Bristol House

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
1995978-1-885224-02-6Albert Cook OutlerAlbert Outler, the churchman (The Albert Outler library)
  ''978-1-885224-03-3Albert Cook OutlerAlbert Outler, the university professor (The Albert Outler Library)
1998978-1-885224-05-7Charles M. Cooper · Sara L. AndersonWe Believe ~ Junior High Basic Belief Studies Teacher Guide (We Believe Series)
1996978-1-885224-08-8Albert Cook OutlerChristology (The Albert Outler library)
1997978-1-885224-11-8   ''The pastoral psychology of Albert C. Outler (The Albert Outler library)
1999978-1-885224-28-6Bob W ParrottAlbert C. Outler: The gifted dilettante
2001978-1-885224-35-4Albert Cook OutlerThe ecumenical theologian: Essays by Albert Cook Outler/ general editor, Bob Parrot; editor, Leicester R. Longden (The Albert Outler library)