7818-0 | J R Costes · X Bevenot · J Y Kohler | Fabrication, développement et essais d'une machine automatique de projection de mousse décontaminante (Samidin): rapport final (Sciences et techniques nucléaires) |
1996 | 978-92-827-7822-7 | The single market (Europe on the move) |
'' | 978-92-827-7831-9 | Commission of the European Communities | The European Union's Common Foreign and Security Policy (Europe on the move) |
'' | 978-92-827-7843-2 | M.M. Kohn | European Guidelines on Quality Criteria for Diagnostic Radiographic Images in Paediatrics |
'' | 978-92-827-7852-4 | European Communities | International Buyers' Exhibitions Under the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Community Initiative: IBEX-SMECI Vade-mecum |
'' | 978-92-827-7859-3 | F.P. Glasser | Impact of Additives and Waste Stream Constituents on the Immobilization Potential of Cementitious Materials: Nuclear Science and Technology: Nuclear ... [series] (Nuclear Science & Technology) |
1996 | 978-92-827-7869-2 | Living and Working in the Information Society: People First: Bulletin of the European Union: Bulletin of the European Union: Supplement |
'' | 978-92-827-7876-0 | Corps Diplomatique |
1997 | 978-92-827-7880-7 | Arthur Andersen | Yield Management in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Tourist Industry: Executive Summary |
| 978-92-827-7888-3 | Ec Eur16931 Librariesinformation |
1996 | 978-92-827-7889-0 | John H Cummings | Cost 92 |
1997 | 978-92-827-7890-6 | Dumort Alain · Wolf Paprotte | The Road to the Information Society: New Technologies for Education and Training |
1996 | 978-92-827-7891-3 | Directorate-General for Science, Research, and Development Commission of the European Communities | Socio-Economic Activities Undertaken Within the Specific Programmes of the 4th Framework Programme During 1995 |
'' | 978-92-827-7892-0 | J C H Miles | Results of the 1995 European Commission Intercomparison of Passive Radon Detectors: Final Report (Radiation protection) |
1997 | 978-92-827-7894-4 | European Communities | European Union Direct Investment Yearbook |
1996 | 978-92-827-7910-1 | Statistical Office of the European Community · Eurostat | Methodology of Industrial Short-Term Indicators - Rules and Recommendations (Theme 4--Energy and Industry. Series E, Methods) |
'' | 978-92-827-7915-6 | Commission of the European Communities | Inventer demain: la recherche européenne au service du citoyen |
'' | 978-92-827-7928-6 | Statistical Office of the European Communities | Income Statistics for the Agricultural Household Sector: Proceedings of the Eurostat International Seminar Held in Luxembourg on 10 and 11 January, 1996 |
1997 | 978-92-827-7941-5 | The European Union: key figures (Europe on the move) |
1996 | 978-92-827-7948-4 | European Communities | Non-Nuclear Energy-Joule II European Wind Turbine Standards Project |
| 978-92-827-7952-1 | Europäisches System. Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnungen. ESVG 1995. |
1996 | 978-92-827-7954-5 | Not Available | European System of Accounts: Esa 1995 |
1996 | 978-92-827-7961-3 | Ec Euro System Accts Esa 1995 CD |
'' | 978-92-827-7963-7 | European Communities | Community Survey of Labour Costs: Methods and Definitions 1992 |
'' | 978-92-827-7966-8 | Bruna De Marchi | Review of Chemical Emergencies Management in the Eu Member States |
'' | 978-92-827-7967-5 | Paul Ekins | Environmental Taxes & Charges: National Experiences & Plans |
'' | 978-92-827-7969-9 | Relevance of information and communications technologies for shipping: RIACT (Transport research) |
1997 | 978-92-827-7971-2 | Ec Inttransport By Air 1993 |
1996 | 978-92-827-7977-4 | Historic gardens: Safeguarding a European heritage |
1996 | 978-92-827-7980-4 | Statistical business registers: Problems and opportunities: proceedings of the 82nd DGINS Conference, Vienna, May 1996 (Theme 0--Miscellaneous) |
'' | 978-92-827-7986-6 | A Canny | Occupational forecasts for 1998 for Ireland and their implications for educational qualifications: Paper for meeting of CEDEFOP network 'Circle for ... 20 and 21 November 1995 (CEDEFOP document) |
