year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
1990 | 978-92-2-107127-3 | Heng-jun Lu | Strategic issues in human resource planning in the People's Republic of China (Working papers) |
1989 | 978-92-2-107132-7 | Guy Standing | European Unemployment, Insecurity and Flexibility: a Social Dividend Solution |
'' | 978-92-2-107136-5 | Greg MacDonald | Nordic Countries and Multinational Enterprises: Employment Effects and Foreign Direct Investment (Working Paper) |
1990 | 978-92-2-107170-9 | Report |
'' | 978-92-2-107171-6 | Report |
'' | 978-92-2-107172-3 | Report |
1989 | 978-92-2-107174-7 | Occupational classification of migrant workers |
2004 | 978-92-2-107177-8 | Not Available | International Classification of Radiographs of Pneumoconioses / Classification internationale du BIT des radiographies de pneumoconioses / Guia para ... + Guia (English and Spanish Edition) |
1989 | 978-92-2-107183-9 | Axel J. Halbach | Multinational Enterprises and Subcontracting in the Third World: A Study of Inter Industrial Linkages (Multinational Enterprises Programme Working P) |
'' | 978-92-2-107197-6 | Massoud Karshenas | Intersectoral resource flows and development: Lessons of past experience (World Employment Programme research working paper) |
1989 | 978-92-2-107202-7 | Gustavo Maia Gomes | Production, employment and wages in the coffee processing sector of Brazil (Working papers) |
'' | 978-92-2-107203-4 | Avishai Gil | Social and labour aspects of urban passenger transport in selected African cities (Working papers / Sectoral Activities Programme) |
1990 | 978-92-2-107216-4 | Anil Agarwal | Strategies for the involvement of the landless and women in afforestation: Five case studies from India: a technical co-operation report |
1989 | 978-92-2-107235-5 | Christopher Colclough | How Can the Manpower Planning Debate Be Resolved? |
'' | 978-92-2-107255-3 | ASEAN ILO Undp Programme of Industrial R | Labour Relations and Development: Summary and Working Papers of the Third ASEAN Tripartite Course on Labour Relations and Development, Phuket, Thailan |
'' | 978-92-2-107256-0 | Muinuddin Khan | Labour Administration: Profile on Indonesia |
'' | 978-92-2-107262-1 | Conditions of employment and work of fire-fighting personnel: Joint Meeting on Conditions of Employment and Work of Fire-Fighting Personnel, Geneva, 9-17 May 1990 |
1990 | 978-92-2-107265-2 | Employment Challenges for the 90s |
1990 | 978-92-2-107269-0 | Jere R Behrman | Human resource led development?: Review of issues and evidence |
'' | 978-92-2-107273-7 | Reija Lilja | Unemployment and labour market flexibility |
1991 | 978-92-2-107274-4 | International Labour Office | Labour Information: A Guide to Selected Sources (International Labour Bibliography) |
1990 | 978-92-2-107275-1 | Child Care an Annotated Bibliography (International labour bibliography) |
'' | 978-92-2-107276-8 | Karl H. Ebel | Computer-Integrated Manufacturing: The Social Dimension |
'' | 978-92-2-107278-2 | A. K. Ghose | Economic Growth and Employment Structure: A Study of Labour Outmigration from Agriculture in Developing Countries |
'' | 978-92-2-107279-9 | Werner Blenk | Labour relations in Caribbean countries: Proceedings of a Tripartite Caribbean Seminar on Labour Relations: Castries, St. Lucia, 1-4 November 1988 (Labour-management relations series) |
1990 | 978-92-2-107280-5 | International Labour Office | Bibliography of Published Research of the World Employment Programme (International labour bibliography) |
1991 | 978-92-2-107281-2 | '' | Safety and Health in the Use of Agrochemicals: A Guide |
'' | 978-92-2-107282-9 | Peter Oakley | Projects With People: The Practice of Participation in Rural Development |
'' | 978-92-2-107285-0 | International Labour Office | Multinational Banks and Their Social and Labour Practices |
