year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
1999 | 978-90-5867-001-4 | Noel Golvers | François de Rougemont, S.J., Missionary in Ch'ang-shu (Chiang-Nan): A Study of the Account Book (1674-1676) and the Elogium (Louvain Chinese Studies, 7) (English and Latin Edition) |
2000 | 978-90-5867-005-2 | E. Struyf | Evalueren: een leerkans voor leraren en leerlingen: Over de evaluatiepraktijk in de klas en het evaluatiebeleid op school (Studia Paedagogica, Band 26) |
'' | 978-90-5867-010-6 | T. Romer | The future of the Deuteronomistic history (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium) |
'' | 978-90-5867-013-7 | Kim Waeytens | Leren leren: opvattingen van leerkrachten in secundaire scholen (Studia paedagogica Nieuwe reeks, Band 27) |
'' | 978-90-5867-019-9 | Rik Uytterhoeven | The Groot Begijnhof of Leuven |
'' | 978-90-5867-049-6 | Les Granvelle et les anciens Pays-Bas (Symbolae) (French Edition) |
2000 | 978-90-5867-063-2 | Jaap van Brakel | Philosophy of Chemistry: Between the Manifest and the Scientific Image (Louvain Philosophical Studies) |
'' | 978-90-5867-064-9 | Pierre M. Vermeersch | Palaeolithic Living Sites in Upper and Middle Egypt (Egyptian Prehistory Monographs) |
'' | 978-90-5867-070-0 | Marc Nelissen | De Stichtingsbul Van De Leuvense Universiteit, 1425 1914 |
'' | 978-90-5867-079-3 | Lieven Loots · Marc Waelkens | Sagalassos V: Report on the Survey and Excavation Campaigns of 1996 and 1997 (Acta Archaeologica Lovaniensia Monographiae, 11/a & 11/B) |
'' | 978-90-5867-090-8 | M. Wsek-Wiaderek | The Principle of Equality of Arms in Criminal Procedure under Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights and its Functions in Criminal ... European Countries (Leuven Law Series, 13) |
2001 | 978-90-5867-098-4 | Walter Pintens · Koen Vanwinckelen | Casebook European Family Law (Varia Rechten) |
2001 | 978-90-5867-102-8 | Ku Wei-Ying · Koen DeRidder | Authentic Chinese Christianity: Prelude to Its Development (19th-20th Centuries) (Leuven Chinese Studies, 9) |
'' | 978-90-5867-104-2 | Patrick Onghena · Lieven Verschaffel · Wim Van Dooren | Rekenen of algebra?: Gebruik van en houding tegenover rekenkundige en algebraïsche oplossingswijzen bij toekomstige leerkrachten (Studia Paedagogica, Band 30) |
'' | 978-90-5867-121-9 | Mark Derez · Hugo Maertens | Leuven: Town and Gown |
'' | 978-90-5867-125-7 | Hugo Ceulemans | Structural and Functional Characterisation of Sds22: A Putative Mitotic Regulator of Protein Phosphatase-1 (Acta Biomedica Lovaniensia, 229) |
'' | 978-90-5867-160-8 | Alphonse De Waelhens · Wilfried Ver Eecke | Phenomenology and Lacan on Schizophrenia after the Decade of the Brain (Figures of the Unconscious) |
2001 | 978-90-5867-166-0 | Marc Lodewijckx | Belgian Archaeology in a European Setting (Acta Archaeologica Lovaniensia: Monographiae) |
'' | 978-90-5867-181-3 | E. Fattah · Stephan Parmentier | Victim Policies and Criminal Justice on the Road to Restorative Justice: Essays in Honour of Tony Peters (Samenleving, Criminaliteit en Strafrechtspleging) |
2002 | 978-90-5867-196-7 | Ineke Maas · Andrew Miles · Koen Matthijs · Marco H. D. van van Leeuwen | HISCO: Historical International Standard Classification of Occupations |
