year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
2010 | 978-1-144-08167-4 | Ludwig Unger | Das Kinderbuch Des Bartholomäus Metlinger 1457-1476: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Der Kinderheilkunde Im Mittelalter (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-08170-4 | Pa Socíéte Des Peintres Et Sculpteurs | Catalogue of an Exhibition of Works by the Members of the Socíéte De Peintres Et De Sculpteurs of Paris (Formerly the Socíéte Nouvelle). |
'' | 978-1-144-08184-1 | Peter Johnston Freyer | Clinical Lectures On Stricture of the Urethra and Enlargement of the Prostate |
'' | 978-1-144-08198-8 | Fedor Mamroth | Ignaz Ginzkey: Ein Culturbild. (Als Manuscript Gedruckt), Zweite Auflage (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-08203-9 | Adolf Gottlob | Ablassentwicklung Und Ablassinhalt Im 11. Jahrhundert: Drei Aufsatze (German Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-08217-6 | Hans Wohlbold | Die Kraniologie, Ihre Geschichte Und Ihre Bedeutung Für Die Classification Der Menschheit (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-08220-6 | Samuel Thomas Pickard | Whittier-Land: A Handbook of North Essex |
'' | 978-1-144-08227-5 | Edward Graham Daves | Maryland and North Carolina in the Campaign of 1780-1781 |
'' | 978-1-144-08234-3 | Franz Saran | Zu Otfried (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-08248-0 | Elliot Rowland Downing | The Third and Fourth Generation: An Introduction to Heredity |
2010 | 978-1-144-08251-0 | Georg Kaibel | Comicorvm Graecorvm Fragmenta, Part 1 (Latin Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-08265-7 | Aristotle · José Goya Y Muniain | El Arte Poética De Aristóteles En Castellano (Spanish Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-08279-4 | Anonymous | The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, Volume 4 |
'' | 978-1-144-08282-4 | Ellis Parker Butler | The Thin Santa Claus: The Chicken Yard That Was a Christmas Stocking |
'' | 978-1-144-08296-1 | Anonymous | Homoeopathic Envoy, Volume 18 |
2010 | 978-1-144-08301-2 | George L. Sinclair | Dry Plate Making for Amateurs: A Series of Articles First Published in the Photographic Times |
'' | 978-1-144-08315-9 | Fitzwilliam Sargent | England, the United States, and the Southern Confederacy |
'' | 978-1-144-08319-7 | Jean Perrin | Atoms |
'' | 978-1-144-08329-6 | Anonymous | Apocrypha Sinaitica |
'' | 978-1-144-08332-6 | '' | Farther Excursions of the Observant Pedestrian, Exemplified in a Tour to Margate, by the Author of the 'observant Pedestrian'. |
2010 | 978-1-144-08346-3 | Henry James | Embarrassments |
'' | 978-1-144-08363-0 | Juan Bages | Catalog Der Kunst- Und Gemälde-Sammlung Des in Mexico: (Central-Amerika) Verstorbenen Licentiaten Herrn Juan Bages ... Versteigerung Zu Köln Den 6 Bis ... (H. Lempertz' Söhne) ... (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-08377-7 | John Thornton · Frank Lyons | A Trophy Won at the Ragged School: A Biogr. Sketch of F. Lyons |
'' | 978-1-144-08380-7 | Henry Gardiner Adams | Beautiful Butterflies: The British Species Described and Illustrated |
'' | 978-1-144-08394-4 | Euripides · Frederic Forest De Allen | The Medea of Euripides (Ancient Greek Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-08413-2 | Hobart Mason | A Text-Book On Static Electricity |
'' | 978-1-144-08427-9 | Román Pacheco | Argentina Versus Chile: ?paz O Guerra? (Spanish Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-08430-9 | Thomas De Quincey | Joan of Arc: Selections: I. Joan of Arc. Ii. Affliction of Childhood. Iii. Levana and Our Ladies of Sorrow. Iv. Dream Fugue |
'' | 978-1-144-08444-6 | Edward Gendar Ward | Fourth Reader |