'' | 978-92-2-107286-7 | Joseph Prokopenko · Igor Pavlin | Entrepreneurship development in public enterprises (Management development series) |
'' | 978-92-2-107287-4 | Liba Paukert | Defence Expenditure, Industrial Conversion and Local Employment |
1991 | 978-92-2-107288-1 | Liba Paukert | Defence Expenditure, Industrial Conversion and Local Employment |
1992 | 978-92-2-107289-8 | Klaus North | Environmental Business Management (Management development series) |
1991 | 978-92-2-107290-4 | Ewald Walterskirchen | Unemployment and Labour Market Flexibility: Austria |
'' | 978-92-2-107291-1 | Workersʼ education in action: Selected articles from labour education: a workersʼ education manual (International Labour Bibliography) |
'' | 978-92-2-107292-8 | Philip L. Martin | The Unfinished Story: Turkish Labour Migration to Western Europe: With Special Reference to the Federal Republic of Germany |
'' | 978-92-2-107293-5 | International Labour Office | Occupational Exposure Limits for Airborne Toxic Substances: Values of Selected Countries Prepared from the Ilo-Cis Data Base of Exposure Limits (Occupational Safety & Health) |
'' | 978-92-2-107294-2 | Peter C. Plett | Training for Older People: A Handbook |
1989 | 978-92-2-107295-9 | International Labour Office | Empowering Women: Self-Employment Schemes for Female-Headed Households |
1989 | 978-92-2-107304-8 | Edward Sussex | Workers and Trade Unions in a Period of Structural Change |
1990 | 978-92-2-107313-0 | Total and economically active population, employment, and unemployment (population censuses) (Statistical sources and methods) |
1989 | 978-92-2-107331-4 | Guy Standing | The Growth of External Labour Flexibility in a Nascent Nic: Malaysian Labour Flexibility Survey |
'' | 978-92-2-107361-1 | S Tilakaratna | Retrieval of roots for self-reliant development: Some experiences from Thailand (WEP working paper) |
1992 | 978-92-2-107367-3 | Population and human resources development in Cyprus: Research and policy issues |
1991 | 978-92-2-107381-9 | Not Available | Profit Sharing: Eight Case Studies from Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore |
1990 | 978-92-2-107417-5 | Gavin W. Jones | Population Dynamics and Education and Health Planning (Background Papers for Training in Population, Human Resources, and Development Planning, Paper) |
'' | 978-92-2-107419-9 | Jill Wells | Female Participation in the Construction Industry |
'' | 978-92-2-107430-4 | Conditions of employment and work of journalists |
1991 | 978-92-2-107435-9 | International Labour Office | Ilo Standards and Women Workers |
1990 | 978-92-2-107440-3 | Third Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Printing and Allied Trades, Geneva, 1990 |
'' | 978-92-2-107441-0 | Third Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Printing and Allied Trades, Geneva, 1990 |
1990 | 978-92-2-107442-7 | Third Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Printing and Allied Trades, Geneva, 1990 |
'' | 978-92-2-107461-8 | Conditions of work and employment of professional workers: Compendium of principles and good practices |
'' | 978-92-2-107476-2 | John Harriss | Linkages between the formal and the informal sectors in developing countries: A review of literature (World Employment Programme research working paper) |
'' | 978-92-2-107483-0 | David L. Wright | A Study of the Employment Effects and Other Benefits of Collaboration Between Multinational Enterprises and Small-Scale Enterprises |
'' | 978-92-2-107490-8 | W. R. Böhning · J. Werquin | Some Economic, Social and Human Rights Considerations Concerning the Future Status of Third-Country Nationals in the Single European Market (International migration for employment) |
1990 | 978-92-2-107493-9 | Planning rural development projects in Laos: A guide |
1992 | 978-92-2-107494-6 | Ajeet N. Mathur | Industrial Restructuring and Union Power: Micro Economic Dimensions |