'' | 978-90-5867-200-1 | Emiel Lamberts | The Black International: 1870-1878 (Kadoc-Studies, 29) (English and French Edition) |
'' | 978-90-5867-207-0 | A Quak | Inleiding Oudnederlands (Ancorae) (Dutch Edition) |
'' | 978-90-5867-239-1 | Philip Stadter · Luc van Van der Stockt | Sage and Emperor: Plutarch, Greek Intellectuals, and Roman Power in the Time of Trajan (98-117 A.D.) (Facultatis Litterarum Lovaniensis Series a) |
2002 | 978-90-5867-256-8 | Raoul Bauer | In de voetsporen van Jacob van Maerlant: Liber amicorum Raf De Keyser. Verzameling opstellen over middeleeuwse geschiedenis en geschiedenisdidactiek ... Lovaniensis - Series A (hardcover), Band 30) |
'' | 978-90-5867-270-4 | Inge Hoornaert | Identification & Evaluation of Candidate Tumour Suppressor Genes on Chromosome Region 12P12-13 (Acta Biomedica Lovaniensia, 273) |
2003 | 978-90-5867-283-4 | P. Dieudonne | La Paix Clementine: Defaite Et Victoire Du Premier Jansenisme Francais Sous Le Pontificat de Cl'ement IX (1667-1669) |
'' | 978-90-5867-299-5 | Thierry Voet | Design & Characterization of a Chromosomal Vector for Transgenesis in Higher Eukaryotes (Acta Biomedica Lovaniensia, 284) |
'' | 978-90-5867-315-2 | W. Vande Walle · Noel Golvers | The History of the Relations between the Low Countries and China in the Qing Era (1644-1911) (Leuven Chinese Studies, 14) |
'' | 978-90-5867-323-7 | Jan Van Looy · Jan Baetens | Close Reading New Media: Analyzing Electronic Literature (Symobolae, Facultatis Litterarum Lovaniensis, Series d Litteraria) |
2003 | 978-90-5867-337-4 | Florentino Garcia Martinez | Wisdom and Apocalypticism in the Dead Sea Scrolls and in the Biblical Tradition (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium, 168) |
'' | 978-90-5867-342-8 | Ferre Laevers · Ludo Heylen | Involvement of Children and Teacher Style: Insights from an International Study on Experiential Education (Studia Paedagogica) |
2004 | 978-90-5867-347-3 | Paul Arblaster | Antwerp and the World: Richard Verstegan and the International Culture of Catholic Reformation (Avisos de Flandes) |
'' | 978-90-5867-369-5 | Jonathan Dunsby · Joseph N. Straus · Yves Knockaert · Max Paddison · Konrad Boehmer | Order and Disorder: Music-Theoretical Strategies in 20th Century Music (Collected Writings of the Orpheus Institute) |
'' | 978-90-5867-376-3 | Christa Maes | Angiogenesis & Bone: The Role of the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Family in Bone Development and Repair (ACTA Biomedica Lovaniensia) |
'' | 978-90-5867-408-1 | Christopher M. Gemerchak | Everyday Extraordinary: Encountering Fetishism with Marx, Freud and Lacan (Figures of the Unconscious) (v. 4) |
2004 | 978-90-5867-413-5 | Jonathan Cross · Jonathan Harvey · Helmut Lachenmann · Albrecht Wellmer · Richard Klein | Identity and Difference: Essays on Music, Language and Time (Collected Writings of the Orpheus Institute) (v. 5) |
'' | 978-90-5867-418-0 | Ann Heylen | Chronique du Toumet-Ortos: Looking Through the Lens of Joseph Van Oost, Missionary in Inner Mongolia (1915-1921) (Leuven Chinese Studies) (v. 16) |
'' | 978-90-5867-430-2 | G. van Van Riel · C. Macé | Platonic Ideas and Concept Formation in Ancient and Medieval Thought (Ancient and Medieval Philosophy-Series 1) |
