year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
2006 | 978-1-55451-017-7 | Loris Lesynski | I Did It Because: How a Poem Happens |
'' | 978-1-55451-018-4 | '' | I Did It Because: How a Poem Happens |
'' | 978-1-55451-019-1 | Meg Clibbon | Imagine You're a Ballerina |
'' | 978-1-55451-020-7 | Meg Clibbon | Imagine You're a Ballerina |
'' | 978-1-55451-027-6 | Dennis Foon | The Keeper's Shadow |
2006 | 978-1-55451-028-3 | Dennis Foon | The Keeper's Shadow |
2007 | 978-1-55451-031-3 | Cora Lee · Gillian O'Reilly | The Great Number Rumble: A Story of Math in Surprising Places |
2006 | 978-1-55451-037-5 | Debora Pearson | Sophie's Wheels |
'' | 978-1-55451-042-9 | Gudrun Pausewang | Dark Hours |
'' | 978-1-55451-043-6 | Roslyn Schwartz | Tales from Parc la Fontaine |
'' | 978-1-55451-047-4 | Diane Swanson | A Crash of Rhinos, A Party of Jays: The Wacky Ways We Name Animal Groups |
'' | 978-1-55451-048-1 | Diane Swanson | A Crash of Rhinos, A Party of Jays: The Wacky Ways We Name Animal Groups |
2006 | 978-1-55451-049-8 | Kathy Stinson | The Bare Naked Book |
'' | 978-1-55451-050-4 | Kathy Stinson | The Bare Naked Book |
'' | 978-1-55451-051-1 | '' | Red is Best: 25th Anniversary Edition |
'' | 978-1-55451-052-8 | '' | Red is Best: 25th Anniversary Edition |
2007 | 978-1-55451-059-7 | Henry T. Aubin | Rise of the Golden Cobra: A Novel for Young Adults |
'' | 978-1-55451-061-0 | Charis Cotter | Kids Who Rule |
2007 | 978-1-55451-062-7 | Charis Cotter | Kids Who Rule |
2008 | 978-1-55451-065-8 | Mark Oakley | The Seventh Expert: An Interactive Medieval Adventure |
2007 | 978-1-55451-067-2 | Laurie Coulter | Cowboys and Coffin-Makers: One Hundred 19th-century Jobs You Might Have Feared or Fancied |
'' | 978-1-55451-068-9 | Laurie Coulter | Cowboys and Coffin Makers: One Hundred 19th-Century Jobs You Might Have Feared or Fancied |
2002 | 978-1-55451-073-3 | Charles Yale Harrison | Generals Die in Bed |
2007 | 978-1-55451-083-2 | Diane Swanson | Cheetah Cubs and Beetle Grubs: The Wacky Ways We Name Young Animals |
'' | 978-1-55451-085-6 | Antonia Banyard | Dangerous Crossings! |
'' | 978-1-55451-087-0 | Alootook Ipellie · David MacDonald | The Inuit Thought of It: Amazing Arctic Innovations |
'' | 978-1-55451-099-3 | Drew Hayden Taylor | The Night Wanderer |
2007 | 978-1-55451-101-3 | Brigitte Blobel | Red Rage |
'' | 978-1-55451-102-0 | Brigitte Blobel | Red Rage |
'' | 978-1-55451-105-1 | Loris Lesynski | Shoe Shakes |
'' | 978-1-55451-107-5 | Stephen Shapiro | The Siege: Under Attack in Renaissance Europe |
'' | 978-1-55451-109-9 | Robert Munsch | Mortimer (Spanish Edition) |
2007 | 978-1-55451-110-5 | Robert Munsch | 50 grados bajo cero |
'' | 978-1-55451-111-2 | '' | Jonathan limpio-luego un ruido escucha |
2013 | 978-1-55451-112-9 | Robert Munsch | La sorpresa del salón |
1992 | 978-1-55451-113-6 | Robert Munsch · Hélène Desputeaux | Purple, Green and Yellow - Mini Book |
1989 | 978-1-55451-114-3 | Robert Munsch | Stephanie's Ponytail (Annikin Edition) |
2007 | 978-1-55451-115-0 | Robert Munsch · Michael Martchenko | Thomas' Snowsuit (pocket sized) |