'' | 978-92-827-7987-3 | K. Kolarik · R. Schuler · U. M< · 129> · llich | Partition of High-level Radioactive Wastes: Nuclear Science and Technology: Nuclear Science and Technology [series] (Nuclear Science & Technology) |
'' | 978-92-827-7988-0 | European rail traffic management system: ERTMS (Transport research) |
'' | 978-92-827-7989-7 | Policy Research Corporation NV | Impact of changing logistics on maritime transport (Transport research) |
1996 | 978-92-827-7990-3 | Structure and organization of maritime transport (Transport research) |
'' | 978-92-827-7991-0 | New market orientated transport systems (Transport research) |
1997 | 978-92-827-7992-7 | Smart intermodal European transport: SIMET (Transport research) |
1996 | 978-92-827-7993-4 | Eurobalise sub-system (Transport research) |
'' | 978-92-827-7994-1 | I.R. McAulay · G< · 129> · nther Dietze | Radiation Protection 85: Exposure of Air Crew to Cosmic Radiation |
'' | 978-92-827-7995-8 | Study on potential benefit to airport/ATM congestion through special operational procedures for rotorcraft (Transport research) |
1995 | 978-92-827-8003-9 | Commission of the European Communities | Lost in Cyberspace |
1996 | 978-92-827-8011-4 | Technical guidance document in support of Commission directive 93/67/EEC on risk assessment for new notified substances and Commission regulation (EC) ... assessment for existing substances (Part 1) |
'' | 978-92-827-8012-1 | Technical Guidance Document in Support of Commission Directive 93/67/EEC on Risk Assessment for New Notified Substances and Commission Regulation (EC) ... Assessment for Existing Substances (Part 2) |
1996 | 978-92-827-8013-8 | Technical Guidance Document in Support of Commission Directive 93/67/EEC on Risk Assessment for New Notified Substances and Commission Regulation (EC) ... Assessment for Existing Substances (Part 3) |
'' | 978-92-827-8014-5 | Technical Guidance Document in Support of Commission Directive 93/67/EEC on Risk Assessment for New Notified Substances and Commission Regulation (EC) ... Assessment for Existing Substances (Part 4) |
'' | 978-92-827-8015-2 | European Communities | Open and Distance Learning in the EU Member States: Synthesis Report |
1997 | 978-92-827-8021-3 | '' | Portrait of the Regions: Hungary v. 5 (Portrait of the Regions) |
2000 | 978-92-827-8022-0 | Portrait des Régions. Tome 5, Hongrie |
1996 | 978-92-827-8023-7 | Management Committee COST 235 · Commission of the European Communities | Cost 235: Radiowave Propagation Effects on Next-Generation Fixed-Services Terrestrial Telecommunications Systems: Final Report (Information technologies and sciences) |
'' | 978-92-827-8046-6 | The agencies of the European Union |
'' | 978-92-827-8048-0 | Not Available | Farm Structure 1993 Survey: Main Results |
1996 | 978-92-827-8049-7 | Ken Guy | Role of Technology Transfer Projects in the Innovation Process (EUR (Luxembourg)) |
'' | 978-92-827-8050-3 | European Communities | Social and economic inclusion through regional development: The Community economic development priority in European Structural Funds programmes in Great Britain |
'' | 978-92-827-8055-8 | Official Journal of the European Communities: Directory of Community Legislation in Force and Other Acts of the Community Institutions [as at 1.6.1996] |
1997 | 978-92-827-8079-4 | European Communities | The competitiveness of European industry: Based on the working document of Commission services |
| 978-92-827-8080-0 | La compétitivité de l'industrie européenne |
1996 | 978-92-827-8088-6 | Reader's Guide to Free Information from the European Union |
'' | 978-92-827-8099-2 | A code of practice on the implementation of equal pay for work of equal value for men and women (Equal opportunities) |
'' | 978-92-827-8108-1 | Commission of the European Communities | The European Union: What's in It for Me? (Europe on the move) |
1996 | 978-92-827-8117-3 | Commission of the European Communities | How Does the European Union Work? (Europe on the move) |
| 978-92-827-8118-0 | comment fonctionne l'union européenne, petit guide des institutions européennes |
1996 | 978-92-827-8125-8 | Commission of the European Communities | How Is the European Union Running the Single Market?: What Are My Rights As a Consumer? (Europe on the move) |
