year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
2010 | 978-1-144-85623-4 | B. L. Rayner | Sketches of the Life, Writings, and Opinions of Thomas Jefferson: With Selections of the Most Valuable Portions of His Voluminous and Unrivaled Privat |
'' | 978-1-144-85637-1 | Alphonse Guillaume Ghislain Wauters | Les Libertés Communales, Essai Sur Leur Origine Et Leurs Premiers Développements En Belgique, Dans Le Nord De La France Et Sur Les Bords Du Rhin (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-85640-1 | Jared Sparks · George Chalmers | An Introduction to the History of the Revolt of the American Colonies: Being a Comprehensive View of Its Origin, Derived from the State Papers ... the Public Offices of Great Britain, Volume 2 |
'' | 978-1-144-85654-8 | Centre national de la recherche scientif · Société de Statistique de Paris | Journal De La Société De Statistique De Paris, Volume 27 (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-85668-5 | Gilbert Burnet · Thomas Burnet | Bishop Burnet's History of His Own Time |
2010 | 978-1-144-85671-5 | Charles Eugene Belknap | History of the Michigan Oganizations at Chickamauga, Chattanooga and Missionary Ridge, 1863 |
'' | 978-1-144-85685-2 | Thomas Cecil Fitzpatrick | A History of the Cavendish Laboratory 1871-1910: With 3 Portraits in a Collotype and 8 Other Illustrations |
'' | 978-1-144-85699-9 | Instituto Médico Nacional | El Estudio, Volume 4 (Spanish Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-85704-0 | Louis-Jean-Nicolas Monmerqué · Alexandre Petitot · François-Thomas Delbare | Collection Complète Des Mémoires Relatifs À L'histoire De France, Depuis Le Règne De Philippe-Auguste, Jusqu'au Commencement Du Dix-Septième Siècle: ... Sur Chaque Ouvrage (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-85718-7 | New Jersey | Acts of the Legislature of the State of New Jersey |
2010 | 978-1-144-85721-7 | Pliny | Historiae Naturalis Libri Xxxvii.: Lib. Vii-Xiii (Latin Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-85735-4 | Herbert Baxter Adams | Contributions to American Educational History, Volume 11 |
'' | 978-1-144-85745-3 | Real Academia De La Historia | Memorias De La Real Academia De La Historia, Volume 7 (Spanish Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-85749-1 | Ruy Barbosa | Deuxième Conférence De La Paix (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-85752-1 | Oliver Wendell Holmes | Ralph Waldo Emerson |
2010 | 978-1-144-85766-8 | François Jules Octave Guermonprez · J Ménard | Etudes Sur Les Fractures Indirectes Dorsales & Dorso-Lombaires, De La Colonne Vertebrale (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-85783-5 | Thomas Arnold | History of the Later Roman Commonwealth ... and of the Reign of Augustus: With a Life of Trajan. Republ. from the Encyclopædia Metropolitana |
'' | 978-1-144-85797-2 | William Fox | A Brief History of the Wesleyan Missions On the West Coast of Africa: Including Biographical Sketches of All the Missionaries Who Have Died in That ... European Settlements and of the Slave-Trade |
'' | 978-1-144-85802-3 | Ralph Tyler Flewelling | Bergson and Personal Realism |
'' | 978-1-144-85816-0 | John Galt · Lady Charlotte Campbell Bury | Continuation of the Diary Illustrative of the Times of George Iv: Interspersed with Original Letters from the Late Queen Caroline, the Princess ... Various Other Distinguished Persons, Volume 2 |
2010 | 978-1-144-85833-7 | Jesus Christ · William Henry B. Proby | Stories About the Great King [Jesus Christ]. |
'' | 978-1-144-85847-4 | Henry Deutsch | Arbitrage in Münzen, Barren, Wechseln, Effekten Und Prämien: Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Deutschen Geldmärkte Und Deren Beziehungen Zu Den Anderen Geldmärkten Der Welt (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-85850-4 | Sydney Observatory · Henry Chamberlaine Russell | Results of Double Star Measures Made at the Sydney Observatory, New South Wales, 1871-1881 |
'' | 978-1-144-85864-1 | Edme Théodore Bourg Saint-Edme · Edme-Théodore Bourg | Dictionnaire De La Pénalité Dans Toutes Les Parties Du Monde Connu: Tableau Historique, Chronologique Et Descriptif Des Supplices, Tortures Ou ... Et Extraordinaires ... (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-85878-8 | Pierre Jean-Baptiste Chaussard | Fêtes Et Courtisanes De La Grèce: Supplément Aux Voyages D'anacharsis Et D'antenor ... (French Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-85881-8 | George Augustus Koenig | Chemistry Simplified: A Course of Lectures On the Non-Metals Based Upon the Natural Evolution of Chemistry, Designed Primarily for Engineers |