2005 | 978-90-5867-432-6 | Heinz Giesen | Jesu Heilsbotschaft und die kirche |
2004 | 978-90-5867-434-0 | G. Van Belle J. Verheyden (eds.) R. Bieringer | Luke and his Readers. Festschrift A. Denaux |
2005 | 978-90-5867-471-5 | Tomas Geyskens | Our Original Scenes: Freud's Theory of Sexuality (Figures of the Unconscious) (v. 6) |
'' | 978-90-5867-474-6 | Jos M. M. Hermans · Marc Nelissen | Charters of Foundation and Early Documents of the Universities of the Coimbra Group (Varia Letteren) |
'' | 978-90-5867-488-3 | Hilde van Van Gelder | Constantin Meunier: A Dialogue with Allan Sekula (Lieven Gevaert Series) (v. 2) |
2005 | 978-90-5867-497-5 | Jan de De Maeyer · Hans-Heino Ewers · Rita Ghesquiére · Michel Manson · Pat Pinsent · Patricia Quaghebeur | Religion, Children's Literature, and Modernity in Western Europe 1750-2000 (KADOC Studies on Religion, Culture and Society) |
'' | 978-90-5867-506-4 | Thomas Leinkauf · Carlos Steel | Plato's Timaeus and the Foundations of Cosmology in Late Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and Renaissance (Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, Series 1) |
2006 | 978-90-5867-508-8 | Bart Wauters | Recht als religie: Canonieke onderbouw van de vroegmoderne staatshervorming in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden (Symbolae Facultatis Litterarum Lovaniensis - Series B, Band 35) |
'' | 978-90-5867-519-4 | Marjan De Smet · Paul Trio | The Use and Abuse of Sacred Places in Late Medieval Towns (Mediaevalia Lovaniensia) |
'' | 978-90-5867-557-6 | Jan Van Impe | The University Library of Leuven: The Story of a Phoenix (Varia Lovaniensia) |
2008 | 978-90-5867-563-7 | Jan Baetens · Hilde van Van Gelder | Critical Realism in Contemporary Art: Around Allan Sekula's Photography (Lieven Gevaert Series) |
2006 | 978-90-5867-570-5 | Jo Tollebeek · Nys Liesbet | The City on the Hill: A History of Leuven University, 1968-2005 (Varia Lovaniensia) |
2007 | 978-90-5867-587-3 | Thomas Christensen · Penelope Gouk · Gérard Geay · Susan McClary · Markus Jans | Towards Tonality: Aspects of Baroque Music Theory (Collected Writings of the Orpheus Institute) |
'' | 978-90-5867-592-7 | Patricia Allmer · Hilde van Van Gelder | Collective Inventions: Surrealism in Belgium (Lieven Gevaert Series) |
2007 | 978-90-5867-596-5 | Jeff Lipkes | Rehearsals: The German Army in Belgium, August 1914 |
'' | 978-90-5867-598-9 | Henri van Van Lier | Philosophy of Photography (Lieven Gevaert Series) |
2008 | 978-90-5867-603-0 | Geert Roskam | A Commentary on Plutarch's "De latenter vivendo" (Plutarchea Hypomnemata) |
2009 | 978-90-5867-646-7 | Joop van Van Der Horst | Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Syntaxis |
'' | 978-90-5867-666-5 | Wolfgang Cortjaens · Jan de De Maeyer · Tom Verschaffel | Historism and Cultural Identity in the Rhine-Meuse Region: Tensions between Nationalism and Regionalism in the Nineteenth Century (KADOC Artes) |
'' | 978-90-5867-671-9 | Michéle Goyens · Pieter de De Leemans · An Smets | Science Translated: Latin and Vernacular Translations of Scientific Treatises in Medieval Europe (Mediaevalia Lovaniensia) |