1991 | 978-92-2-107497-7 | Martin Godfrey | Education, training, and employment, what can planners do? |
'' | 978-92-2-107499-1 | Mritiunjoy Mohanty | The potential for trade liberalisation between major SAARC countries, and the impact of output and employment (Working papers / Asian Employment Programme) |
'' | 978-92-2-107502-8 | Rafique Butt | Monitoring of vocational training programmes in Pakistan (Working papers) |
'' | 978-92-2-107503-5 | Moazam Mahmood | The implications of rural labour market analysis for generating rural employment in South Asia (Working papers) |
'' | 978-92-2-107510-3 | Human resource development planning: A select annotated bibliography (Bibliography series) |
1991 | 978-92-2-107514-1 | The dilemma of the informal sector: Report of the Director-General |
'' | 978-92-2-107515-8 | Report of the Director-General |
'' | 978-92-2-107516-5 | Report 2: Draft programme and budget 1992-93 and other financial questions |
1990 | 978-92-2-107517-2 | International Labour Office Programme Financial and Administrative Committee | The Director-General's Programme and Budget Proposals for 1992-93 |
1991 | 978-92-2-107520-2 | Human Resources Development; Vocational Guidance and Training: Paid Educ Leave |
1990 | 978-92-2-107522-6 | International Labour Conference: Working Conditions in Hotels, Restaurants and Similar Establishments |
'' | 978-92-2-107524-0 | Protection of Workers Claims in the Event of the Insolvency of Their Employer (International Labor Conference) |
1991 | 978-92-2-107526-4 | The application of modern agricultural technology |
'' | 978-92-2-107534-9 | Apartheid: Special Report of the Directed General on the Application of the Decoration Concerning the Policy of South Africa |
1994 | 978-92-2-107538-7 | Aldo Norsa | Social and Labour Issues Relating to Construction Activities: the Cases of International Contractors from Italy, the Republic of Korea and the United Kingdom |
1994 | 978-92-2-107539-4 | G. Sivalingham | The Economic and Social Impact of Export Processing Zones: The Case F Maalysia (Multinational Enterprises Programme) |
1991 | 978-92-2-107540-0 | Hal Hill | Multinationals and Employment in Indonesia |
1994 | 978-92-2-107541-7 | Greg MacDonald | Multinational Enterprises in Australia: A Preliminary Overview of the Effects on Employment (Multinational Enterprises Programme) |
1993 | 978-92-2-107542-4 | J. Abeywardene · et al | Case Study on the Overseas Activities of Japanese Multinational En Terprises (Multinational Enterprises Programme) |
1990 | 978-92-2-107543-1 | Note on the proceedings [of the 5th Tripartite Technical Meeting for Mines other than Coal Mines, International Labour Organisation] |
'' | 978-92-2-107546-2 | T. Alfthan · C. De Moura Castro · O. De Vries | Employment and Training Implications of Environmental Policies in Europe (Discussion paper No.52) |
'' | 978-92-2-107547-9 | Employment situation of Bangladeshi seafarers: Problems and issues |
'' | 978-92-2-107571-4 | Joint Meeting on Conditions of Employment and Work of Fire-fighting Personnel, Geneva, 9-16 May 1990: Report (JMFFP) |
'' | 978-92-2-107581-3 | Irmgard Nübler | Limits to Change in Training Systems: the Case of France |
1990 | 978-92-2-107602-5 | General report |
'' | 978-92-2-107603-2 | Technological changes in the wood industries with special emphasis on training needs and employment opportunities |
'' | 978-92-2-107604-9 | Occupational safety and health in forestry |
1988 | 978-92-2-107608-7 | Minimum Wage Laws and Administration: The Widening Gap |
1990 | 978-92-2-107621-6 | Narayan R Sheth | Management education and development in South Asia |
1991 | 978-92-2-107635-3 | Consequences of technological developments in the postal and telecommunications services, together with an examination of the conditions governing ... and utilisation of new technologies |