'' | 978-1-144-85895-5 | Ulysses Dow | Spiritual Communications |
'' | 978-1-144-85900-6 | William Shakespeare | Julius Cæsar |
'' | 978-1-144-85914-3 | John Brooke | Poems |
'' | 978-1-144-85928-0 | William Forbes Skene | Celtic Scotland: A History of Ancient Alban, Volume 1 |
2010 | 978-1-144-85931-0 | Bertram Coghill Alan Windle · T Manners-Smith | A Handbook of Surface Anatomy and Landmarks |
'' | 978-1-144-85945-7 | Thomas Prentice Kettell | Southern Wealth and Northern Profits, As Exhibited in Statistical Facts and Official Figures: Showing the Necessity of Union to the Future Prosperity and Welfare of the Republic. |
'' | 978-1-144-85959-4 | Dennis Emerson Jackson | Experimental Pharmacology |
'' | 978-1-144-85962-4 | Maurice Francis Egan | Songs and Sonnets: And Other Poems |
'' | 978-1-144-85976-1 | Désiré Nisard | Études De Moeurs Et De Critique Sur Les Poëtes Latins De La Décadence, Volume 2 (French Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-85993-8 | Jessie P. Moncrieff | Edgar and I. |
'' | 978-1-144-86013-2 | Thomas Ried | Codex Chronologico-Diplomaticus Episcopatus Ratisbonensis, Volume 2 (Latin Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86027-9 | Daniel Kolb Cassel | A Genea-Biographical History of the Rittenhouse Family: And All Its Branches in America, with Sketches of Their Descendants, from the Earliest ... Time, Including the Birth of Wilhelm in 1644 |
'' | 978-1-144-86030-9 | W J. Tremeear | Canadian Criminal Cases Annotated: Series of Reports of Important Decisions in Criminal and Quasi-Criminal Cases in Canada Under the Laws of the ... Decisions Under the Criminal Code of Canada, |
'' | 978-1-144-86044-6 | Dora Duty Jones | Lyric Diction for Singers, Actors and Public Speakers |
2010 | 978-1-144-86058-3 | Mihail Kogălniceanu · Ioannu Niculcea | Fragments Tirés Des Chroniques Moldaves Et Valaques Pour Servir À L'histoire De Pierre-Le-Grand, Charles Xii, Stanislas Leszczynski, Démètre Cantimir Et Constantin Brancovan, Volume 1 (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86061-3 | Justus Liebig | Annalen Der Chemie Und Pharmacie. Band CXLI. (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86075-0 | Charles De Beaurepaire | Dernier Recueil De Notes Historiques Et Archéologiques Concernant Le Département De La Seine-Inférieure Et Plus Spécialement La Ville De Rouen (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86089-7 | Edmond Demolins | Histoire De France Depuis Les Premiers Temps Jusqu'à Nos Jours: D'après Les Sources Et Les Travaux Récents, Volume 2 (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86092-7 | Decimus Junius Juvenalis | Juvenal, Persius, Martial, and Catullus: An Experiment in Translation, by W.F. Shaw |
2010 | 978-1-144-86108-5 | George Shaw | English Botany; Or, Coloured Figures of British Plants, with Their Essential Characters, Synonyms, and Places of Growth: To Which Will Be Added, Occasional Remarks, Volume 21 |
'' | 978-1-144-86111-5 | Charles Sigisbert Sonnini · Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon | Histoire Naturelle, Genérale Et Particulière, Volume 125 (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86125-2 | Marie Vichy Chamrond Du De Deffand | Correspondance Complète De La Marquise Du Deffand Avec ... Le Président Hénault, Montesquieu, D'alembert, Voltaire, Horace Walpole. Précédée D'une ... Vie [&c.] Par M. De Lescure (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86139-9 | William Schlich | Manual of Forestry: Forest Protection, 1907, Fisher, W.R |
'' | 978-1-144-86142-9 | Henry Davey | A Description of the Differential Expansive Pumping Engine: Giving Practical Examples of Engines at Work, and a List of Some of the Engines Already ... and Formula for Pumps and Pumping Engines |
2010 | 978-1-144-86156-6 | Anonymous | Bi-Monthly Bulletin of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, Issues 16-18 |
'' | 978-1-144-86173-3 | Anonymous | Archiv Der Mathematik Und Physik, Volume 2 (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86187-0 | Albertus Heyman | De Timor-Tractaten (1859 En 1893) (Dutch Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86190-0 | André-Marie Ampere · Babinet | Exposé Des Nouvelles Découvertes Sur L'électricité Et Le Magneétisme: De Mm. Œrsted, Arago, Ampère, H. Davy, Biot, Erman, Schweiger, De La Rive, Etc (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86206-8 | Anonymous | Annales Des Ponts Et Chaussées: Mémoires Et Documents Relatif À L'art Des Constructions Et Au Service De L'ingénieur, Issue 45, part 2, volume 1 (French Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-86223-5 | Augustin Pierre Paul Caron | Correspondance De Feńelon: Archeveq̂ue De Cambrai (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86237-2 | Antonio Favaro | Galileo Galilei E Lo Studio Di Padova, Volume 2 (Italian Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86240-2 | Anonymous | American Medicine, Volume 26 |
