year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
1995978-1-881883-03-6Thomas P. SarafinSpacecraft Structures and Mechanisms: From Concept to Launch
1996978-1-881883-04-3Peter EckartSpaceflight Life Support and Biospherics (Space Technology Library, V. 5)
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2001978-1-881883-07-4James R WertzOrbit and Constellation Design and Management (Space Technology Library, Vol. 13) - Renewed Edition by James R Wertz (2001) Paperback
1999978-1-881883-10-4Wiley J. Larson · James R. WertzSpace Mission Analysis and Design, 3rd edition (Space Technology Library, Vol. 8)
2001978-1-881883-12-8David A ValladoFundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications, 2nd. ed. (The Space Technology Library)
2007978-1-881883-14-2David A. ValladoFundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications
2011978-1-881883-15-965 Authors from the Astronautics CommunitySpace Mission Engineering: The New SMAD (Space Technology Library, Vol. 28)
  ''978-1-881883-16-6over 65 authors at the top of their fieldsSpace Mission Engineering: The New SMAD (Space Technology Library, Vol. 28)
2013978-1-881883-18-0David A. ValladoFundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications, 4th ed. (Space Technology Library)

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