year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
2005 | 978-1-4039-1727-0 | J. King | The Victorian Woman Question in Contemporary Feminist Fiction |
2003 | 978-1-4039-1729-4 | J. Dusinberre | Shakespeare and the Nature of Women |
2006 | 978-1-4039-1733-1 | Mark Tatham · Katherine Morton | Speech Production and Perception |
2007 | 978-1-4039-1734-8 | J. O'Connor · K. Goodland | A Directory of Shakespeare in Performance 1970-2005: Volume 1: Great Britain |
2005 | 978-1-4039-1735-5 | L. English | International Encyclopedia of Adult Education |
2004 | 978-1-4039-1737-9 | K. Lesnik-Oberstein | Children's Literature: New Approaches |
'' | 978-1-4039-1738-6 | Karín Lesnik-Oberstein | Children's Literature: New Approaches |
2005 | 978-1-4039-1742-3 | Robert Humphreys | Poverty and the Poor Law: 6 Volume Set: A Palgrave Macmillan Archive Collection |
'' | 978-1-4039-1744-7 | A. J. Ayer | Ayer: Writings on Philosophy: A Palgrave Macmillan Archive Collection |
'' | 978-1-4039-1745-4 | Sidney Webb · Beatrice Potter Webb | Webbs: On Industrial Democracy: 3-Volume Set: A Palgrave Macmillan Archive Collection |
'' | 978-1-4039-1753-9 | Andy Danford · Mike Richardson · Paul Stewart · Stephanie Tailby · Martin Upchurch | Partnership and the High Performance Workplace: Work and Employment Relations in the Aerospace Industry (Future of Work) |
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2004 | 978-1-4039-1755-3 | Alan Clarke | E-learning Skills (Study Guides) |
2004 | 978-1-4039-1756-0 | T. Huzzard · D. Gregory · R. Scott | Strategic Unionism and Partnership: Boxing or Dancing? |
'' | 978-1-4039-1759-1 | G. Healy · E. Heery · P. Taylor · W. Brown | Future of Worker Representation |
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'' | 978-1-4039-1768-3 | Matthew Hughes | Palgrave Advances in Modern Military History |
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2016 | 978-1-4039-1781-2 | Christien Van Den Anker | Global Justice: A Cosmopolitan Theory and Its Policy Implications (Global Ethics) |
2015 | 978-1-4039-1782-9 | Michael Holmes · Simon Lightfoot | Social Democracy and European Integration: Balancing Policy and Government |
2004 | 978-1-4039-1784-3 | P. Bleses · M. Seeleib-Kaiser | The Dual Transformation of the German Welfare State (New Perspectives in German Political Studies) |
2016 | 978-1-4039-1785-0 | Robert G. Patman | Universal Human Rights? |
2006 | 978-1-4039-1788-1 | W. M. Spellman | A Concise History of the World Since 1945: States and Peoples |
2007 | 978-1-4039-1790-4 | J. Robert Wegs · Robert Ladrech | Europe Since 1945: A Concise History |
2003 | 978-1-4039-1794-2 | A. Pettifor | Real World Economic Outlook: The Legacy of Globalization: Debt and Deflation |
'' | 978-1-4039-1795-9 | Ann Pettifor | Real World Economic Outlook: The Legacy of Globalization: Debt and Deflation |
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'' | 978-1-4039-1800-0 | T. Mills · K. Patterson | Palgrave Handbook of Econometrics: Volume 2: Applied Econometrics (Palgrave Handbook of Econometrics (Paperback)) |
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2004 | 978-1-4039-1816-1 | I. Primoratz | Terrorism: The Philosophical Issues |
'' | 978-1-4039-1817-8 | Igor Primoratz | Terrorism: The Philosophical Issues |
2005 | 978-1-4039-1818-5 | James Hampshire | Citizenship and Belonging: Immigration and the Politics of Demographic Governance in Postwar Britain (Migration, Minorities and Citizenship) |
2004 | 978-1-4039-1821-5 | S. Gillis · G. Howie · R. Munford | Third Wave Feminism: A Critical Exploration |
2005 | 978-1-4039-1824-6 | S. Ruston | Shelley and Vitality |
2006 | 978-1-4039-1829-1 | Jan Svartvik · Geoffrey Leech | English - One Tongue, Many Voices |
'' | 978-1-4039-1830-7 | Jan Svartvik | English - One Tongue, Many Voices |
'' | 978-1-4039-1832-1 | C. K. Quah | Translation and Technology (Palgrave Studies in Translating and Interpreting) |
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'' | 978-1-4039-1834-5 | J. Booth | Philip Larkin: The Poet's Plight |
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2006 | 978-1-4039-1837-6 | Veronica Coulshed | Management in Social Work (Practical Social Work Series) |
'' | 978-1-4039-1838-3 | Michael Oliver · Bob Sapey | Social Work with Disabled People, Third Edition (Practical Social Work) |
2005 | 978-1-4039-1871-0 | Tim Bale | European Politics: A Comparative Introduction |
2004 | 978-1-4039-1872-7 | Gerry Stoker · David Wilson | British Local Government into the 21st Century (Government beyond the Centre) |
'' | 978-1-4039-1873-4 | Gerry Stoker · David Wilson | British Local Government into the 21st Century (Government beyond the Centre) |