2008 | 978-1-55451-117-4 | Melanie Little | The Apprentice's Masterpiece: A Story of Medieval Spain |
'' | 978-1-55451-118-1 | Peter Christie | The Curse of Akkad: Climate Upheavals That Rocked Human History |
'' | 978-1-55451-120-4 | Hazel Hutchins · Gail Herbert | Mattland |
'' | 978-1-55451-121-1 | Hazel Hutchins · Gail Herbert | Mattland |
'' | 978-1-55451-125-9 | Kathy Stinson | A Pocket Can Have a Treasure in it |
2008 | 978-1-55451-126-6 | Kathy Stinson | A Pocket Can Have a Treasure in it |
'' | 978-1-55451-127-3 | Elizabeth MacLeod | Royal Murder: The Deadly Intrigue of Ten Sovereigns |
'' | 978-1-55451-128-0 | Elizabeth MacLeod | Royal Murder: The Deadly Intrigue of Ten Sovereigns |
1987 | 978-1-55451-131-0 | Andrea Wayne von Königslöw | Toilet Tales |
'' | 978-1-55451-132-7 | '' | Toilet Tales |
2008 | 978-1-55451-136-5 | Lawrie Raskin · Debora Pearson | 52 Days by Camel: My Sahara Adventure |
'' | 978-1-55451-137-2 | '' | 52 Days by Camel: My Sahara Adventure |
2008 | 978-1-55451-140-2 | Laurie Coulter | Ballplayers and Bonesetters: One Hundred Ancient Aztec and Maya Jobs You Might Have Adored or Abhorred |
'' | 978-1-55451-142-6 | Loris Lesynski | Boy Soup |
'' | 978-1-55451-148-8 | Allan Stratton | Leslie's Journal |
2009 | 978-1-55451-152-5 | Anna McQuinn | My Friend Mei Jing |
2013 | 978-1-55451-154-9 | Rocky Landon · David MacDonald | Native American Thought of It: Amazing Inventions and Innovations |
2008 | 978-1-55451-155-6 | '' | A Native American Thought of It: Amazing Inventions and Innovations |
'' | 978-1-55451-156-3 | Ruth Ohi | Chicken, Pig, Cow |
'' | 978-1-55451-157-0 | Ruth Ohi | Chicken, Pig, Cow |
2008 | 978-1-55451-158-7 | Mariatu Kamara | The Bite of the Mango |
'' | 978-1-55451-159-4 | Mariatu Kamara · Susan McClelland | The Bite of the Mango |
2009 | 978-1-55451-164-8 | Diane Swanson | Animal Aha!: Thrilling Discoveries in Wildlife Science |
1989 | 978-1-55451-167-9 | Brenda Silsbe | The Bears We Know |
2009 | 978-1-55451-169-3 | Kathy Stinston | Big or Little? |
'' | 978-1-55451-174-7 | Kate McCaffrey | In Ecstasy |
'' | 978-1-55451-176-1 | Laura Scandiffio | Aztec: Kids at the Crossroads |
'' | 978-1-55451-180-8 | Mark Abley | Camp Fossil Eyes: Digging for the Origins of Words |
2009 | 978-1-55451-186-0 | Diane Swanson | Nibbling on Einstein's Brain |
'' | 978-1-55451-193-8 | Ruth Ohi | Chicken, Pig, Cow On the Move |
'' | 978-1-55451-194-5 | '' | Chicken, Pig, Cow On the Move |
'' | 978-1-55451-195-2 | Ting-xing Ye | The Chinese Thought of It: Amazing Inventions and Innovations |
'' | 978-1-55451-197-6 | Priscilla Galloway · Dawn Hunter | Adventures on the Ancient Silk Road |
2009 | 978-1-55451-201-0 | Gillian Watts | Hear My Roar: A Story of Family Violence |
'' | 978-1-55451-203-4 | Gillian Richardson | Kaboom!: Explosions of all Kinds |
'' | 978-1-55451-211-9 | Robert Munsch | The Paper Bag Princess |
2010 | 978-1-55451-218-8 | Ruth Ohi | Chicken, Pig, Cow and the Purple Problem |
2010 | 978-1-55451-219-5 | Ruth Ohi | Chicken, Pig, Cow and the Purple Problem |
'' | 978-1-55451-220-1 | Tanya Lloyd Kyi | 50 Burning Questions: A Sizzling History of Fire |