1990 | 978-92-2-107637-7 | Rashid Amjad | Quantitative Techniques in Employment Planning |
'' | 978-92-2-107666-7 | Michael Axman · John Wallace | The Use of Simulated Enterprise Offices in Training Managers and Supervisors |
1991 | 978-92-2-107673-5 | John Weeks | Structural Adjustment and Rural Labour Markets in Sierra Leone (World Employment Programme Research Working Paper: WEP-10-6/WP101) |
'' | 978-92-2-107716-9 | Tanzania, meeting the employment challenge: Report of an ILO/UNDP employment sector review mission |
1992 | 978-92-2-107718-3 | A. A Aboagye | Employment in the urban informal sector in Ghana: Report of a survey of informal sector enterprises in Accra, Kumasi, and Tema |
1992 | 978-92-2-107734-3 | Relaunching development with a human face: Tasks for Africa in the 1990s: report of the ILO/JASPA Second Biennial Meeting of African Employment Planners, Lagos, Nigeria, 10-14 December, 1990 |
1991 | 978-92-2-107738-1 | ILO | The Hours We Work: New Work Schedules In Policy And Practice Conditions Of Work Digest 2/90 |
'' | 978-92-2-107739-8 | Ingrid Palmer | Gender and Population in the Adjustment of African Economies: Planning for Change (WOMEN, WORK AND DEVELOPMENT) |
'' | 978-92-2-107741-1 | Manfred Weiss | Industrial relations effects of industrial restructuring: Case studies, Federal Republic of Germany, Sweden (Occasional paper / Labour Law and Labour Relations Programme) |
'' | 978-92-2-107743-5 | Peter D Sherer | Industrial restructuring and industrial relations in three United States firms (Occasional paper / Labour Law and Labour Relations Programme) |
'' | 978-92-2-107744-2 | Guy Standing | In Search of Flexibility: The New Soviet Labour Market |
1991 | 978-92-2-107745-9 | Guy Standing | Towards Social Adjustment: Labour Market Issues in Structural Adjustment |
'' | 978-92-2-107746-6 | Bibliography of Published Research of the World Employment Programme (International Labour Bibliography) |
'' | 978-92-2-107747-3 | International Labour Organization | The Urban Informal Sector in Africa in Retrospect and Prospect: An Annotated Bibliography (International Labour Bibliography) |
'' | 978-92-2-107748-0 | Labour and population programme: An annotated bibliography (International labour bibliography) |
1992 | 978-92-2-107749-7 | Felix Paukert | Incomes Policies in the Wider Context: Wage, Price and Fiscal Initiatives in Developing Countries |
'' | 978-92-2-107750-3 | Ashwani Saith | Rural Non-Farm Economy: Processes and Policies |
1991 | 978-92-2-107751-0 | ILO | Child Labour: Law and Practice (Conditions of Work Digest,) |
1992 | 978-92-2-107752-7 | Statistical Sources and Methods: Household Income and Expenditures Surveys (SOURCES AND METHODS (GENEVA, SWITZERLAND)) |
1992 | 978-92-2-107753-4 | Muneto Ozaki | Technological Change and Labour Relations |
'' | 978-92-2-107754-1 | International labour conventions and recommendations, 1919-1991 |
'' | 978-92-2-107755-8 | International labour conventions and recommendations, 1919-1991 |
'' | 978-92-2-107756-5 | International Labour Office | International labour conventions and recommendations, 1919-1991 |
'' | 978-92-2-107757-2 | H. Allen Hunt | New Technologies and the Employment of Disabled Persons |
1992 | 978-92-2-107758-9 | Hans Wolfgang Singer | Research of the World Employment Programme: Future priorities and selective assessment |
'' | 978-92-2-107759-6 | David C. E. Chew | Civil Service Pay in South Asia |
1995 | 978-92-2-107760-2 | ILO/UNDP Employment Advisory Mission | Employment generation and poverty reduction in Uganda: Executive report of an ILO/UNDP Employment Advisory Mission |
1993 | 978-92-2-107762-6 | Ethiopia: Towards sustained employment promotion: report of an ILO TSSI Mission on Employment and Human Resources Development in Ethiopia |