'' | 978-1-144-08458-3 | Edmondo De Amicis · Maria Hornor Lansdale | Constantinople, Volume 2 |
2010 | 978-1-144-08461-3 | John Foord | The Life and Public Services of Andrew Haswell Green |
'' | 978-1-144-08489-7 | Benjamin F. La Rue | A Graphical Method for Swing-Bridges: A Rational and Easy Graphical Analysis of the Stresses in Ordinary Swing-Bridges |
'' | 978-1-144-08492-7 | Sydney Ringer | A Handbook of Therapeutics |
'' | 978-1-144-08508-5 | George Washington Ogden | The Flockmaster of Poison Creek |
'' | 978-1-144-08511-5 | Quincy Adams Gillmore | Practical Treatise On Limes, Hydraulic Cements, and Mortars: Containing Reports of Numerous Experiments Conducted in New York City, During the Years 1858 to 1861, Inclusive |
2010 | 978-1-144-08525-2 | Rafael María Baralt · Ramón Diaz | Résúmen De La Historia De Venezuela ... (Spanish Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-08539-9 | L-A Constantin | Bibliothéconomie: Ou Nouveau Manuel Complet Pour L'arrangement, La Conservation Et L'administration Des Bibliothèques |
'' | 978-1-144-08542-9 | Alexandre Dumas | La Terreur Prussienne, Volume 2 (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-08556-6 | Jules Coumoul | De La République En France: Sa Raison D'être Historique, Ses Conditions D'existence & De Durée (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-08587-0 | Albert Perry Brigham | ... a Text-Book of Geology |
2010 | 978-1-144-08590-0 | Arthur Mangin | L'air Et Le Monde Aérien (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-08606-8 | Charles Roger | Botanizing Excursions in High and Low Lands, by Professor Balfour's Pupils During the Summer of 1877, 'no. 86' Scripsit |
'' | 978-1-144-08623-5 | Jack Brand | By Wild Waves Tossed. an Ocean Love Story |
'' | 978-1-144-08637-2 | Anonymous | Annual Report (Ohio. State Medical Board). 1914 |
'' | 978-1-144-08640-2 | Horatio William Parker · Henry Bernard Carpenter | A Star Song: Lyric Rhapsody for Solo Quartet, Chorus, and Orchestra: Op. 54 |
2010 | 978-1-144-08654-9 | Anonymous | Die Electro-Homoopathie Im Dienste Der Tierheilkunde (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-08668-6 | Templars. France. Eure-et-Loir | Les Templiers En Eure-Et-Loir (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-08671-6 | Wisconsin Office of the Secretary of Sta · Wisconsin Commissioners of Public Print · Wisconsin Office | Annual Report of the Secretary of State of the State of Wisconsin for the Year ... |
'' | 978-1-144-08685-3 | Sarah Susanna Bunbury · Robert Clement Sconce | Life and Letters of Robert Clement Sconce ... |
'' | 978-1-144-08699-0 | Anonymous | Aus Dem Leben Theodor Von Bernhardis ... (German Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-08704-1 | Ruth Putnam | A Mediaeval Princess: Being a True Record of the Changing Fortunes Which Brought Divers Titles to Jacqueline, Countess of Holland, Together with an ... with Philip, Duke of Burgundy (1401-1436) |
'' | 978-1-144-08718-8 | James Grant | First Love and Last Love |
'' | 978-1-144-08735-5 | Anonymous | Cuenta Dada De Su Vida Política Por Don Manuel Godoy, Príncipe De La Paz: Ó Sean Memorias Críticas Y Apolgeticas Para La Historia Del Reinado Del Señor D. Carlos IV De Borbon ... (Spanish Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-08749-2 | Fritz Reichert | Los Yacimientos De Boratos Y Otros Porductos Minerales Explotables Del Territorio De Los Andes: (Puna De Atacama) (Spanish Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-08752-2 | Octave Eugène Noël | Histoire Du Commerce Extérieur De La France Depuis La Révolution (French Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-08766-9 | Teófilo Braga | Folhas Verdes (Portuguese Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-08783-6 | Louis Sébastien Lenormand · Jean-Gabriel-Victor Moléon | Annales De L'industrie Nationale Et Étrangère: Ou, Mercure Technologique (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-08797-3 | Thomas Ph.D. Brown | Lectures on the Philosophy of the Mind, Volume 2 |