'' | 978-92-827-8132-6 | Unnamed | When will the 'Euro' be in our pockets? (Europe on the move) |
'' | 978-92-827-8141-8 | Commission of the European Communities | How Is the European Union Meeting Social and Regional Needs? (Europe on the move) |
'' | 978-92-827-8149-4 | '' | How Does the European Union Manage Agriculture and Fisheries? (Europe on the move) |
'' | 978-92-827-8172-2 | European Communities | Comparison in Real Terms of the Aggregates of ESA: Results for 1994 |
1996 | 978-92-827-8176-0 | European Communities | The European Orchard: 1987 and 1992 Basic Surveys |
1996 | 978-92-827-8179-1 | European Communities | Farm Structure: Methodology of Community Surveys |
'' | 978-92-827-8185-2 | Market Access Unit European Commission | The Global Challenge of International Trade: a Market Access Strategy for the European Union |
'' | 978-92-827-8192-0 | European Communities | National Accounts ESA: Detailed Tables by Branch |
'' | 978-92-827-8194-4 | Wouter van den Berghe | Quality issues and trends in vocational education and training in Europe (CEDEFOP document) |
'' | 978-92-827-8195-1 | European Commission | Nuclear Fission Safety (1994-1998) Synopsis of the Research Projects (1st |
1998 | 978-92-827-8232-3 | D N. Crowther | The Influence of Stable Particles on Weld Haz Structures and Properties: Final Report (Technical steel research) |
1997 | 978-92-827-8237-8 | European Communities | Equal Opportunities for Women and Men in the European Union: Annual Report: 1996 |
1996 | 978-92-827-8245-3 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 391 R 3900: Council Regulation (EEC) No. 3900/91 of 16 December 1991 Suspending Common Customs Tariff Duties for ... Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama |
1996 | 978-92-827-8246-0 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 362 R 0141: EEC |
'' | 978-92-827-8247-7 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 385 R 3717: Commission Regulation (EEC) No. 3717/85 of 27 December 1985 Laying Down Certain Technical and Control ... Waters of Vessels Flying the Flag of Portugal |
'' | 978-92-827-8248-4 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 387 R 2241: Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2241/87 of 23 July 1987 Establishing Certain Control Measures for Fishing Activities |
'' | 978-92-827-8249-1 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 392 R 3932: Commission Regulation (EEC) No. 3932/92 of 21 December 1992 on the Application of Article 85 (3) of the ... Concerted Practices in the Insurance Sector |
'' | 978-92-827-8250-7 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 385 D 0013: 85/13/EEC |
1996 | 978-92-827-8251-4 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 374 D 0325: 74/325/EEC |
'' | 978-92-827-8252-1 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 388 D 0383: 88/383/EEC |
'' | 978-92-827-8254-5 | Space systems for navigation (Transport research) |
'' | 978-92-827-8259-0 | European Commission Expert Group on the Urban Environment · European Commission | European Sustainable Cities: Report |
1997 | 978-92-827-8266-8 | Commission of the European Communities | Los Tratados de Roma en primera plana =: Rom-traktaten på forsiden = The Treaties of Rome and the headlines |
'' | 978-92-827-8267-5 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 378 R 2183: Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2183/78 of 19 September 1978 Laying Down Uniform Costing Principles for Railway Undertakings |
1997 | 978-92-827-8272-9 | A Europe of towns and cities: A practical guide to town-twinning |
1996 | 978-92-827-8279-8 | Glenys Watt · European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions | Role of Adult Guidance and Employment Counselling in a Changing Labour Market Final Report on Eurocounsel |
'' | 978-92-827-8282-8 | C J Ablott · S Bouabdallah · S Simm | The Key Issues in Transient Analysis Calculations Which Affect the Radiological Consequences Following Design-Basis Steam Generator Tube Rupture Accidents: Final Report (Nuclear science and technology) |
'' | 978-92-827-8283-5 | C Roederer · L Gourtsoyannis | Coordinated Study Steel-Environment: Final Report (Technical steel research) |
