year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
1971 | 978-92-2-100095-2 | Geneva Internationtional Labour Office | Matching Employment Opportunities and Expectations: A Programme of Action for Ceylon Report |
'' | 978-92-2-100096-9 | Matching Employment Opportunities and Expectations: Programme of Action for Ceylon: Technical Papers |
'' | 978-92-2-100097-6 | International Labour Office | Matching Employment Opportunities and Expectations: Programme of Action for Ceylon: Technical Papers and Report |
| 978-92-2-100105-8 | Apartheid: Policy of the Republic of South Africa |
1972 | 978-92-2-100108-9 | Anthony Douglas Smith | Concepts of Labour Force Underutilization |
1970 | 978-92-2-100109-6 | Conditions of Work of Women and Young Workers on Plantations |
'' | 978-92-2-100117-1 | Labour Statistics in the Motor Vehicle Industry: Preliminary Study |
1968 | 978-92-2-100120-1 | Organization of Medical Care Within the Framework of Social Security |
'' | 978-92-2-100121-8 | Organization of Medical Care Within the Framework of Social Security: Canada |
1968 | 978-92-2-100122-5 | Organization of Medical Care Within the Framework of Social Security: India |
'' | 978-92-2-100123-2 | Organization of Medical Care Within the Framework of Social Security: Poland |
'' | 978-92-2-100124-9 | Organization of Medical Care Within the Framework of Social Security: United Kingdom National Health Service |
'' | 978-92-2-100125-6 | Organization of Medical Care Within the Framework of Social Security: Tunisia |
'' | 978-92-2-100126-3 | Organization of Medical Care Within the Framework of Social Security: Belgium |
1968 | 978-92-2-100127-0 | Organization of Medical Care Within the Framework of Social Security: Ecuador |
'' | 978-92-2-100128-7 | Organization of Medical Care Within the Framework of Social Security: Federal Republic of Germany |
1971 | 978-92-2-100129-4 | Participation by Employers' and Workers' Organisations in Economic and Social Planning: A General Introduction |
'' | 978-92-2-100130-0 | H.A. Turner · H. Zoeteweij | Prices, Wages and Incomes Policies in Industrialized Market Economies |
'' | 978-92-2-100134-8 | Services For Small-Scale Industry |
1970 | 978-92-2-100136-2 | World Employment Programme: Conference Proceedings |
1971 | 978-92-2-100137-9 | World Employment Programme: Employment Prospects for the 1970's |
| 978-92-2-100138-6 | Annual Holidays with Pay |
| 978-92-2-100140-9 | Cooperation (Workers' Education Manual) |
| 978-92-2-100143-0 | Employment and Economic Growth (Study & Reports) |
1975 | 978-92-2-100144-7 | Fighting Discrimination in Employment and Occupation: A Worker's Education Manual |
1967 | 978-92-2-100145-4 | Human Resources for Industrial Development (Studies & Reports) |
| 978-92-2-100146-1 | International Labour Code |
1968 | 978-92-2-100147-8 | Labour and Automation: Manpower Adjustment Programmes, Pt.3: Canada, Italy, Japan Bulletin No. 7 |
| 978-92-2-100148-5 | Prevention of Accidents Due to Electricity Underground in Coal Mines (Codes of Practice) |
| 978-92-2-100149-2 | Prevention of Accidents Due to Fires Underground in Coal Mines (Codes of Practice) |
1962 | 978-92-2-100151-5 | International Labour Office | Trade Union Situation in Burma: Report of a Mission from the International Labour Office. |
| 978-92-2-100152-2 | Trade Union Situation in the Federation of Malaya |
| 978-92-2-100153-9 | Trade Union Situation in Sweden |
| 978-92-2-100154-6 | Trade Union Situation in United States |
| 978-92-2-100155-3 | Weekly Rest in Industry, Commerce and Offices |
1972 | 978-92-2-100156-0 | Collective Bargaining and the Challenge of New Technology |
'' | 978-92-2-100158-4 | International Labour Office | Automation in developing countries |
1998 | 978-92-2-100159-1 | Code of Practice for the Safe Construction and Installation of Passenger, Goods and Service Lifts |
1972 | 978-92-2-100160-7 | Fiscal measures for employment promotion in developing countries |
1998 | 978-92-2-100161-4 | International Labour Office | Employment Incomes and Equality |
1972 | 978-92-2-100162-1 | Special Report of the Director-General on the Application of the Declaration Concerning the Policy of Apartheid of the Republic of South Africa: 8th |