'' | 978-1-144-08802-4 | Martha Careful | Household Hints to Young Housewives |
'' | 978-1-144-08816-1 | France. Comité Des Travaux Historiques | Bulletin De La Section De Géographie, Volume 18 (French Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-08833-8 | Robert Sachsse | Die Chemie Und Physiologie Der Farbstoffe, Kohlehydrate Und Proteïnsubstanzen: Ein Lehrbuch Für Chemiker Und Botaniker (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-08847-5 | Chez Luis Colas Fils | Journal De Pharmacy (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-08850-5 | France. Ministère de l'instruction publ | Bulletin Des Sciences Mathématiques Et Astronomiques, Volume 23 |
'' | 978-1-144-08864-2 | Edward Frederic Benson | Crescent and Iron Cross |
'' | 978-1-144-08878-9 | Anonymous | A Treatise On Electricity: In Theory and Practice, Volume 1 |
2010 | 978-1-144-08881-9 | John Ruskin | Deucalion: Collected Studies of the Lapse of Waves, and Life of Stones |
'' | 978-1-144-08895-6 | Mexico. Secretaría De Relaciones Exteri | Difficulties Between Mexico and Guatemala: Proposed Mediation of the United States. Some Official Documents |
'' | 978-1-144-08900-7 | Balthazar Silva Da Lisboa | Annaes Do Rio De Janeiro: Contendo a Descoberta E Conquista Deste Paiz, a Fundação De Cidade Com a História Civil E Ecclesiastica, Até a Chegada ... Zooligicas E Botanicas (Portuguese Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-08901-4 | United States. Weather Bureau · United States. Government Printing Offic | Bulletin of the Mount Weather Observatory, Volume 2 |
'' | 978-1-144-08914-4 | Ike Matthews | Full Revelations of a Professional Rat-Catcher, After 25 Years' Experience |
2010 | 978-1-144-08923-6 | General Federation Of Women's Clubs | Biennial of the General Federation of Women's Clubs: Official Proceedings. ... .No |
'' | 978-1-144-08928-1 | Paul Ferdinand Willert | Henry of Navarre and the Huguenots in France |
'' | 978-1-144-08931-1 | Aníbal Fernandes Tomás | Boletim De Bibliographia Portugueza (Portuguese Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-08945-8 | Caleb Eddy | Historical Sketch of the Middlesex Canal: With Remarks for the Consideration of the Proprietors |
'' | 978-1-144-08959-5 | Maximilian Fürbringer | Die Knochen Und Muskeln Der Extremitäten Bei Den Schlangenähnlichen Sauriern: Zoologisch-Anatomische Inaugural-Dissertation ... (German Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-08962-5 | Société De Santé De Paris · Société De Médecine De Paris | Journal Général De Médecine, De Chirurgie Et De Pharmacie Franc̜aises Et Étrangeres, Ou, Recueil Périodique De La Société De Médecine De Paris, Volume 49 (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-08976-2 | Dugald Clerk · Rodolphe Edgard Mathot | Gas-Engines and Producer-Gas Plants: A Practical Treatise Setting Forth the Principles of Gas-Engines and Producer Design, the Selection and ... Engines and Their Possibilities, the Care |
'' | 978-1-144-08989-2 | John Smith · Russell Thacher Trall | Fruits and Farinacea the Proper Food of Man: Being an Attempt to Prove, from History, Anatomy, Physiology, and Chemistry, That the Original, Natural, ... of Man Is Derived from the Vegetable Kingdom |
'' | 978-1-144-08993-9 | Catharine Forrester Ashmead | Fallings from a Lady's Pen |