2010 | 978-1-4039-1874-1 | Robert Ladrech | Europeanization and National Politics (The European Union Series) |
'' | 978-1-4039-1875-8 | '' | Europeanization and National Politics (The European Union Series) |
2005 | 978-1-4039-1877-2 | Celia Hunt | Writing: Self and Reflexivity |
2006 | 978-1-4039-1878-9 | Bryan Greetham | Philosophy (Macmillan Foundations Series) |
2005 | 978-1-4039-1881-9 | A. Cox · C. Lonsdale · J. Sanderson · G. Watson | The Right Tools for the Job: On the Use and Performance of Management Tools and Techniques |
'' | 978-1-4039-1886-4 | D. Coates | Varieties of Capitalism, Varieties of Approaches |
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2005 | 978-1-4039-1909-0 | M. Hutton · Peter Childs | The Fiction of Ian McEwan (Readers' Guides to Essential Criticism) |
'' | 978-1-4039-1910-6 | A. Seth · Geoffrey Randall | Supermarket Wars: Global Strategies for Food Retailers |
'' | 978-1-4039-1912-0 | P. Leonard | Nationality Between Poststructuralism and Postcolonial Theory: A New Cosmopolitanism |
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2003 | 978-1-4039-2030-0 | John Loughlin | The Ulster Question since 1945 (Studies in Contemporary History) |
2013 | 978-1-4039-2035-5 | L. Grist | The Films of Martin Scorsese, 1978-99: Authorship and Context II |
2004 | 978-1-4039-2037-9 | D. Cannadine | History and the Media |
'' | 978-1-4039-2039-3 | A. Wilkinson | Mary Queen of Scots and French Public Opinion, 1542-1600 |
2008 | 978-1-4039-2040-9 | A. Twells | The Civilising Mission and the English Middle Class, 1792-1850: The 'Heathen' at Home and Overseas |
2005 | 978-1-4039-2042-3 | A. Ryrie | Palgrave Advances in the European Reformations |
'' | 978-1-4039-2045-4 | Timothy Venning | Compendium of British Office Holders |
2005 | 978-1-4039-2047-8 | Peter de Bolla · N. Leask · D. Simpson | Land, Nation and Culture, 1740-1840: Thinking the Republic of Taste (Palgrave Studies in the Enlightenment, Romanticism and Cultures of Print) |
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'' | 978-1-4039-2049-2 | Terry Flew | Understanding Global Media |
2005 | 978-1-4039-2050-8 | Nigel Thomas | Social Work With Young People in Care: Looking After Children in Theory and Practice |
2016 | 978-1-4039-2052-2 | Chair of Comparative Politics Head of the Department of Political Science Co-Director of the Institute of Political Science and Vice-Dean School of Economics and Political Science Daniele Caramani · J Rgen Schweikart · Rick Walton · Jurgen Schweikart | European Regions: The Territorial Structure of Europe Since 1870 (Societies of Europe) |
2005 | 978-1-4039-2054-6 | J. Uren · W.F. Price | Surveying for Engineers |
'' | 978-1-4039-2056-0 | Susie Thomas | Hanif Kureishi (New British Fiction) |
'' | 978-1-4039-2057-7 | '' | Hanif Kureishi (New British Fiction) |
'' | 978-1-4039-2073-7 | R. Werner | New Paradigm in Macroeconomics: Solving the Riddle of Japanese Macroeconomic Performance |
2005 | 978-1-4039-2074-4 | Richard A. Werner | The New Paradigm in Macroeconomics: Solving the Riddle of Japanese Macroeconomic Performance |
'' | 978-1-4039-2090-4 | Timothy M. Shaw · M. Marchand · Morten Bøås | The Political Economy of Regions and Regionalisms (International Political Economy Series) |
2006 | 978-1-4039-2092-8 | John Russell Brown | Hamlet: A Guide to the Text and its Theatrical Life (Shakespeare Handbooks) |
2005 | 978-1-4039-2093-5 | John Russell Brown | Macbeth (The Shakespeare Handbooks) |
'' | 978-1-4039-2094-2 | W. Shakespeare | Twelfth Night (Shakespeare Handbooks) |
'' | 978-1-4039-2099-7 | Janet Dine | Company Law (Palgrave Law Masters) |
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'' | 978-1-4039-2102-4 | L. Arnold · M. Smith | Britain, Australia and the Bomb: The Nuclear Tests and their Aftermath (International Papers in Political Economy) |
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'' | 978-1-4039-2121-5 | P. Menyuk | Language Development and Education: Children With Varying Language Experiences |
'' | 978-1-4039-2125-3 | Palgrave Macmillan | The Grants Register 2006 |
'' | 978-1-4039-2126-0 | International Association of Universities | World Higher Education Database 2005/2006: Single-user Version |
'' | 978-1-4039-2127-7 | International Association of Universities | World Higher Education Database 2005/2006: Network Version |
2005 | 978-1-4039-2129-1 | Frederick Bird · Emmanuel Raufflet · Joseph Smucker | International Business And The Dilemmas Of Development: Case Studies In South Africa, Madagascar, Pakistan, South Korea, Mexico and Colombia |