'' | 978-1-55451-228-7 | Robert Munsch · Michael Martchenko | Mortimer |
'' | 978-1-55451-230-0 | Irene N. Watts | Munsch at Play: Eight Stage Adaptions for Young Performers |
'' | 978-1-55451-231-7 | Andrea Konigslow | How Do You Read to a Rabbit? |
2010 | 978-1-55451-233-1 | Cathy Ytak · Gilles Abier | Nothing but Your Skin and The Pool Was Empty |
'' | 978-1-55451-238-6 | Cathy Ytak · Gilles Abier | Nothing but Your Skin and The Pool Was Empty |
'' | 978-1-55451-242-3 | Keltie Thomas · Martha Newbigging | Animals That Changed the World |
'' | 978-1-55451-244-7 | Ruth Ohi | Chicken, Pig, Cow Horse Around |
'' | 978-1-55451-246-1 | Christy Jordan-Fenton · Margaret-Olemaun Pokiak-Fenton | Fatty Legs |
2010 | 978-1-55451-247-8 | Christy Jordan-Fenton · Margaret-Olemaun Pokiak-Fenton | Fatty Legs |
'' | 978-1-55451-253-9 | Robert Munsch · Michael Martchenko | I Have to Go! |
'' | 978-1-55451-266-9 | Sharon McKay | Thunder Over Kandahar |
'' | 978-1-55451-271-3 | Judie Oron | Cry of the Giraffe |
2011 | 978-1-55451-280-5 | Tanya Lloyd Kyi | 50 Poisonous Questions: A Book With Bite |
'' | 978-1-55451-282-9 | Edeet Ravel | Held |
2011 | 978-1-55451-286-7 | Christy Conlin · Jen Lee | Dead Time and Shelter |
'' | 978-1-55451-290-4 | Jean Rijckeghem · Pat Beirs | A Sword in Her Hand |
2009 | 978-1-55451-346-8 | Ruth Ohi | Chicken, Pig, Cow and the Class Pet |
2011 | 978-1-55451-356-7 | Kate Cayley | The Hangman in the Mirror |
'' | 978-1-55451-358-1 | Irene N. Watts | Munsch at Play Act 2: Eight More Stage Adaptions |
'' | 978-1-55451-361-1 | Christy Jordan-Fenton · Margaret Pokiak-Fenton | A Stranger At Home: A True Story |
'' | 978-1-55451-362-8 | Christy Jordan-Fenton · Margaret-Olemaun Pokiak-Fenton | A Stranger At Home: A True Story |
2011 | 978-1-55451-363-5 | Robert Munsch | Thomas' Snowsuit |
'' | 978-1-55451-364-2 | Kathy Stinson | Red is Best |
2012 | 978-1-55451-372-7 | Ursula Poznanski | Erebos |
'' | 978-1-55451-421-2 | Loris Lesynski · Gerry Rasmussen | Crazy About Soccer |
'' | 978-1-55451-423-6 | Robert Munsch | The Fire Station |
'' | 978-1-55451-426-7 | '' | Mud Puddle |
2013 | 978-1-55451-488-5 | Sharon E. McKay | War Brothers: The Graphic Novel |
2013 | 978-1-55451-490-8 | Christy Jordan-Fenton · Margaret Pokiak-Fenton | When I Was Eight |
'' | 978-1-55451-532-5 | Robert Munsch · Michael Martchenko | 50 Below Zero |
'' | 978-1-55451-540-0 | Loris Lesynski | Crazy About Basketball |
2014 | 978-1-55451-624-7 | Christy Jordan-Fenton · Margaret Pokiak-Fenton | Not My Girl |
'' | 978-1-55451-628-5 | Robert Munsch · Michael Martchenko | Pigs |
'' | 978-1-55451-656-8 | '' | Murmel, Murmel, Murmel |
2014 | 978-1-55451-692-6 | Charles Yale Harrison | Generals Die in Bed: 100th Anniversary Edition |
2012 | 978-1-55451-754-1 | Robert Munsch | Mud Puddle |
2016 | 978-1-55451-802-9 | Kathy Stinson | Harry and Walter |
'' | 978-1-55451-829-6 | Robert Munsch · Michael Martchenko | Angela's Airplane |
'' | 978-1-55451-858-6 | Gabrielle Grimard | Lila and the Crow |
2017 | 978-1-55451-943-9 | Eldon Yellowhorn · Kathy Lowinger | Turtle Island: The Story of North America's First People |