'' | 978-1-144-09013-3 | Jean Baptiste Pierre Jull De Courcelles | Dictionnaire Historique Et Biographique Des Gnraux Francaise, Depuis Le Onzime Siecle Jusqu'en 1820, Volume 2 (French Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-09027-0 | Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley | A Treatise On Counterpoint, Canon and Fugue, Based Upon That of Cherubini |
'' | 978-1-144-09030-0 | John C. Hemment | Cannon and Camera: Sea and Land Battles of the Spanish-American War in Cuba; Camp Life, and the Return of the Soldiers |
'' | 978-1-144-09044-7 | Max Lehmann | Freiherr Vom Stein: Th. Vor Der Reform, 1757-1807 (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09053-9 | John James Audubon · Maria Rebecca Audubon | Audubon and His Journals, Volume 1 |
'' | 978-1-144-09058-4 | George William Kitchin | A History of France, Volume 3 |
2010 | 978-1-144-09061-4 | Clement Kinloch Cooke | A Memoir of ... Princess Mary Adelaide, Duchess of Teck: Based On Her Private Diaries and Letters |
'' | 978-1-144-09075-1 | James Boughton | Genealogy of the Families of John Rockwell, of Stamford, Connecticut 1641, and Ralph Keeler, of Hartford, Connecticut 1939 |
'' | 978-1-144-09089-8 | Johann Conrad Rechsteiner | Handwörterbuch Zur Erklärung Der in Büchern Und Schriften: So Wie Im Gemeinen Leben Am Meisten Vorkommenden Fremden Wörter Und Redensarten, Für ... Überhaupt Für Nichtgelehrte (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09092-8 | Saint-Marc Girardin | Cours De Littérature Dramatique Ou De L'usage Des Passions Dans Le Drame, Volume 1 (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09108-6 | Anonymous | Collection Des Relations De Voyages Par Mer Et Par Terre: En Différentes Parties De L'afrique Depuis 1400 Jusqu'à Nos Jours (French Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-09111-6 | Edward Verrall Lucas · Frederick Landseer Maur Griggs | Highways and Byways in Sussex |
'' | 978-1-144-09125-3 | Albert Francis Zahm | Aërial Navigation: A Popular Treatise On the Growth of Air Craft and On Aëronautical Meteorology |
'' | 978-1-144-09139-0 | Pradt | Antidote Au Congrès De Rastadt, 1798, Suivi De La Prusse Et Sa Neutralité, 1799 (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09142-0 | Frances Martin | Kilda Hall |
'' | 978-1-144-09156-7 | John T. Sprague | Electricity: Its Theory, Sources, and Applications |
2010 | 978-1-144-09173-4 | José León Sancho Rayón | Colección De Documentos Inéditos Para La Historia De España, Volume 53 (Spanish Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09187-1 | Thomas Lambert | Bone Products and Manures: An Account of the Most Recent Improvements in the Manufacture of Fat, Glue, Animal Charcoal, Size, Gelatine, and Manures |
'' | 978-1-144-09190-1 | August Wilhelm Knobel | Der Prophetismus Der Hebräer, Zweiter Theil (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09206-9 | Anonymous | Hufeland's Journal der practischen Heilkunde, Zwanzigster Band (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09223-6 | François-Vincent Toussaint · Paul Fould | Anecdotes Curieuses De La Cour De France Sous Le Règne De Louis XV (French Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-09237-3 | Giuseppe Filippo Barberi | Dictionnaire Portatif Français-Italien Et Italien-Français, Composé Sur La Dernière Édition Du Vocabulaire De L'académie Della Crusca, Sur Celui ... L'académie Française, De... (Italian Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09240-3 | Berlin Astronomisches Rechen-Institut | Berliner Astronomisches Jahrbuch (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09254-0 | Harry Pratt Judson · Ida Catherine Bender | Graded Literature Readers, Book 4 |