1972 | 978-92-2-100163-8 | R Savy | Social Security In Agriculture And Rural Areas |
'' | 978-92-2-100164-5 | Freedom of Association for Workers' and Employers' Organizations and Their Role in Social and Economic Development in Asia (Labour-Management Relations) |
'' | 978-92-2-100165-2 | Minimum Age for Admission to Employment: 58th Session Report |
'' | 978-92-2-100166-9 | Social Repercussions of New Methods of Cargo Handling (Docks): 58th Session Report |
'' | 978-92-2-100167-6 | Control and Prevention of Occupational Cancer: Pt. 1 |
1972 | 978-92-2-100168-3 | Industrial Relations and Personnel Management in English-speaking Africa (Labour-Management Relations) |
1973 | 978-92-2-100169-0 | Paid Educational Leave: Report: Pt. 1 |
1972 | 978-92-2-100170-6 | Course on Dust Prevention in Industry (Occupational Safety & Health) |
'' | 978-92-2-100171-3 | Dust Sampling in Mines (Occupational Safety & Health) |
'' | 978-92-2-100172-0 | Employment, Incomes and Equality: Strategy for Increasing Productive Employment in Kenya |
'' | 978-92-2-100173-7 | Conditions of Employment and Service of Air Traffic Controllers |
'' | 978-92-2-100176-8 | Eligibility for Trade Union Office |
1973 | 978-92-2-100177-5 | Kinetic Methods of Manual Handling in Industry (Occupational Safety & Health) |
1973 | 978-92-2-100178-2 | Occupational Safety and Health in the Petroleum Industry in the Light of Technical Change |
'' | 978-92-2-100179-9 | International Labour Organization Petroleum Committee-8th Session, 1973: Social Problems of Contract, Sub-contract and Casual Labour in the Petroleum Industry:Report |
1972 | 978-92-2-100180-5 | Work Study in the Textile Industry |
1973 | 978-92-2-100182-9 | International Labour Conference: General Survey on Application of the Conventions on Freedom of Association and on the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining |
'' | 978-92-2-100184-3 | International Labour Office | Technical Guide: Descriptions of Series Published in the " Bulletin of Labour Statistics ": Consumer Prices v. 1 |
'' | 978-92-2-100185-0 | Recent Developments and Progress in the Timber Industry: General Report |
'' | 978-92-2-100186-7 | Conditions of Work and Life in the Timber Industry: Report |
1973 | 978-92-2-100188-1 | International Labour Organization Petroleum Committee-8th Session, 1973: Recent Events and Developments in the Petroleum Industry |
'' | 978-92-2-100189-8 | Control and Prevention of Occupational Cancer: Pt. 2 |
'' | 978-92-2-100190-4 | Paid Educational Leave: Report: Pt. 2 |
'' | 978-92-2-100191-1 | Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining: Summary of Reports on Unratified Conventions |
'' | 978-92-2-100192-8 | Employment and Income Policies for Iran |
1973 | 978-92-2-100193-5 | Problems Related to the Stability of Employment in the Timber Industry |
'' | 978-92-2-100194-2 | Safety and Health in Agricultural Work: Code of Practice |
1976 | 978-92-2-100195-9 | International Labour Office | Workers' education and its techniques: A workers' education manual |
1974 | 978-92-2-100197-3 | Asian Regional Seminar on Management of Family Planning Programmes, Singapore, 5-9 November 1974: Report |
'' | 978-92-2-100198-0 | International Labour Organization Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Woodworking Industries: Recent Events and Developments in the Woodworking Industries 2nd |
1975 | 978-92-2-100199-7 | Special national procedures concerning non-discrimination in employment (with particular reference to the private sector): A practical guide |
1986 | 978-92-2-100515-5 | Ghazi M. Farooq | Population and Employment in Developing Countries (Background Papers for Training in Population, Human Resources and Development Planning, Paper No 1) |
1984 | 978-92-2-100517-9 | Kurt Hoffman · Howard Rush | Microelectronics and the Technological Transformation of the Clothing Industry (World Employment Programme Research: working paper) |
'' | 978-92-2-100522-3 | Report of the sixth meeting of the Technical Committee, 2-8 October 1984, Jakarta, Republic of Indonesia |
1985 | 978-92-2-100523-0 | Documentation and information systems for vocational training: Report of an APSDEP Seminar |