'' | 978-92-2-107764-0 | Meeting the African employment challenge of the 1990s: Report of the ILO/JASPA Third Biennial Meeting of African Employment Planners, Arusha, Tanzania, 30 November-4 December 1992 |
'' | 978-92-2-107765-7 | Mboya S. D Bagachwa | The state and the informal sector in Tanzania: Report of a study on the development policies and institutional environment for the informal sector in Tanzania |
'' | 978-92-2-107766-4 | Development policies and institutional environment for employment promotion in the informal sector in Ghana |
1991 | 978-92-2-107787-9 | Diversification of women's training and employment opportunities in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka: Summaries of national workshops, January-February 1990 (Discussion paper) |
1990 | 978-92-2-107790-9 | Anastasiya Posadskaya · Nataliya Zakharova | To Be a Manager: Changes for Women in the USSR (Discussion paper No. 65) |
1991 | 978-92-2-107801-2 | Ercan Uygur | Policy, Productivity, Growth and Employment in Turkey 1960-1989 and Prospects for the 1990s: International Migration for Employment (MIES) |
1991 | 978-92-2-107807-4 | Working conditions in the textiles industry in the |
'' | 978-92-2-107808-1 | Vocational training and retraining in the textiles industry |
'' | 978-92-2-107822-7 | Report |
'' | 978-92-2-107823-4 | Third Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Printing and Allied Trades, Geneva, December 1990: Note on the proceedings |
1990 | 978-92-2-107824-1 | Guy Standing | Do Unions Impede Or Accelerate Structural Adjustment?: Industrial Versus Company Unions in An Industrialising Labour Market |
1991 | 978-92-2-107827-2 | Roger Zegers de Beijl | Discrimination of Migrant Workers in Western Europe (Working paper) |
'' | 978-92-2-107832-6 | Social protection of homeworkers |
1991 | 978-92-2-107837-1 | U. Etukudo · P. De Castro · B. Popovic | Changes in Employment in the Past Two Decades in Egypt, Spain and Yugoslavia |
1990 | 978-92-2-107841-8 | Milan Kubr | Management consulting in Central and Eastern Europe: Challenges and recent developments |
1991 | 978-92-2-107847-0 | Derek Miles · John Ward | Small-Scale Construction Enterprises in Ghana: Practices, Problems and Needs (CIP/I) |
1990 | 978-92-2-107850-0 | Women workers, Bangladesh: A case study on recruitment practices and working conditions of women workers in the public sector in Bangladesh |
1991 | 978-92-2-107870-8 | Gavin W T. Scott | Cooperative Audit and Control: Material for Management Training in Cooperatives: Trainer's Manual |
'' | 978-92-2-107882-1 | International Labour Organisation | General report (Report / Food and Drink Industries Committee) |
'' | 978-92-2-107883-8 | International Labour Organisation | Freedom of association and the right to organise, industrial relations and collective bargaining in the food and drink industries (Report / Sectoral Activities ... Food and Drink Industries Committee) |
'' | 978-92-2-107884-5 | '' | Skill requirements, vocational training and retraining in the food and drink industries (Report / Sectoral Activities Programme, Food and Drink Industries Committee) |
1992 | 978-92-2-107889-0 | Muinuddin Khan · International Labour Oganisation · Asian and Pacific Regional Centre for Labour Administration | Labour Administration Profile on Sri Lanka |
'' | 978-92-2-107890-6 | Asian and Pacific Regional Centre for Labour Administration | Labour Administration Profile on India |
1991 | 978-92-2-107894-4 | Marja Kuiper | Women entrepreneurs in Africa (Training discussion papers) |
1991 | 978-92-2-107895-1 | Self-employment programmes in Bangladesh: Experience of selected organisations |
'' | 978-92-2-107907-1 | Patricia Weinert | Foreign Female Domestic Workers: Help Wanted! |