2003 | 978-1-4039-2134-5 | A. Jeffares · C. Bridgwater · A. MacBride White · Anna MacBride White | Letters to W.B.Yeats and Ezra Pound from Iseult Gonne: A Girl That Knew All Dante Once |
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2005 | 978-1-4039-2136-9 | Angela Scriven · Sebastian Garman | Promoting Health: Global Perspectives |
'' | 978-1-4039-2137-6 | Angela Scriven · Sebastian Garman | Promoting Health: Global Perspectives |
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2004 | 978-1-4039-2145-1 | Jonathan Grix | The Foundations Of Research (PALGRAVE STUDY GUIDES) |
'' | 978-1-4039-2146-8 | Rosalind H. Searle | Selection & Recruitment: A Critical Text |
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'' | 978-1-4039-2148-2 | F. S. Roden | Palgrave Advances in Oscar Wilde Studies |
2004 | 978-1-4039-2149-9 | Roger Cartwright | Mastering the Globalization of Business (Master Series (Business)) |
'' | 978-1-4039-2152-9 | Lucinda Becker | How to Manage your Distance and Open Learning Course (Macmillan Study Skills) |
2006 | 978-1-4039-2155-0 | Veronica Coulshed · Joan Orme | Social Work Practice: An Introduction, 4th Edition (Practical Social Work) |
'' | 978-1-4039-2160-4 | Neil Thompson | Anti-Discriminatory Practice: Fourth Edition (Practical Social Work) |
'' | 978-1-4039-2162-8 | Marian Barnes | Caring and Social Justice |
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2004 | 978-1-4039-2175-8 | D. Moyal-Sharrock | Understanding Wittgenstein's On Certainty |
2003 | 978-1-4039-2179-6 | Pamela Davies · Peter Francis · V. Jupp | Victimisation: Theory, Research and Policy |
2005 | 978-1-4039-2180-2 | G. Spencer | The Media and Peace: From Vietnam to the 'War on Terror' |
'' | 978-1-4039-2182-6 | Robert Cockcroft · Susan M. Cockcroft | Persuading People: An Introduction to Rhetoric |
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2004 | 978-1-4039-2227-4 | Kapil Dev | Straight from the Heart: An Autobiography |
| 978-1-4039-2361-5 | Footprints on the Sand of Crime: A Crimewatcher's Reflective Autobiography |
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2009 | 978-1-4039-3216-7 | M. McAuliffe · K. O'Donnell · L. Lane | Palgrave Advances in Irish History |
2004 | 978-1-4039-3224-2 | K. Tamayama | Railwaymen in the War: Tales by Japanese Railway Soldiers in Burma and Thailand 1941-47 |
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'' | 978-1-4039-3235-8 | Henry James | The Turn of the Screw (Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism) |
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'' | 978-1-4039-3237-2 | William Shakespeare | Measure for Measure (Bedford Shakespeare) |
'' | 978-1-4039-3238-9 | J. Andersen · B. Siim | The Politics of Inclusion and Empowerment: Gender, Class and Citizenship |
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'' | 978-1-4039-3250-1 | Thomas Christiansen · Christine Reh | Constitutionalizing the European Union (The European Union Series) |
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'' | 978-1-4039-3253-2 | S. Bibb · J. Kourdi | Trust Matters: For Organisational and Personal Success |
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'' | 978-1-4039-3289-1 | A. Robinson | Imagining London, 1770-1900 |
'' | 978-1-4039-3292-1 | Jonathan Charteris-Black | Corpus Approaches to Critical Metaphor Analysis |
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'' | 978-1-4039-3326-3 | D. Fidler | SARS, Governance and the Globalization of Disease |
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'' | 978-1-4039-3345-4 | M. Hiraga | Metaphor and Iconicity: A Cognitive Approach to Analyzing Texts |
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'' | 978-1-4039-3375-1 | H. Scott | The European Nobilities: Northern, Central and Eastern Europe |
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'' | 978-1-4039-3378-2 | J. Roth | Ethics During and After the Holocaust: In the Shadow of Birkenau |
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2002 | 978-1-4039-3388-1 | Janet Cotterill | Language in the Legal Process |
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'' | 978-1-4039-3397-3 | John L. Ward | Perpetuating The Family Business: 50 Lessons Learned from Long Lasting, Successful Families in Business (A Family Business Publication) |
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'' | 978-1-4039-3426-0 | Colin Hay · Michael Lister · David Marsh | The State: Theories and Issues (Political Analysis) |
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'' | 978-1-4039-3429-1 | '' | Television Discourse: Analysing Language in the Media |