'' | 978-92-2-100528-5 | Employment and Poverty in a Troubled World: Report of a Meeting of High-Level Experts on Employment/Ilo421 |
1988 | 978-92-2-100532-2 | ILO | Women Workers in Multinational Enterprises in Developing Countries |
1985 | 978-92-2-100538-4 | K. M Gozo | Le secteur non structuré de Kinshasa: Caractéristiques des entreprises et de la main d'oeuvre: potentialités d'emploi et de distribution de revenu (French Edition) |
1985 | 978-92-2-100540-7 | Fuelwood and Charcoal Preparation: An Illustrated Training Manual on Simple Tools and Techniques for Small-Scale Enterprise |
'' | 978-92-2-100542-1 | ILO | Small-scale processing of pork (Technology Series. Technical Memorandum No. 9) (Occupational Safety and Health Series) |
1986 | 978-92-2-100543-8 | Annotated Bibliography on Working Time |
1983 | 978-92-2-100901-6 | R. Kassler | Theory of Communication |
1975 | 978-92-2-100912-2 | International Labour Office | Measurement of underemployment: Concepts and methods |
1974 | 978-92-2-100925-2 | Course Outlines on Financial Management |
1973 | 978-92-2-100951-1 | Cooperative Information: Cooperative Bibliography Suppt. 1 |
1974 | 978-92-2-100952-8 | Co-Operative Chronology: Supplement No. 2 to Co-Operative Information |
1973 | 978-92-2-100955-9 | International Labour Conference: Summary of Reports on Ratified Conventions |
'' | 978-92-2-100956-6 | International Labour Conference: Summary of Information Relating to the Submission to the Competent Authorities of Conventions and Recommendations |
'' | 978-92-2-100957-3 | International Labour Conference: Draft Programme and Budget, 1974-75 |
'' | 978-92-2-100958-0 | Structure and Functions of Research and Training Institutes in the Field of Labour Relations |
1973 | 978-92-2-100959-7 | International Labour Office | Technical Guide: Descriptions of Series Published in the " Bulletin of Labour Statistics ": Employment, Etc v. 2 |
'' | 978-92-2-100960-3 | International Labour Conference: Record of Proceedings |
'' | 978-92-2-100961-0 | Role of Employers' Organizations in English-speaking African Countries |
'' | 978-92-2-100962-7 | Directory of Labour Relations Institutes |
'' | 978-92-2-100963-4 | Labour Inspection: Purposes & Practice |
1973 | 978-92-2-100964-1 | Wilfred Jenks | Prosperity for Welfare: Social Purpose in Economic Growth and Change |
'' | 978-92-2-100965-8 | Industrialization and Wages in Japan |
'' | 978-92-2-100966-5 | Application of the Declaration Concerning the Policy of Apartheid of the Republic of South Africa: Special Report of the Director-General: 9th |
1974 | 978-92-2-100967-2 | Application of the Declaration Concerning the Policy of Apartheid of the Republic of South Africa: Special Report of the Director-General: 10th |
1975 | 978-92-2-100968-9 | Application of the Declaration Concerning the Policy of Apartheid of the Republic of South Africa: Special Report of the Director-General: 11th |
1973 | 978-92-2-100969-6 | International Labour Conference: Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations: Report |
'' | 978-92-2-100970-2 | Organizations of Rural Workers and Their Role in Economic and Social Development: Preliminary Report and Questionaire 59th Session, Pt. 1 |
'' | 978-92-2-100971-9 | Human Resources Development: Vocational Guidance and Vocational Training: 59th Session Report |
1984 | 978-92-2-100974-0 | International Labour Office | Safety and Health in Building and Civil Engineering Work: An Ilo Code of Practice |
1971 | 978-92-2-100975-7 | Guide to Safety and Health in Forestry Work |
1973 | 978-92-2-100983-2 | Migrant Workers: Report: Preliminary Report and Questionnaire 59th Session, Pt. 1 |
1973 | 978-92-2-100984-9 | International Labour Organization Textiles Committee: 9th Session, 1973: Action Taken on the Conclusions of the Previous Sessions of the Committee |
'' | 978-92-2-100985-6 | International Labour Organization Textiles Committee: 9th Session, 1973: Role of the Textile Industry in the Expansion of Employment in Developing Countries |
'' | 978-92-2-100986-3 | Safety and Health in the Textile Industry |
1970 | 978-92-2-100990-0 | International Labour Office | Basic principles of vocational rehabilitation of the disabled |