'' | 978-92-2-107919-4 | J.J. de Veen | International Course for Engineers and Managers of Labour-based Road Construction and Maintenance Programmes |
'' | 978-92-2-107942-2 | International Labour Office | Foreign Women in Domestic Service in Madrid, Spain |
1992 | 978-92-2-107960-6 | Democratisation and the ILO, Report of the Director General (International Labour Conference) |
'' | 978-92-2-107964-4 | Information concerning the programme and budget for 1992-93 and other financial and administrative questions |
1992 | 978-92-2-107965-1 | Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations: Report Iii, (Part 4a: International Labour Conference 79) |
'' | 978-92-2-107968-2 | Protection of workers' claims in the event of the insolvency of their employer |
1991 | 978-92-2-107969-9 | Prevention of industrial disasters: Fifth item on the agenda (Report) |
1992 | 978-92-2-107972-9 | International Labour Office | Adjustment and Human Resources Development (Report vol. 6) |
'' | 978-92-2-107973-6 | Apartheid in South Africa: Special Report to Director General: Ilo Conference, 70th Session 1992 |
1991 | 978-92-2-107984-2 | International Labour Organisation | Notes on the proceedings |
'' | 978-92-2-107986-6 | Ian Mamuya | Structural adjustment and retrenchment in the Civil Service: The case of Tanzania (World Employment Programme research working paper) |
1993 | 978-92-2-108004-6 | International Labour Organization | Social Security: A Worker's Education Guide |
'' | 978-92-2-108005-3 | Alec Fyfe | Child labour: A guide to project design (ILO child labour collection) |
1993 | 978-92-2-108006-0 | International Labour Office | Safety in the use of chemicals at work: An ILO contribution to the International Programme on Chemical Safety of UNEP, the ILO and the WHO (IPCS) (An ILO code of practice) |
'' | 978-92-2-108007-7 | '' | World Labour Report, 1993 |
1992 | 978-92-2-108008-4 | Prelude to Change: Industrial Relations Reform in South Africa (Offprint from Official Bulletin, Series B Special Supplement) |
1994 | 978-92-2-108009-1 | International Labour Office | World Labour Report 1994 |
'' | 978-92-2-108010-7 | Roger Plant | Labour standards and structural adjustment |
'' | 978-92-2-108011-4 | International Labour Office | Visions of the future of social justice: Essays on the occasion of the ILO's 75th anniversary |
1995 | 978-92-2-108012-1 | Arturo Bronstein · Constance Thomas | European Labour Courts: International and European Labour Standards in Labour Court Decisions and Jurisprudence on Sex Discrimination , No 82 (Labour-Management Relations) |
'' | 978-92-2-108013-8 | Norman Goble | Workers' access to education: A workers' education guide |
1996 | 978-92-2-108014-5 | Ellen Rosskam | Your Health and Safety at Work: A Modular Training Package |
1991 | 978-92-2-108034-3 | Bhuchandra P R. Baidya · Gayatri Chaudhari | The Training for Rural Gainful Activities Project: An Evaluation of Women's Participation and Benefits (discussion paper no 72) |
1992 | 978-92-2-108042-8 | John Cameron · Mohammad Irfan | Enabling people to help themselves (ILO-ARTEP) |
1992 | 978-92-2-108047-3 | Social dimensions of structural adjustment in India: Papers and proceedings of a tripartite workshop held in New Delhi, December 10-11, 1991 |
1991 | 978-92-2-108054-1 | Allan Gibb | Defining Success in Entrepreneurship Development Programmes: a Guide to a Model Approach |
'' | 978-92-2-108057-2 | A.S. Bhalla | Labour-based Road Construction |
'' | 978-92-2-108066-4 | Recent developments in inland transport (Report / Inland Transport Committee) |
'' | 978-92-2-108067-1 | Social and legal protection of inland transport workers: The social and legal protection (including repatriation) of inland transport workers engaged in ...: Twelfth Session, Geneva, 1992: report II |
'' | 978-92-2-108068-8 | Recent developments in the leather and footwear industry |