'' | 978-90-5867-708-2 | Clark Colahan · Warren S. Smith | Spanish Humanism on the Verge of the Picaresque: Juan Maldonado's "Ludus Chartarum," "Pastor Bonus," and "Bacchanalia" (Supplementa Humanistica Lovaniensia) |
2010 | 978-90-5867-714-3 | Jan de De Maeyer · Rajesh Heynickx | The Maritain Factor: Taking Religion into Interward Modernism (KADOC Studies on Religion, Culture and Society) |
2009 | 978-90-5867-715-0 | William E. Caplin · James Webster · James Hepokoski | Musical Form, Forms, and Formenlehre: Three Methodological Reflections |
2009 | 978-90-5867-716-7 | Barbara Baert · James Elkins | Fluid Flesh: The Body, Religion, and the Visual Arts (Lieven Gevaert Series) |
2010 | 978-90-5867-739-6 | Jean-Yves Carlier · Marie-Claire Foblets · André Leysen | Islam and Europe: Challenges and Opportunities (UPL in Context) |
'' | 978-90-5867-751-8 | Steven Vande Moortele | Two-Dimensional Sonata Form: Form and Cycle in Single-Movement Instrumental Works by Liszt, Strauss, Schoenberg, and Zemlinsky |
| 978-90-5867-752-5 | Willensschwache in Antike Und Mittelalter: Eine Problemgeschichte Von Sokrates Bis Johannes Duns Scotus (Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, Series 1) (German Edition) |
2009 | 978-90-5867-754-9 | Herman Westerink | A Dark Trace: Sigmund Freud on the Sense of Guilt (Figures of the Unconscious) |
'' | 978-90-5867-756-3 | Jean-François Lyotard | Karel Appel, A Gesture of Colour (Jean-Francois Lyotard: Writings on Contemporary Art and Artists) |
2010 | 978-90-5867-768-6 | Victor Burgin | Situational Aesthetics: Selected Writings by Victor Burgin (Lieven Gevaert Series) |
'' | 978-90-5867-781-5 | Jean-Francois Lyotard | Sam Francis, Lesson of Darkness (Jean-Francois Lyotard: Writings on Contemporary Art and Artists) |
2011 | 978-90-5867-790-7 | Jean-François Lyotard | Les Transformateurs Duchamp/Duchamp's TRANS/formers (Jean-Francois Lyotard: Writings on Contemporary Art and Artists) |
2010 | 978-90-5867-793-8 | Jan Baetens · Alexander Streitberger · Hilde van Van Gelder | Time and Photography (Lieven Gevaert Series) |
'' | 978-90-5867-801-0 | Veerle Rots | Prehension and Hafting Traces on Flint Tools: A Methodology |
2010 | 978-90-5867-822-5 | William E. Caplin · James Hepokoski · James Webster | Musical Form, Forms, and Formenlehre: Three Methodological Reflections |
'' | 978-90-5867-828-7 | Thomas Christensen · Robert Gjerdingen · Rudolf Lutz · Giorgio Sanguinetti | Partimento and Continuo Playing in Theory and in Practice (Collected Writings of the Orpheus Institute) |
2011 | 978-90-5867-865-2 | Adam Mrozowicki | Coping with Social Change: Life Strategies of Workers in Poland's New Capitalism |
2012 | 978-90-5867-886-7 | Jean-François Lyotard | Miscellaneous Texts: "Aesthetics and Theory of Art" and "Contemporary Artists" (Jean-Francois Lyotard: Writings on Contemporary Art and Artists) (Volume 2) |
2011 | 978-90-5867-893-5 | Michael-W. Werruys | The Dukes of Arenberg: The History of a Noble Family |
2012 | 978-90-5867-896-6 | Jean-François Lyotard | Miscellaneous Texts: "Aesthetics and Theory of Art" and "Contemporary Artists" (Jean-Francois Lyotard: Writings on Contemporary Art and Artists) |
