year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
2007 | 978-1-4353-0043-9 | J. Chas. Korinek | The Veterinarian |
'' | 978-1-4353-0049-1 | '' | The Veterinarian |
'' | 978-1-4353-0197-9 | Delia Bacon | The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere Unfolded |
'' | 978-1-4353-0306-5 | Carlet de Chamblain de Pierre Marivaux | A Selection from the Comedies of Marivaux |
'' | 978-1-4353-0544-1 | Harrison Edward Barker | Two Summers in Guyenne (A Chronicle of the Wayside and Waterside) |
2007 | 978-1-4353-0665-3 | Gouverneur Morris | The Penalty |
'' | 978-1-4353-0687-5 | Gouverneur Morris | The Penalty |
'' | 978-1-4353-0766-7 | Emmuska Baroness Orczy | Castles in the Air |
'' | 978-1-4353-0772-8 | Emmuska Baroness Orczy | Castles in the Air |
'' | 978-1-4353-0884-8 | Evelyn Baring | Political and Literary Essays, 1908-1913 |
2007 | 978-1-4353-1012-4 | C. Yarrow Act Asst Su G H. Usa | Introduction to the study of Mortuary Customs among the North American Indians |
'' | 978-1-4353-1084-1 | Harold Avery | The Triple Alliance (Its Trials and Triumphs) |
'' | 978-1-4353-1100-8 | Harold Avery | The Triple Alliance (Its Trials and Triumphs) |
'' | 978-1-4353-1218-0 | F. Laura Freck | Short Stories of Various Types |
'' | 978-1-4353-1230-2 | '' | Short Stories of Various Types |
2007 | 978-1-4353-1259-3 | Athearn James Jones | Traditions of the North American Indians, Volume III |
'' | 978-1-4353-1296-8 | Russel Alfred Wallace | Darwinism |
'' | 978-1-4353-1302-6 | '' | Darwinism |
'' | 978-1-4353-1314-9 | Kimball Florence Russel | A Woman's Journey through the Philippines (On a Cable Ship that Linked Together the Strange Lands Seen En Route) |
'' | 978-1-4353-1318-7 | Louise Clara Burnham | In Apple-Blossom Time (A Fairy-Tale to Date) |
2007 | 978-1-4353-1320-0 | Louise Clara Burnham | In Apple-Blossom Time (A Fairy-Tale to Date) |
'' | 978-1-4353-1329-3 | Kimball Florence Russel | A Woman's Journey through the Philippines (On a Cable Ship that Linked Together the Strange Lands Seen En Route) |
'' | 978-1-4353-1433-7 | Thomson | Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745, Volume I |
'' | 978-1-4353-1485-6 | T. Alfred Mahan | Story of the War in South Africa, 1899-1900 |
'' | 978-1-4353-1679-9 | S. J. Fletcher | The Middle Temple Murder |
2007 | 978-1-4353-1681-2 | Rossiter Johnson | The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 5 |
'' | 978-1-4353-1689-8 | Rossiter Johnson | The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 5 |
'' | 978-1-4353-1695-9 | S. J. Fletcher | The Middle Temple Murder |
'' | 978-1-4353-2242-4 | Delia Bacon | The Bride of Fort Edward (Founded on An Incident of The Revolution) |
'' | 978-1-4353-2282-0 | S. J. Fletcher | The Middle of Things |
2007 | 978-1-4353-2284-4 | Jeffery Farnol | Martin Conisby's Vengeance |
'' | 978-1-4353-2286-8 | S. J. Fletcher | The Talleyrand Maxim |
'' | 978-1-4353-2287-5 | Bernard George Shaw | The Doctor's Dilemma |
'' | 978-1-4353-2291-2 | Gouverneur Morris | The Spread Eagle and Other Stories |
'' | 978-1-4353-2488-6 | S. J. Fletcher | The Rayner-Slade Amalgamation |
2007 | 978-1-4353-2493-0 | S. J. Fletcher | The Rayner-Slade Amalgamation |
'' | 978-1-4353-2560-9 | W. Samuel Baker | The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia |
'' | 978-1-4353-2710-8 | Rudyard Kipling | Puck of Pook's Hill |
'' | 978-1-4353-3054-2 | David Lindsay | A Voyage to Arcturus |
'' | 978-1-4353-3672-8 | John Lord | Beacon Lights of History, Volume V |
2007 | 978-1-4353-3683-4 | John Lord | Beacon Lights of History, Volume VII |
'' | 978-1-4353-3693-3 | '' | Beacon Lights of History, Volume VII |
2007 | 978-1-4353-3697-1 | John Lord | Beacon Lights of History, Volume VI |
'' | 978-1-4353-3703-9 | '' | Beacon Lights of History, Volume V |
'' | 978-1-4353-3705-3 | '' | Beacon Lights of History, Volume VI |
'' | 978-1-4353-3748-0 | Amory Charles Beach | Air Service Boys Over the Atlantic Or The Longest Flight on Record |
'' | 978-1-4353-3749-7 | Luther John Langworthy | The Aeroplane Boys Flight Or A Hydroplane Roundup |
2007 | 978-1-4353-3751-0 | John Lord | Beacon Lights of History, Volume II: Jewish Heroes and Prophets |
'' | 978-1-4353-3753-4 | Amory Charles Beach | Air Service Boys Over the Atlantic Or The Longest Flight on Record |