'' | 978-1-144-09268-7 | Hanserecesse | Hanserecesse (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09271-7 | Anonymous | Archiv Der Mathematik Und Physik, Dreizehnter Teil (German Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-09285-4 | Anonymous | Journal De Chimie Médicale, De Pharmacie, De Toxicologie Et Revue Des Nouvelles Scientifiques Nationales Et Étranger̀es, Volume 2 (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09299-1 | Joanna Baillie | Dramas: Witchcraft: A Tragedy in Prose. the Homicide: A Tragedy in Prose, with Occasional Passages of Verse. the Bride: A Drama. the Match: A Comedy. Appendix [Notes, Etc |
'' | 978-1-144-09304-2 | Anonymous | A Memorial of the Town of Hampstead, New Hampshire: Historic and Genealogic Sketches. Proceedings of the Centennial Celebration, July 4Th, 1849. ... Incorporation, July 4Th, 1899, Volume 1 |
'' | 978-1-144-09318-9 | Narcisse-Achille Salvandy | Histoire Du Roi Jean Sobieski Et De La Pologne (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09321-9 | William John Loftie | London City: Its History--Streets--Traffic--Buildings--People |
2010 | 978-1-144-09335-6 | Henrietta Christian Wright | Children's Stories of the Great Scientists |
'' | 978-1-144-09349-3 | Wiley InterScience | Annalen Der Physik (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09352-3 | John Murray | Hand-Book for Travellers in France [By J. Murray. 1St] 3Rd-14Th, 16Th, 18Th Ed |
'' | 978-1-144-09366-0 | Jay Frank Schamberg | Diseases of the Skin and the Eruptive Fevers |
'' | 978-1-144-09383-7 | Jans Jakob Berzelius · Kungl Svenska Vetenskapsakademien · Lars Fredrik Svanberg | Jahres-Uber Icht Uber Die Fortschritte Der Chemie, Volume 24 (German Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-09397-4 | A G. Collis | High and Low Tension Switchgear Design |
'' | 978-1-144-09402-5 | Georg Capellen | Die Abhängigkeitsverhältnisse in Der Musik: Eine Vollständige, Logisch-Einheitliche Erklärung Der Probleme Der Figuration, Sequenz Und Symmetrischen Umkehrung (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09416-2 | Albert Russel Erskine | History of the Studebaker Corporation |
'' | 978-1-144-09428-5 | American Medical Association. Section Of | Addresses, Papers and Discussions in the Section of Surgery and Anatomy at the ... Annual Meeting of the American Medical Association |
'' | 978-1-144-09433-9 | Leopold Ziegler · Leo Ziegler | Die Lateinischen Bibelubersetzungen VOR Hieronymus Und Die Itala Des Augustinus: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Der Heiligen Schrift (German Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-09447-6 | Lucien Thiollier | La Chambre De Commerce De Saint-Étienne Et Les Industries De Sa Circonscription, 1833-1890 (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09450-6 | Pierre-Joseph Proudhon · Amédée Jérôme Langlois | Correspondance De P.-J. Proudhon, Volume 6 (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09464-3 | Adolf Engler · Karl Anton Eugen Prantl · Robert Knuds Friedrich Pilger | Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien Nebst Ihren Gattungen Und Wichtigeren Arten, Insbesondere Den Nutzpflanzen, Unter Mitwirkung Zahlreicher Hervorragender Fachgelehrten Begründet (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09478-0 | France. Conseil D'administration Des Ch | Chemins De Fer De L'état: Conseil D'administration. Recueil Des Conventions, Sentences Arbitrales, Loi De Rachat, Décrets D'organisation, Arrêtés ... Chemins De Fer De L'état ... (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09481-0 | Anonymous | Aids to the Chemistry and Tests of the Pharmacopoeia |