1973 | 978-92-2-100992-4 | Emile Cesta | Youth training and employment schemes in developing countries;: A suggested cost-benefit analysis |
1974 | 978-92-2-100993-1 | International Labour Office | Vocational Assessment and Work Preparation Centres for the Disabled |
1970 | 978-92-2-100994-8 | Employment Problems & Policies in the Philippines |
1976 | 978-92-2-100998-6 | Paul Bairoch | Urban Unemployment in Developing Countries: The Nature of the Problem and Proposals for Its Solutions |
1973 | 978-92-2-100999-3 | International Labour Office | Scope, approach and content of research-oriented activities of the world employment programme |
'' | 978-92-2-101003-6 | '' | Multinational enterprises and social policy (ILO publication on multinational enterprises) |
'' | 978-92-2-101004-3 | '' | Employment policy in the second development decade;: A United Nations family approach |
1987 | 978-92-2-101005-0 | Mark Blaug | Education and the employment problem in developing countries |
1981 | 978-92-2-101006-7 | Management Devleopment Manual | Introductory Course Teaching and Training Methods for Management Development |
1988 | 978-92-2-101007-4 | ILO | Conciliation in industrial disputes. A practical guide |
1973 | 978-92-2-101008-1 | Employment in Africa: Some critical issues |
1973 | 978-92-2-101009-8 | International Labour Office | Mechanisation and employment in agriculture;: Case studies from four continents |
'' | 978-92-2-101012-8 | '' | Report to the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania on a review of the administration of the National Provident Fund and on the planning of social security |
'' | 978-92-2-101013-5 | '' | Report to the government of Ghana on the social security policy and administration |
1973 | 978-92-2-101015-9 | International Labour Office | Report on the ILO/SIDA Asian Regional Seminar on Labour Inspection in Relation to the Employment of Women and Protection of Children (Singapore, 28 November-13 December, 1972) |
'' | 978-92-2-101016-6 | International Labour Organization Textiles Committee: 9th Session, 1973: Recent Events and Developments in the Textile Industry |
'' | 978-92-2-101018-0 | International Labour Office | Control and prevention of occupational hazards caused by carcinogenic substances and agents: Fifth item on the agenda (Pt. 1) |
'' | 978-92-2-101019-7 | International Labour Organisation | Malaysia: industrial and trade instructor training programme: (MAL/69/521); technical report |
'' | 978-92-2-101020-3 | International Labour Office | Report to the Government of Burma on labour statistics |
1973 | 978-92-2-101021-0 | International Labour Office | Report to the government of Sri Lanka on labour statistics |
'' | 978-92-2-101022-7 | '' | Report on the Asian regional systems analysis training programme, RAS/69/665A, Bangkok, August 1971-December 1972 |
'' | 978-92-2-101024-1 | '' | Population and labour;: A popular account of the implications of rapid population growth for the training, employment and welfare of workers |
'' | 978-92-2-101025-8 | '' | Paid educational leave;: Fourth item on the agenda (Pt. 1) |
'' | 978-92-2-101026-5 | Employment in Africa: Some critical issues |
1973 | 978-92-2-101027-2 | International Labour Office | Income security in Europe in the light of structural changes: Third item on the agenda (Report / Second European Regional Conference) |
'' | 978-92-2-101028-9 | '' | Some growing employment problems in Europe: Second item on the agenda, manpower aspects of recent economic developments in Europe (Report / Second European Regional Conference) |
1973 | 978-92-2-101029-6 | International Labour Office | The promotion of balanced rural and urban development: Third item on the agenda (Report / Fourth African Regional Conference) |
'' | 978-92-2-101030-2 | '' | Human values in social policy;: An ILO agenda for Europe (European Regional Conference , 2nd) |
'' | 978-92-2-101031-9 | '' | Human dignity, economic growth and social justice in a changing Africa: An ILO agenda for Africa; first item on the agenda (African Regional Conference , 4th) |
'' | 978-92-2-101032-6 | Ratification and Implementation of International Labour Conventions in Africa (African Regional Conference , 4th) |