1997 | 978-92-827-8287-3 | John Wright | Statistics in the News: a Guide to News Media Relations for National Statistical Offices in Transition |
1996 | 978-92-827-8288-0 | L.C. Scholten | Approaches for Regulating Management of Large Volumes of Waste Containing Natural Radionuclides in Enhanced Concentrations: Nuclear Science and ... [series] (Nuclear Science & Technology) |
'' | 978-92-827-8289-7 | C. Crumpton | Management of Spent Radiation Sources in the European Union: Quantities Storage |
'' | 978-92-827-8295-8 | Commission of the European Communities | Standards, Measurements & Testing 1994-1998 (Information package) |
1996 | 978-92-827-8296-5 | Commission of the European Communities | Standards, Measurements & Testing 1994-1998 (Workprogramme) |
1997 | 978-92-827-8297-2 | Ralf-Udo Ehlers · Jean-Pierre Masson | Cost 819: Entomopathogenic Nematodes: Activity Report 1995 |
'' | 978-92-827-8299-6 | M E Almeida-Teixeira · M Onida | Códigos de prácticas de gestión de residuos en islas: manual |
'' | 978-92-827-8301-6 | M. Onida · M.E. Almeida-Teixeira | Codes of Practice for Waste Management on Islands: Manual |
1996 | 978-92-827-8303-0 | M E Almeida-Teixeira · M Onida | Codici di buona pratica per la gestione dei rifiuti sulle isole: manuale |
| 978-92-827-8305-4 | Ec European Union Database Director |
1996 | 978-92-827-8306-1 | European Communities | Net Earnings of Employees in Manufacturing Industry in the European Union - 1996 (English, French and German Edition) |
'' | 978-92-827-8309-2 | '' | Overview of the Structure of Agricultural Holdings: 1993 Survey |
1997 | 978-92-827-8315-3 | European Commission | Access to Commission documents: A citizen's guide |
1996 | 978-92-827-8322-1 | European Communities | Cooperation with third countries and international organizations in the field of research and technological development: Fourth framework programme research and development (1994-1998) (EUR) |
| 978-92-827-8323-8 | La cooperation en recherche et en developpement technologique avec les pays du tiers monde |
1996 | 978-92-827-8326-9 | European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training · Brigitte Linsh< · 148> · ft-Stiller | Glossarium: Vocational training: a comparison of concepts from 12 member states of the European Union in 9 languages = Glossarium: formación profesional |
'' | 978-92-827-8356-6 | The regional planning of greater Europe in co-operation with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe: Proceedings of a joint conference held in Prague, 16-17 October 1995 |
1997 | 978-92-827-8358-0 | European Communities | National Accounts ESA 1983-94,v.1: Non-financial Transactions: Detailed Tables by Sector |
1997 | 978-92-827-8360-3 | Eurostat | Labour Force Survey Results |
1996 | 978-92-827-8362-7 | J M Brunello | Préparation de suspensions concentrées de schlamms fins en vue de leur valorisation (pulpes combustibles): rapport final (Recherche technique charbon) |
'' | 978-92-827-8363-4 | W Eisenhut · F Orywal | Verfahren zum Betrieb einer abwasserfreien Kokerei: Abschlussbericht (Technische forschung kohle) |
'' | 978-92-827-8364-1 | E Surman | Neuartiges Silikamaterial im Härtetest: Simulation extremer Druckbeanspruchung im Technikum: Abschlussbericht (Technische forschung kohle) |
'' | 978-92-827-8365-8 | Ineris · Directorate-General for Energy European Commission | Durée de vie des batteries: étude du vieillissement par suivi des déformations des parties métalliques et réfractaires: rapport final (Recherche technique charbon) |
'' | 978-92-827-8367-2 | F Huhn · W Eisenhut | Verhalten unterschiedlicher Steinmaterialien an Ofengruppen: Abschlussbericht (Technische Forschung Kohle) |
1996 | 978-92-827-8383-2 | European Communities | Country Profile: Kazakhstan 1994 |
1997 | 978-92-827-8385-6 | '' | Industrial Technologies: Standards, Measurements and Testing |
1996 | 978-92-827-8386-3 | Lennart Levi | A model for assessing the costs of stressors at national level: Socio-economic costs of work stress in two EU member states |
'' | 978-92-827-8389-4 | European Commission | Information Technology - Solutions for Business |
'' | 978-92-827-8394-8 | '' | Communication from the Commission: Services of general interest in Europe |