2010 | 978-1-144-09495-7 | Frederick Edwyn Forbes | Five Years in China: From 1842 to 1847 |
'' | 978-1-144-09500-8 | Samuel Hulbeart Turner | Essay On Our Lord's Discourse at Capernaum: Recorded in the Sixth Chapter of St. John. with Strictures On Cardinal Wiseman's Lectures On the Real ... of His Errors, Both of Fact and Reasoning |
'' | 978-1-144-09505-3 | Clyde Fitch | Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines: A Fantastic Comedy in Three Acts by Clyde Fitch |
'' | 978-1-144-09514-5 | Société Française De Physique | Bulletin Des Seances (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09528-2 | Michigan. Legislature. Senate | Journal of the Senate, Part 1 |
2010 | 978-1-144-09531-2 | Edward George Kent | Lindum Lays and Legends |
'' | 978-1-144-09543-5 | Real Academia De La Historia | Boletín De La Real Academia De La Historia, Volume 4 (Spanish Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09545-9 | Carl Gegenbaur | Grundriss Der Vergleichenden Anatomie (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09559-6 | Anecdotes | Anecdotes of Impudence |
'' | 978-1-144-09562-6 | Adolphe Félix Gatien-Arnoult | Histoire De La Philosophie En France (French Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-09576-3 | Anonymous | Botanical Survey of Nebraska, Issue 1 |
'' | 978-1-144-09593-0 | Frédéric Pluquet | Contes Populaires, Préjugés, Patois, Proverbes: Noms De Lieux De L'arrondissement De Bayeux (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09609-8 | August Beer · Camille Forthomme | Introduction À La Haute Optique (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09612-8 | Boston Museum of Fine Arts | A Catalogue of the Collection of Prints from the Liber Studiorum of Joseph Mallord William Turner |
'' | 978-1-144-09626-5 | Enoch Pratt | History of Eastham, Wellfleet and Orleans, Barnstable Co., Mass from 1644-1844 |
2010 | 978-1-144-09643-2 | John Bower | Description of the Abbeys of Melrose and Old Melrose, with Their Traditions |
'' | 978-1-144-09657-9 | Wis.) Lawrence College (Appleton | Alumni Record, 1857-1915 |
'' | 978-1-144-09660-9 | Matilda Betham-Edwards | Kitty |
'' | 978-1-144-09665-4 | Massachusetts Governor | Addresses and Messages to the General Court, Proclamations, Official Addresses and Statements |
'' | 978-1-144-09674-6 | Robert Bentley Todd | Clinical Lectures On Certain Diseases of the Urinary Organs and On Dropsies |
2010 | 978-1-144-09688-3 | Alexander Dana Noyes | Forty Years of American Finance: A Short Financial History of the Government and People of the United States Since the Civil War, 1865-1907 |
'' | 978-1-144-09691-3 | Rudolf Baier | Briefe Aus Der Fruhzeit Der Deutschen Philologie an Georg Friedrich Benecke: Mit Anmerkungen Begleitet Und Hrsg. Von Rudolf Baier (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09707-1 | Silvanus Phillips Thompson | Dynamo-Electric Machinery: A Manual for Students of Electrotechnics |
'' | 978-1-144-09710-1 | Saxony Landesmedizinalkollegium | Jahresbericht Des Landes-Medicinal-Collegiums Über Das Medicinalwesen Im Königreich Sachsen (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09724-8 | Schweizer Alpen-Club | Jahrbuch Des Schweizer Alpenclub, Volume 25 (German Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-09738-5 | Evaristo Miguel Y San Valledor | Historia De Felipe Ii: Rey De España, Volume 4 (Spanish Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09741-5 | Henry Stedman Polehampton | A Memoir, Letters, and Diary |
'' | 978-1-144-09755-2 | Anonymous | Annual Report, Volumes 3-4 |