'' | 978-92-2-101033-3 | International Labour Office | Employment, status and conditions of non-national workers in Africa: Second item on the agenda (Report / Fourth African Regional Conference) |
1974 | 978-92-2-101038-8 | International Labour Office Asian Regional Conference: Proceedings |
1973 | 978-92-2-101039-5 | Strategies for employment promotion;: An evaluation of four inter-agency employment missions (Employment research papers) |
1973 | 978-92-2-101041-8 | International Labour Office | Report on the ILO regional course on step-by-step training for the Arab states (REM/10/653) |
1974 | 978-92-2-101048-7 | '' | The public authorities and the right to protection of trade union funds and property |
1973 | 978-92-2-101049-4 | '' | Report to the Government of Singapore on training of port personnel |
1981 | 978-92-2-101050-0 | International Labor Office | Collective Bargaining in Industrialized Market Economies (Studies and reports - International Labor Office: new ser. ; no. 80) |
1973 | 978-92-2-101051-7 | S. Forssman · G.H. Coppee | Occupational Health Problems of Young Workers (Occupational Safety & Health) |
'' | 978-92-2-101052-4 | International Labour Office | Report to the Government of Thailand on vocational training planning |
1973 | 978-92-2-101056-2 | International Labour Office | Report to the Government of Fiji on handicrafts marketing development |
'' | 978-92-2-101060-9 | '' | Report to the government of Dominica on the planning of social security |
1974 | 978-92-2-101062-3 | '' | Prevention of Accidents Due to Explosions Underground in Coal Mines |
1978 | 978-92-2-101065-4 | John P. Windmuller | Collective Bargaining in Industrialized Market Economies |
1973 | 978-92-2-101070-8 | International Labour Office | Report to the Government of Thailand on manpower planning |
'' | 978-92-2-101071-5 | '' | Report to the Government of the Philippines on the organisation of the employment service |
1974 | 978-92-2-101073-9 | Jean Bénard | Employment planning and optimal allocation of physical and human resources |
'' | 978-92-2-101077-7 | International Labour Office | Organisations of rural workers and their role in economic and social development: Sixth item on the agenda (Pt. 2) |
1973 | 978-92-2-101078-4 | '' | World employment programme: A progress report on its research-oriented activities |
1974 | 978-92-2-101079-1 | Migrant Workers: Report: Replies of Governments 59th Session, Pt. 2 |
'' | 978-92-2-101080-7 | International Labour Office | Human resources development: vocational guidance and vocational training: Eighth item on the agenda (Pt. 2) |
1976 | 978-92-2-101081-4 | J. Velitchkovitch | Guide to Safety and Health in Dock Work |
1974 | 978-92-2-101084-5 | Labour relations in the Caribbean region: Record of proceedings of, and documents submitted to a Caribbean Regional Seminar on Labour Relations, ... 1973 (Labour-management relations series) |
1974 | 978-92-2-101085-2 | Harold Lubell | Urban development and employment: The prospects for Calcutta |
'' | 978-92-2-101091-3 | Harold Lubell | Urban development and employment: The prospects for Calcutta |
'' | 978-92-2-101094-4 | International Labour Office | Termination of employment;: Summary of reports on recommendation no. 119 (article 19 of the constitution) |
1975 | 978-92-2-101095-1 | Marc Maurice | Shift work: Economic advantages and social costs |
1974 | 978-92-2-101096-8 | Role of Universities in Workers' Education: Symposium Proceedings |
'' | 978-92-2-101097-5 | International Labour Office | Report to the government of the Republic of Korea on workers' education |
'' | 978-92-2-101098-2 | Report on the ILO/NORAD East African Symposium on the Relationship of Social Security, Social Planning and Economic Development, Dar es Salaam, 1 October to 19 October 1973 |
1974 | 978-92-2-101099-9 | Paid Educational Leave: Report: Pt. 2 |
'' | 978-92-2-101100-2 | International Labour Office | Structure of the ILO |
'' | 978-92-2-101101-9 | Equality of opportunity in employment in the American region: Problems and policies: report and documents of a regional symposium (Panama, 1-12 October 1973) |