1991 | 978-92-2-108069-5 | Employment and working conditions and competitiveness in the leather and footwear industry: Fourth Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Leather and Footwear ... (Report / International Labour Organisation) |
'' | 978-92-2-108093-0 | Claes-Axel Andersson | Women can build: Women's participation in the construction industry in Sri Lanka (Construction information paper) |
'' | 978-92-2-108098-5 | Leopold P Mureithi | Information technology in Kenya's financial sector (World Employment Programme working paper) |
'' | 978-92-2-108099-2 | Chan Onn Fong | Impact of new information technology in the banking and insurance industries in Malaysia and Singapore (World Employment Programme research working paper) |
'' | 978-92-2-108102-9 | Peter C. Plett | How to Train Older People |
1991 | 978-92-2-108114-2 | The impact of technological change on work and training: Geneva, 28 Oct.-2 Nov. 1991 |
1990 | 978-92-2-108124-1 | Switzerl Joint Meeting on Conditions of Work of Teachers 1991 Geneva | Teacher's Challenges of the 1990's |
1992 | 978-92-2-108125-8 | International Labour Organisation | Recent developments in the iron and steel industry (Report / Iron and Steel Committee) |
'' | 978-92-2-108126-5 | Training in the iron and steel industry |
'' | 978-92-2-108143-2 | Labour Administration Profile on Occupational Safety and Health in Bangladesh |
1991 | 978-92-2-108144-9 | Labour Administration Profile on Occupational Safety and Health in Fiji |
'' | 978-92-2-108146-3 | Labour Administration Profile on Occupational Safety and Health in Papua New Guinea |
1992 | 978-92-2-108147-0 | H. Ono · K. Enomoto | Labour Administration: Profile on Occupational Safety and Health in the People's Republic of China (Asian and Pacific Project for Labour ... Project for Labour Administration, Bangkok) |
'' | 978-92-2-108148-7 | Labour Administration Profile on Occupational Safety and Health in the Philippines |
1992 | 978-92-2-108149-4 | Labour Administration Profile on Occupational Safety and Health in Singapore |
1991 | 978-92-2-108152-4 | Labour Administration Profile on Occupational Safety and Health in the Solomon Islands |
1992 | 978-92-2-108165-4 | Strengthening Technological Capabilities: A Challenge for the Nineties: A Review of Ilo Activities on Technology |
1991 | 978-92-2-108166-1 | Irmgard Nübler | Limits to Change in Training Systems: the Case of Germany |
'' | 978-92-2-108201-9 | Stelios Theocharides | The road passenger transport sector in Sub-Saharan Africa: The performance and development of human resources and organisations |
1992 | 978-92-2-108211-8 | jean francois poncet | networking for entrepreneurship delvelopment |
'' | 978-92-2-108216-3 | Conditions of employment and work of performers: Tripartite Meeting on Conditions of Employment and Work of Performers, Geneva, 1992 |
1991 | 978-92-2-108227-9 | S. Theocharides · A. Tolentino | Integrated Strategies for Small Enterprise Development: a Policy Paper |
1992 | 978-92-2-108248-4 | Poverty in Developing Countries: A Bibliography of Publications by the Ilo's World Employment Programme, 1975-91 (International Labour Bibliography,) |
1993 | 978-92-2-108249-1 | European Labour Court Judges | European labour courts: Industrial action and procedural aspects: proceedings of the third meeting of European Labour Court Judges (Paris, September ... (Labour-management relations series) |
1992 | 978-92-2-108250-7 | A. S. Bhalla | Environment, Employment and Development (A WEP study) |
'' | 978-92-2-108251-4 | Conditions of Work Digest/Number 2 1991: Workers' Privacy Part I: Protection of Personal Data |
1993 | 978-92-2-108252-1 | Joe Thurman · et al | On business and work |
'' | 978-92-2-108253-8 | Hamid Tabatabai | The incidence of poverty in developing countries: An ILO compendium of data (A WEP study) |