
ISBN 978-4-00-000035-2 to 978-4-00-005441-6 << ISBN 978-4-00-600149-0 to 978-4-00-603255-5 < ISBN 978-4-00-603257-9 to end of this ISBN range

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
2013978-4-00-603257-92013. editor: ToÌ"kyoÌ" : IwanamishotenKodomo to aku
2014978-4-00-603258-6河合 隼雄大人になることのむずかしさ (岩波現代文庫〈子どもとファンタジー〉コレクション 5)
  ''978-4-00-603266-11949- yoshinori koÌ"no ç"²é‡Ž å-"ç´€Kobujutsu ni manabu shintai soÌ"hoÌ"
2015978-4-00-603287-6羽鳥 操野口体操入門――からだからのメッセージ (岩波現代文庫)
978-4-00-603291-3戦下のレシピ__太平洋戦争下の食を知る (岩波現代文庫)
978-4-00-603301-9沖縄 若夏の記憶 (岩波現代文庫)
978-4-00-700004-1Bankruptcy is not afraid (Iwanami Shinsho active) (2002) ISBN: 4007000042 [Japanese Import]
2002978-4-00-700008-9竹原 和彦こうして治すアトピー (岩波アクティブ新書)
978-4-00-700013-3Learn from Zeami! Office Politics is (Iwanami Shinsho active) (2002) ISBN: 4007000131 [Japanese Import]
978-4-00-700017-1Sports training to draw personality (Iwanami Shinsho active (17)) (2002) ISBN: 4007000174 [Japanese Import]
978-4-00-700020-1It should decide before you die - Funeral and-grave lifetime contract (Iwanami Shinsho active) (2002) ISBN: 4007000204 [Japanese Import]
978-4-00-700023-2Dictionary words you hear in the hospital (Iwanami Shinsho active) (2002) ISBN: 4007000239 [Japanese Import]
2002978-4-00-700036-2高木 ブー高木ブーの楽しくウクレレ (岩波アクティブ新書)
  ''978-4-00-700037-9斎藤 美奈子戦下のレシピ―太平洋戦争下の食を知る (岩波アクティブ新書)
  ''978-4-00-700042-3ハイディ 矢野ビジネス英語の第一歩 (岩波アクティブ新書 42) [シングルCD付き]
  ''978-4-00-700043-0中森 勇人辞めてはいけない―キーワードで読むリストラ (岩波アクティブ新書)
978-4-00-700046-1large study of breaking ball baseball is interesting (Iwanami Shinsho active) (2002) ISBN: 4007000468 [Japanese Import]
978-4-00-700047-8Comfortable bicycle life (Iwanami Shinsho active) (2002) ISBN: 4007000476 [Japanese Import]
978-4-00-700052-2Control technique of trouble (Iwanami Shinsho active) (2002) ISBN: 4007000522 [Japanese Import]
2003978-4-00-700057-7羽鳥 操野口体操入門―からだからのメッセージ (岩波アクティブ新書)
978-4-00-700059-1Basic knowledge of corporate restructuring (Iwanami Shinsho active) (2003) ISBN: 400700059X [Japanese Import]
978-4-00-700063-8Gymnastics only method to learn to old martial arts (Iwanami Shinsho active) (2003) ISBN: 4007000638 [Japanese Import]
978-4-00-700065-2Independent practice manual - and you should know this much (Iwanami Shinsho active) (2003) ISBN: 4007000654 [Japanese Import]
2003978-4-00-700069-0中野 民夫ファシリテーション革命 (岩波アクティブ新書)
978-4-00-700072-0Tokyo walk (Iwanami Shinsho active) to enjoy five senses (2003) ISBN: 4007000727 [Japanese Import]
978-4-00-700075-1Asobu Nihongo Fushigina Nihongo
978-4-00-700077-5Vietnam town tourist guide (Iwanami Shinsho active) (2003) ISBN: 4007000778 [Japanese Import]
978-4-00-700079-9Select cosmetics that you can rest assured (2003) ISBN: 4007000794 [Japanese Import]
2003978-4-00-700081-2金丸 弘美本物を伝える日本のスローフード (岩波アクティブ新書)
978-4-00-700088-1Do not use while I bought the PC -! Comfortable environment to make with free software - (Iwanami Shinsho active (88)) (2003) ISBN: 4007000883 [Japanese Import]
978-4-00-700090-4(Iwanami Shinsho active) - two sides of the same consumer finance pro-talks - debt addiction archipelago (2003) ISBN: 4007000905 [Japanese Import]
978-4-00-700091-1Watch the 30 needed for life (Iwanami Shinsho active (91)) (2003) ISBN: 4007000913 [Japanese Import]
978-4-00-700092-8To visit the material of delicious French best (Iwanami Shinsho active (92)) (2003) ISBN: 4007000921 [Japanese Import]
978-4-00-700094-2When I was told the uterus, ovarian cancer (Iwanami Shinsho active (94)) (2003) ISBN: 4007000948 [Japanese Import]
2004978-4-00-700096-6中川 右介ブームはどう始まりどう終わるのか (岩波アクティブ新書)
978-4-00-700098-0Exercise to feel the breath (Iwanami Shinsho active) (2004) ISBN: 4007000980 [Japanese Import]
2004978-4-00-700102-4大澤 幸生ビジネスチャンス発見の技術 (岩波アクティブ新書)
978-4-00-700114-7Change the business - management of customer relationship (Iwanami Shinsho active) (2004) ISBN: 4007001146 [Japanese Import]
2004978-4-00-700115-4Utsu Kibun ShoÌ"gai KyoÌ"kai.Rehabilitation guide from "depression" (Iwanami Shinsho active) (2004) ISBN: 4007001154 [Japanese Import]
978-4-00-700117-8Technology research on your own - Introduction to study for the citizens (Iwanami Shinsho active) (2004) ISBN: 4007001170 [Japanese Import]
978-4-00-700118-5The! Na use while taking digital camera pictures - fix go fast to take the Gaba~tsu (Iwanami Shinsho active) (2004) ISBN: 4007001189 [Japanese Import]
2004978-4-00-700124-6鮫島 敦老舗の訓(おしえ) 人づくり (岩波アクティブ新書)
2004978-4-00-700126-0舘神 龍彦システム手帳新入門! (岩波アクティブ新書)
  ''978-4-00-700129-1伊達 淳一はじめてのデジタル一眼レフ カラー版 (岩波アクティブ新書)