Jieli Publishing House

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
2008978-7-5448-0333-5Twilight (Simplified Chinese Edition)
1991978-7-5448-0544-5YING KAI SE LIN FEI SHE ERoracle
2009978-7-5448-0545-2ying kai se lin ·fei she erThe Archon (Chinese Edition)
2008978-7-5448-0571-1Twilight: Eclipse (Chinese Edition)
2009978-7-5448-0620-6ri mu cun yu yiChange Your Dress (Chinese Edition)
  ''978-7-5448-0739-5Twilight: Breaking Dawn (Simplified Chinese Edition) (Mandarin Chinese Edition)
2010978-7-5448-1480-5bei jing shi fan da xue pan dengGraded Readings (Grade One to Grade Three) (Chinese Edition)
2011978-7-5448-1621-2nuo qiao si tan ·jia deThe Orange Girl (Chinese Edition)
2014978-7-5448-3515-2FA GUO JIA LIFirst discovered books Flashlight Encyclopedia: small animals have a big skill(Chinese Edition)