Encyclopedia of World Art (Author :) (Pricing: 1580) (Publisher: Jilin Literature and History Society Te Jiashu) (ISBN: 7807021(Chinese Edition)




ISBN: 978-7-80702-188-9

ISBN-10: 7-80702-188-8

& Nbsp Jilin Literature and History · 2000

See also (possibly by other authors):
1983HardcoverEncyclopedia of World Art
1983HardcoverEncyclopedia of World Art: 016
1977Textbook BindingEncyclopedia of World Art
1967Textbook BindingEncyclopedia of World Art (v. 14)
1966HardcoverEncyclopedia of World Art
1966Textbook BindingEncyclopedia of World Art (v. 11)
1966Textbook BindingEncyclopedia of World Art (v. 12)
1966Textbook BindingEncyclopedia of World Art (v. 15)
1965HardcoverEncyclopedia of World Art
1964HardcoverEncyclopedia of World Art, Vol. 9
1963HardcoverEncyclopedia of World Art
1963HardcoverEncyclopedia of World Art, Vol. 6
1963Textbook BindingEncyclopedia of World Art (v. 8)
1962Textbook BindingEncyclopedia of World Art (v. 5)
1961Textbook BindingEncyclopedia of World Art (v. 3)
1961Textbook BindingEncyclopedia of World Art (v. 4)
1960Textbook BindingEncyclopedia of World Art (v. 2)
1959HardcoverEncyclopedia of World Art