year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
2013 | 978-1-59826-016-8 | Rabbi Dr. Joseph Breuer | Breuer Machzor for Yom Kippur with Translation and Commentary of Piyutim |
'' | 978-1-59826-027-4 | Samson Raphael Hirsch | Hamishah Humshe Torah: Im Targum Onkelos U-Ferush Rashi: Ve-Im Perush Ha-Gaon Mo. Ha-R. R. Shimshon Ben Ha-R. R. Refael Hirsh, F.F. Z.L.L.H.H |
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2006 | 978-1-59826-158-5 | Binat Ha-Lev | Binat Ha-Midot: Pirke Hadrakhah: Hanhagot, Hinukh, Shelemut Ha-Bayit |
2007 | 978-1-59826-166-0 | Global Torah Network | Meoros HaShabbos, English, (Vol. 1) |
2008 | 978-1-59826-180-6 | David M. Zucker | A Voice Shall Sing Forth: Commentary of the Dubner Maggid on the Song of Songs |
2007 | 978-1-59826-181-3 | Havah Bronshtain-Harman | Shirim Le-Et Metso |
'' | 978-1-59826-196-7 | Shifrah Glik | Ha-Havurah Ha-Sodit Shel Bentsi |
2008 | 978-1-59826-200-1 | Israel | Hagadah Shel Pesah Hafets Hayim: Otsar Beurim Ve-Hidushim Ba-Halakhah Uva-Agadah Al Hagadah Shel Pesah |
'' | 978-1-59826-213-1 | Roy S. Neuberger | 2020 Vision |
'' | 978-1-59826-249-0 | Simcha Raz | A Tzaddik in Our Time: The Life of Rabbi Aryeh Levin |
2008 | 978-1-59826-282-7 | Global Torah Network | Meoros Hashabbos, Volume 3, English, the Laws of Shabbos Arranged for Weekly Study At the Shabbos Ta |
2009 | 978-1-59826-298-8 | Baruch Finkelstein | Aohare Ledah: Madrikh Yehudi Li-Meniat Dikaon Aohare Ledah, Zihuyo Oveha-Otipul Bo |
'' | 978-1-59826-316-9 | Mother's Association of Bais Yaacov Elementary of Toronto | 1001 T.I.P.S.: Timely Insights and Parenting Strategies |
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2008 | 978-1-59826-382-4 | Yaakov Yoel Volf | Moade U-Meore Yisrael: Hilkhot Moade Yisrael Ve-Kitsur Hilkhot Yom Tov ... Be-Livui Meot Temunot Tsivoniyot |
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'' | 978-1-59826-443-2 | Shemuel P. Troibe | Meah Ahuz |
'' | 978-1-59826-444-9 | Yosef Tsevi Guvits | Ha-Nidon Le-Hayim: Nifleot Ha-Hatsalah Meha-Shoah, Hitgashmut Halom Ha-Aliyah Le-Erets Yisrael Veha-Maavak Al Nefesh Ha-Yeled |
'' | 978-1-59826-457-9 | Natan Refael Oyerbakh | Shomre Mishmeret Ha-Kodesh: Ha-Rabanim Le-Mishpahat Oyerbakh Be-Ashkenaz |
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2010 | 978-1-59826-524-8 | Rabbi Yitzchak Zilber | To Remain a Jew: The Life of Rav Yitzchak Zilber |
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'' | 978-1-59826-596-5 | Jamie Geller | Quick & Kosher: Meals in Minutes |
'' | 978-1-59826-627-6 | Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto | Path of the Just (Torah Classics Library), Pocket Edition |
'' | 978-1-59826-653-5 | Rabbi Baruch Finkelstein · Michal Finkelstein · RN CNM | Delivery From Darkness: A Jewish guide to prevention and treatment of postpartum depression (hardcover) |
2010 | 978-1-59826-748-8 | Gershom Ben Yeohezokel Harpanas | Idan Ha-Rishonim: Seokirah Hisotorit Al Teokufat Rishone Ohakhme Yiasrael ... |
'' | 978-1-59826-761-7 | Ben Zion Firer | Tahapukhot Ha-Goral: Sipur |
2011 | 978-1-59826-762-4 | Efrat Libfroind | Kosher Elegance |
'' | 978-1-59826-787-7 | Ha-Ish Al Ha-Edah: Piroke Hod U-Shevivim ... Mi-Tokh Masekhet Ohayaov ... Shel Ezra Aotiyah, Rosh Yeshivat "Porat Yosef" |
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2012 | 978-1-59826-882-9 | Bracha Rosman | Ha-Yoreshet |
2011 | 978-1-59826-899-7 | Avraham Yeshayahu Otrop | Netanel: Ha-Naar Ha-Gaon Veha-Garin Ha-Irani |