1997 | 978-92-827-8402-0 | Hanne Østergård · Jean Pierre Masson | Cost 817: Population Studies of Airborne Pathogens on Cereals As a Means of Improving Strategies for Disease Control: Annual Report 1995 |
1996 | 978-92-827-8404-4 | Richard Biegański | Evolution of employment and qualifications in motor vehicle repairs in France: Analysis for the purpose of coordinating the overall system, individual ... on 20 and 21 November1995 (CEDEFOP document) |
1997 | 978-92-827-8405-1 | European Communities · M. Yeroyanni | Seismic Risk in the European Union: Proceedings of the Review Meetings Held in Brussels on 2-3 and 23-24 May 1996: v. 1 (EUR (Luxembourg)) |
1996 | 978-92-827-8406-8 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 360 R 0011: Council Regulation (EEC) No. 11 [REG 11/60/EEC of 27 June 1960] Concerning the Abolition of ... Establishing the European Economic Community |
'' | 978-92-827-8407-5 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 389 R 1101: Council Regulation (EEC) No. 1101/89 of 27 April 1989 on Structural Improvements in Inland Waterway Transport |
'' | 978-92-827-8408-2 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 385 R 3718: Commission Regulation (EEC) No. 3718/85 of 27 December 1985 Laying Down Certain Technical and Control ... Waters of Vessels Flying the Flag of Spain |
1996 | 978-92-827-8409-9 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 376 R 1416: Council Regulation (EEC) No. 1416/76 of 1 June 1976 on the Financial Provisions Applying to the ... for the Development of Vocational Training |
'' | 978-92-827-8410-5 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 368 R 1612: Regulation (EEC) No. 1612/68 of the Council of 15 October 1968 on Freedom of Movement for Workers Within the Community |
'' | 978-92-827-8411-2 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 395 R 2651: Council Regulation (EC) No. 2651/95 of 23 October 1995 Amending Council Regulation (EC) No. 3282/94 ... Applying Generalized Tariff Preference |
'' | 978-92-827-8412-9 | Collection of Consolidated Texts - 370 D 0532: 70/532/EEC |
1997 | 978-92-827-8416-7 | Directorate-General for Science, Research, and Development Commission of the European Communities | Aplicaciones Telemáticas (Programa marco de investigación y desarrollo tecnológico) |
'' | 978-92-827-8417-4 | '' | Telematik-anwendungen (Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und technologische Entwicklung) |
1997 | 978-92-827-8418-1 | Directorate-General for Science, Research, and Development Commission of the European Communities | Telematics Applications (Framework programme for research and technological development) |
1997 | 978-92-827-8419-8 | Directorate-General for Science, Research, and Development Commission of the European Communities | Applications télématiques (Programme-cadre de recherche et développement technologique) |
'' | 978-92-827-8420-4 | '' | Applicazioni telematiche (Programma quadro di ricerca e sviluppo tecnologico) |
1996 | 978-92-827-8428-0 | D.A. Gamberini | Decommissioning of the B205 Fuel Reprocessing Pilot Plant Using Machine Assistance: Nuclear Science and Technology: Nuclear Science and Technology [series] |
'' | 978-92-827-8429-7 | E. Villedieu · O. Mercier · H. Vos | Underwater Qualification of the RD 500 Manipulator: Nuclear Science and Technology: Nuclear Science and Technology [series] |
'' | 978-92-827-8435-8 | Commission of the European Communities | The Common Agricultural Policy in Transition (Europe on the move) |
'' | 978-92-827-8443-3 | R Gass | The goals, architecture, and means of lifelong learning |
1996 | 978-92-827-8445-7 | European Customs Inventory of Chemical Substances (ECICS): a Guide to the Tariff Classification of Chemicals in the Combined Nomenclature of the EC [DISKETTE] |
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1996 | 978-92-827-8489-1 | European Communities | The Economic Accounts of the European Union: 1995 |
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1996 | 978-92-827-8515-7 | European Commission | Energy in Europe - Annual Energy Review |
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