year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
2002 | 978-1-878825-00-1 | Gore Vidal | The Decline and Fall of the American Empire (The Real Story Series) |
'' | 978-1-878825-01-8 | Noam Chomsky | What Uncle Sam Really Wants (The Real Story Series) |
'' | 978-1-878825-03-2 | Noam Chomsky | The Prosperous Few and the Restless Many (The Real Story Series) |
'' | 978-1-878825-04-9 | '' | Secrets, Lies and Democracy (The Real Story Series) |
'' | 978-1-878825-05-6 | Carl Deal | The Greenpeace Guide to Anti-Environmental Organizations (The Real Story Series) |
1995 | 978-1-878825-07-0 | Noam Chomsky | The Chomsky Trilogy: Secrets, Lies and Democracy/The Prosperous Few and the Restless Many/What Uncle Sam Really Wants (The Real Story) |
1998 | 978-1-878825-08-7 | '' | The Common Good (Real Story) |
1993 | 978-1-878825-09-4 | Philip H. Melanson · Carl Oglesby | The Assassination Triology: Three Vol. Set |
2002 | 978-1-878825-10-0 | Carl Oglesby | Who Killed JFK? (The Real Story Series) |
2002 | 978-1-878825-11-7 | Philip Melanson | Who Killed Martin Luther King? (The Real Story Series) |
'' | 978-1-878825-12-4 | Philip Melanson | Who Killed Robert Kennedy? (The Real Story Series) |
'' | 978-1-878825-15-5 | Gore Vidal | The American Presidency (The Real Story Series) |
2003 | 978-1-878825-16-2 | Noam Chomsky | The Chomsky Quartet (The Real Story Series) |
1996 | 978-1-878825-20-9 | Matthew Jardine | East Timor: Genocide in Paradise (The Real Story) |
2002 | 978-1-878825-21-6 | Alan Clements | Burma: The Next Killing Fields? (The Real Story Series) |
'' | 978-1-878825-22-3 | Matthew Jardine | East Timor: Genocide in Paradise (The Real Story Series) |
'' | 978-1-878825-30-8 | Mark Zepezauer | The CIA's Greatest Hits (The Real Story Series) |
1996 | 978-1-878825-31-5 | Mark Zepezauer · Arthur Naiman | Take the Rich Off Welfare (Real Story Series) |
1995 | 978-1-878825-45-2 | Aubrey Hampton | What's in Your Cosmetics?: A Complete Consumer's Guide to Natural and Synthetic Ingredients |
1992 | 978-1-878825-50-6 | Bonnie Edwards | America's Favorite Drug: Coffee and Your Health |
1996 | 978-1-878825-55-1 | Adriane Fugh-Berman | Alternative medicine--what works: A comprehensive, easy-to-read review of the scientific evidence, pro and con |
1999 | 978-1-878825-69-8 | Arthur Naiman | Words That Ought to Be Dirty But Aren't |