'' | 978-92-2-101103-3 | International Labour Office | Social problems of contract, sub-contract, and casual labour in the petroleum industry: Report submitted to, and proceedings of, the eighth session of ... 1973 (Labour-management relations series) |
1974 | 978-92-2-101104-0 | International Labour Office | Control and prevention of occupational hazards caused by carcinogenic substances and agents: Fifth item on the agenda (Pt. 2) |
1977 | 978-92-2-101109-5 | Social security for migrant workers |
1974 | 978-92-2-101110-1 | International Labour Office | Sharing in Development: Programme of Employment, Equity and Growth for the Philippines |
'' | 978-92-2-101111-8 | Sharing in development: A programme of employment, equity, and growth for the Philippines: report of an inter-agency team financed by the United ... organised by the International Labour Office |
'' | 978-92-2-101117-0 | International Labour Organisation | Financial and actuarial study of the social security scheme, ANT/71/002: Antigua: project findings and recommendations: report |
1975 | 978-92-2-101119-4 | International Labour Office | International standards and guiding principles 1944-1973 (Labour-management relations series) |
1974 | 978-92-2-101121-7 | International Labour Conference: Summary of Reports on Ratified Conventions |
'' | 978-92-2-101125-5 | International Labour Office | Establishment of national tripartite machinery to improve the implementation of ILO standards: Seventh item on the agenda |
'' | 978-92-2-101127-9 | International Labour Conference: Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations: Report |
1974 | 978-92-2-101128-6 | International Labour Conference: General Survey of the Reports Relating to the Termination of Employment Recommendation, 1963 |
'' | 978-92-2-101129-3 | Action of the I.L.O.: Problems and Prospects |
'' | 978-92-2-101131-6 | International Labour Conference: Summary of Information Relating to the Submission to the Competent Authorities of Conventions and Recommendations |
1975 | 978-92-2-101133-0 | Yves Sabolo | The Service Industries |
1974 | 978-92-2-101136-1 | International Labor Organisation Advisory Committee on Rural Development | Technical review of ILO rural development activities since 1965 and suggestions for the future orientation of the ILO's work: Eighth session, Geneva, ... October 1974: first item on the agenda |
'' | 978-92-2-101137-8 | International Labour Office | Manpower and training needs for rural development: Second item on the agenda |
'' | 978-92-2-101138-5 | International Labour Organization Advisory Committee on Rural Development-8th Session, 1974: Incomes of Agricultural Workers, with Particular Reference to Developing Countries |
1974 | 978-92-2-101139-2 | Effect given to the conclusions of the previous sessions: First item on the agenda: report |
'' | 978-92-2-101140-8 | Recent events and developments affecting salaried employees and professional workers: First item on the agenda: report |
'' | 978-92-2-101141-5 | International Labour Office | Conditions of work and life of employees in commerce and offices: Second item on the agenda: report |
'' | 978-92-2-101142-2 | '' | Problems and opportunities of employment and re-employment of older workers in commerce and offices: Third item on the agenda: report |
'' | 978-92-2-101144-6 | International Labour Organisation | Manpower assessment and planning, EGY/70/010, Arab Republic of Egypt: Project findings and recommendations: report prepared for the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt |
1974 | 978-92-2-101149-1 | International Labour Organisation | Cyprus, project findings and recommendations: Report |
'' | 978-92-2-101158-3 | '' | Central Institute of Road Transport (Training and Research) IND/70/038, India: Project findings and recommendations |
'' | 978-92-2-101159-0 | Report on the ILO/DANIDA Seminar for Vocational Rehabilitation Staff from Asian Countries, Teheran, 8-25 April 1974 |
'' | 978-92-2-101160-6 | Derick Fulcher | Medical Care Systems: Public and Private Health Insurance in Selected Industrialized Countries |
1975 | 978-92-2-101163-7 | Vladimir Stoikov | The economics of recurrent education and training |