'' | 978-1-4353-3778-7 | John Lord | Beacon Lights of History, Volume I: The Old Pagan Civilizations |
'' | 978-1-4353-3780-0 | '' | Beacon Lights of History, Volume I: The Old Pagan Civilizations |
'' | 978-1-4353-3784-8 | '' | Beacon Lights of History, Volume II: Jewish Heroes and Prophets |
2007 | 978-1-4353-3795-4 | John Lord | Beacon Lights of History, Volume IV: Imperial Antiquity |
2007 | 978-1-4353-3809-8 | John Lord | Beacon Lights of History, Volume IV: Imperial Antiquity |
'' | 978-1-4353-3810-4 | Victor Hugo | The History of a Crime (The Testimony of an Eye-Witness) |
'' | 978-1-4353-3818-0 | Victor Hugo | The History of a Crime (The Testimony of an Eye-Witness) |
'' | 978-1-4353-3944-6 | S. J. Fletcher | Scarhaven Keep |
'' | 978-1-4353-4139-5 | Rider H. Haggard | Cetywayo and his White Neighbours, or Remarks on Recent Events in Zululand, Natal, and the Transvaal |
2007 | 978-1-4353-4176-0 | Sarah Emily Holt | The Maidens' Lodge, None of Self and All of Thee (In the Reign of Queen Anne) |
'' | 978-1-4353-4180-7 | '' | The Maidens' Lodge, None of Self and All of Thee (In the Reign of Queen Anne) |
'' | 978-1-4353-4184-5 | '' | All's Well Or Alice's Victory |
'' | 978-1-4353-4186-9 | '' | All's Well Or Alice's Victory |
'' | 978-1-4353-4213-2 | '' | The Gold that Glitters (The Mistakes of Jenny Lavender) |
2007 | 978-1-4353-4230-9 | H. Leon Vincent | The Bibliotaph and Other People |
2007 | 978-1-4353-4245-3 | H. Leon Vincent | The Bibliotaph and Other People |
'' | 978-1-4353-4473-0 | Anton Chekhov | The Tales of Chekhov, Volume 13: Love And Other Stories |
'' | 978-1-4353-4528-7 | John Lord | Beacon Lights of History, Volume XIII: Great Writers |
'' | 978-1-4353-4530-0 | '' | Beacon Lights of History, Volume III: Ancient Achievements |
'' | 978-1-4353-4545-4 | '' | Beacon Lights of History, Volume XIII: Great Writers |
2007 | 978-1-4353-4548-5 | John Lord | Beacon Lights of History, Volume XIV: The New Era |
'' | 978-1-4353-4550-8 | '' | Beacon Lights of History, Volume III: Ancient Achievements |
'' | 978-1-4353-4551-5 | '' | Beacon Lights of History, Volume XIV: The New Era |
'' | 978-1-4353-4559-1 | Bagnell John Bury | A History of Freedom of Thought |
2007 | 978-1-4353-4580-5 | Bagnell John Bury | A History of Freedom of Thought |
'' | 978-1-4353-4945-2 | P. L. Gratacap | The Certainty of a Future Life in Mars |
'' | 978-1-4353-4951-3 | '' | The Certainty of a Future Life in Mars |
'' | 978-1-4353-5070-0 | J. Harold Laski | Political Thought in England from Locke to Bentham |
'' | 978-1-4353-5117-2 | Thomas Woolner | My Beautiful Lady, Nelly Dale |
2007 | 978-1-4353-5423-4 | G. Stanley Hall | Youth: Its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene |
'' | 978-1-4353-5722-8 | A. Robert Wilson | Mexico and its Religion |
'' | 978-1-4353-6149-2 | Central Intelligence Agency | Current Intelligence Staff Study, Book I |
'' | 978-1-4353-6172-0 | Central Intelligence Agency | Current Intelligence Study |
'' | 978-1-4353-6846-0 | Robert Surtees | Jorrocks' Jaunts and Jollities |
2007 | 978-1-4353-6895-8 | Johanna Spyri | Willis the Pilot Or Adventures of an Emigrant Family |
'' | 978-1-4353-6911-5 | Johanna Spyri | Willis the Pilot Or Adventures of an Emigrant Family |
'' | 978-1-4353-7125-5 | B. Francis Pearson | The Reconstructed School |
'' | 978-1-4353-7296-2 | Algernon Blackwood | The Centaur |
'' | 978-1-4353-7336-5 | William Barnes | Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect |
2007 | 978-1-4353-8018-9 | L. J. Cherry | Life and Remains of John Clare, ''The Northamptonshire Peasant Poet'' |
'' | 978-1-4353-8201-5 | G. Halliday Sutherland | Birth Control |
'' | 978-1-4353-8646-4 | Anthony Trollope | Phineas Finn (The Irish Member), Volume I |
'' | 978-1-4353-8654-9 | Anthony Trollope | Phineas Finn (The Irish Member), Volume II |
'' | 978-1-4353-8678-5 | Herman Melville | Bartleby, The Scrivener (A Story of Wall-Street) |
2008 | 978-1-4353-8781-2 | Bartlett Anna Warner | The Carpenter's Daughter |
2008 | 978-1-4353-8783-6 | Bartlett Anna Warner | The Carpenter's Daughter |
'' | 978-1-4353-9059-1 | Moyes Margaret Black | Robert Louis Stevenson |
'' | 978-1-4353-9309-7 | L. John Spivak | Secret Armies (The New Technique of Nazi Warfare) |
'' | 978-1-4353-9324-0 | '' | Secret Armies (The New Technique of Nazi Warfare) |