'' | 978-1-144-09769-9 | Frederick Albert Cleveland | Hall of Records Power Plant: Report and Discussion of Physical Test and Costs of Operation and Maintenance. Test Conducted for a Full Year, 1913, ... of the City of New York, the New York |
'' | 978-1-144-09772-9 | Anonymous | Annali Universali Di Medicina, Volume 8 (Italian Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-09786-6 | Albert Güldenpenning | Geschichte Des Oströmischen Reiches Unter Den Kaisern Arcadius Und Theodosius Ii. (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09787-3 | Miguel Lerdo De Tejada | Comercio Esterior De México: Desde La Conquista Hasta Hoy (Spanish Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09805-4 | Francois Arago · Marcellin Berthelot · Leuthre Lie Nicolas Mascart | Annales de Chimie Et de Physique (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09819-1 | William Macfarland Patton | A Practical Treatise On Foundations, Explaining Fully the Principles Involved, Supplemented by Articles On the Use of Concrete in Foundations |
'' | 978-1-144-09822-1 | Harry Clary Jones · Charles Fowler Lindsay | Conductivity and Viscosity in Mixed Solvents: A Study of the Conductivity and Viscosity of Solutions of Certain Electrolytes in Water, Methyl Alcohol, ... and in Binary Mixtures of These Solvents |
2010 | 978-1-144-09836-8 | William Kirkpatrick Riland Bedford · William Edmund Wood Collins | Annals of the Free Foresters from 1856 to the Present Day |
'' | 978-1-144-09853-5 | 1839 Georgia. Convention | Journal of the Covention: To Reduce and Equalize the Representation of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, Assembled in Milledgeville, On the 6Th Day of May, Eighteen Hundred and Thirty-Nine |
'' | 978-1-144-09867-2 | Byrd Mason | The Rabbit Foot |
'' | 978-1-144-09870-2 | Alexandre Dumas | Le Père Gigogne, Contes Pour Les Enfants (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09884-9 | Herbert Baxter Adams | Contributions to American Educational History, Volume 3 |
2010 | 978-1-144-09898-6 | Etienne Prosper Dubois-Guchan | Tacite Et Son Siècle: L'ordre Social Et Les Césars (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09903-7 | Northern Pacific Railroad Company | The Official Northern Pacific Railroad Guide: For the Use of Tourists and Travelers Over the Lines of the Northern Pacific Railroad, Its Branches and Allied Lines |
'' | 978-1-144-09915-0 | Daniel Blumenthal | Alsace-Lorraine: A Study of the Relations of the Two Provinces to France and to Germany, and a Presentation of the Just Claims of Their People |
'' | 978-1-144-09917-4 | Rudolf Heberdey | Die Reisen Des Pausanias in Griechenland, HEFT X (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-09920-4 | Seth B. Watson | Hints Towards the Formation of a More Comprehensive Theory of Life |
2010 | 978-1-144-09934-1 | United States. Bureau Of Foreign And Dom | Classification of Correspondence for Filing |
'' | 978-1-144-09948-8 | William Aldis Wright | A Midsummer Night's Dream |
'' | 978-1-144-09951-8 | Henriette Cuvru-Magot | Beyond the Marne: Quincy--Huiry--Voisins Before and During the Battle |
'' | 978-1-144-09965-5 | National Home For Disabled Volunteer Sol | Catalogue of the Putnam Library |
'' | 978-1-144-09979-2 | John Murdock | Joy Hours; Or, Poems, Songs, and Lyrics |
2010 | 978-1-144-09982-2 | Cecilia Mary Caddell | Home and the Homeless |
'' | 978-1-144-09996-9 | François René Chateaubriand | Aventures Du Dernier Abencerage. with Notes by A. Roulier (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-10002-3 | George Albert Wentworth | A Mental Arithmetic |
'' | 978-1-144-10016-0 | Carl Runge | Graphical Methods |
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