'' | 978-90-5867-902-4 | Patrick Develtere | How Do We Help?: The Free Market in Development Aid |
'' | 978-90-5867-904-8 | Frances B. Titchener | Plutarch's "Life of Nicias": A Commentary (Plutarchea Hypomnemata) |
'' | 978-90-5867-910-9 | Mieke Bleyen | Minor Photography: Connecting Deleuze and Guattari to Photography Theory (Lieven Gevaert Series) |
2012 | 978-90-5867-922-2 | Bruno Blondé · Isabelle Devos · Jord Hanus · Wouter Ryckbosch | Trend en toeval: inleiding tot de kwantitatieve methoden voor historici |
2013 | 978-90-5867-924-6 | Katleen Janssen · Joep Crompvoets | Geographic Data and the Law: Defining New Challenges |
2014 | 978-90-5867-934-5 | Aaron N. Shugar · Jennifer L. Mass | Handheld XRF for Art and Archaeology (Studies in Archaeological Sciences) |
'' | 978-90-5867-936-9 | Karl Enenkel · Henk Nellen | Neo-Latin Commentaries and the Management of Knowledge in the Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period (1400-1700) (Supplementa Humanistica Lovaniensia) |
'' | 978-90-5867-939-0 | Dries Raeymaekers | One Foot in the Palace: The Habsburg Court of Brussels and the Politics of Access in the Reign of Albert and Isabella, 1598-1621 |
'' | 978-90-5867-943-7 | Raphael Pirenne · Alexander Streitberger | Heterogeneous Objects: Intermedia and Photography after Modernism (Lieven Gevaert Series) |
'' | 978-90-5867-956-7 | Luc Rombouts | Singing Bronze: A History of Carillon Music |
2014 | 978-90-5867-957-4 | Carla Taban | Meta- and Inter-Images in Contemporary Visual Art and Culture |
2013 | 978-90-5867-959-8 | Lodewijk Berlage · Paul De Grauwe · Johan Eyckmans · Maarten Goos · Erik Schokkaert · Patrick Van Cayseele · Frank Verboven · André Watteyne | Economie: een inleiding |
2014 | 978-90-5867-960-4 | Ben Stoltzfus | Magritte and Literature: Elective Affinities |
'' | 978-90-5867-967-3 | Filip de De Boeck | Kinshasa: Tales of the Invisible City |
2013 | 978-90-5867-973-4 | Michael Schwab | Experimental Systems: Future Knowledge in Artistic Research (Orpheus Institute) |
2014 | 978-90-5867-974-1 | Paul Craenen | Composing under the Skin: The Music-making Body at the Composer's Desk (Orpheus Institute) |
'' | 978-90-5867-975-8 | Alexandra Moschovi · Carol McKay · Arabella Plouviez | The Versatile Image: Photography, Digital Technologies and the Internet |
'' | 978-90-5867-979-6 | Jeroen Poblome | Exempli Gratia: Sagalassos, Marc Waelkens and Interdisciplinary Archaeology |
'' | 978-90-5867-981-9 | Erkan Toguslu · Johan Leman · Ismail Mesut Sezgin | New Multicultural Identities in Europe: Religion and Ethnicity in Secular Societies (Current Issues in Islam) |
2015 | 978-90-5867-986-4 | Pieter de De Leemans | Translating at the Court: Bartholomew of Messina and Cultural Life at the Court of Manfred of Sicily (Mediaevalia Lovaniensia) |
2014 | 978-90-5867-988-8 | Ann Miller · Bart Beaty | The French Comics Theory Reader (Studies in European Comics and Graphic Novels) |
2014 | 978-90-5867-990-1 | René Vermeir · Dries Raeymaekers · José Eloy Hortal Muñoz | A Constellation of Courts: The Courts and Households of Habsburg Europe, 1555-1665 (Avisos de Flandes) |
'' | 978-90-5867-994-9 | Paulo C. Chagas | Unsayable Music: Six Reflections on Musical Semiotics, Electroacoustic and Digital Music |