'' | 978-1-144-86254-9 | Frederick Shenstone Woods | Higher Geometry: An Introduction to Advanced Methods in Analytic Geometry |
'' | 978-1-144-86268-6 | Alphonse de Lamartine | Cours Familier De Littérture: Une Entretien Par Mois, Volume 20 (French Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-86271-6 | Wilhelm Heinrich Roscher | Die Gorgonen Und Verwandtes: Eine Vorarbeit Zu Einem Handbuch Der Griechischen Mythologie Vom Vergleichenden Standpunkt (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86285-3 | Michael Baumgarten | De Fide Libri Estherae Commentatio Historico-Critica (Latin Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86299-0 | Ferdinand Brunot | Histoire De La Langue Française Des Origines À 1900 ... (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86304-1 | Rufus Anderson | History of the Missions of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions to the Oriental Churches, Volume 1 |
'' | 978-1-144-86318-8 | Geological Survey | Bulletin - United States Geological Survey, Issue 521 |
2010 | 978-1-144-86321-8 | Kentucky. State Board Of Health | Annual Report |
'' | 978-1-144-86335-5 | George Rantoul White | Elementary Chemistry |
'' | 978-1-144-86349-2 | Jules Jamin | Cours De Physique De L'école Polytechnique (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86352-2 | M A. S. Riach | Air-Screws: An Introduction to the Aerofoil Theory of Screw Propulsion, |
'' | 978-1-144-86359-1 | France | Les Codes Français: Contenant Le Code Civil, Le Code De Procédure Civile, Le Code De Commerce, Le Code D'instruction Criminelle, Le Code Pénal, Le ... Sur La Police De La Chasse (French Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-86366-9 | Max Von Boehn | Die Mode: Menschen Und Moden Im Neunzehnten Jahrhundert Nach Bildern Und Kupfern Der Zeit, Volume 1 (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86383-6 | Alexander Bain | John Stuart Mill: A Criticism: With Personal Recollections |
'' | 978-1-144-86397-3 | Agnes Strickland | Lives of the Queens of England: From the Norman Conquest, Volume 4 |
'' | 978-1-144-86402-4 | Virgil | Eneida Traduzida Em Verso (Portuguese Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86416-1 | Frederick Tennyson | Daphne and Other Poems |
2010 | 978-1-144-86433-8 | Epinal · Charles Ferry | Inventaire Historique Des Archives Anciennes De La Ville D'épinal: [Série Dd, Propriétés Communales, Eaux Et Forêts; Édifices Et Batiments Communaux; Travaux Publics, Etc., 1348-1790 (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86447-5 | Frederick Augustus Porter Barnard | A Treatise On Arithmetic ...: In Which the Principles of the Science Are Inductively Developed ... Combining Written Arithmetic with Copious Mental Exercises ... |
'' | 978-1-144-86450-5 | Anonymous | British Poems, from "Canterbury Tales" to "Recessional" |
'' | 978-1-144-86464-2 | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | Goethes Sämmtliche Werke, Volume 9 (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86481-9 | Prévost | Œuvres Choisies De Prévost Avec Figures, Volume 9 (French Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-86495-6 | Robert Gordon Latham | An Elementary English Grammar: For the Use of Schools |
'' | 978-1-144-86500-7 | Anonymous | La Rivista Europea, Volume 13 (Italian Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86514-4 | René Favre · Humbert Ferrand | Le Bien Public Pour Le Fait De La Justice (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86515-1 | Jay William Hudson | Abbé Pierre |
'' | 978-1-144-86531-1 | Edward Lee Hancock · Norman Colman Riggs | Hancock's Applied Mechanics for Engineers |
2010 | 978-1-144-86545-8 | Amable-Guillaume-Prosper Brugi Barante | Histoire Des Ducs De Bourgogne De La Maison De Valois, 1364-1477, Volume 1 (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86559-5 | William Henry Fraser | A French Grammer for Schools and Colleges |
'' | 978-1-144-86562-5 | Karl Stammer | Leitfaden bei den praktischen Arbeiten im chemischen Laboratorium: Zum Gebrauche beim Unterricht in der unorganischen Chemie an Gewerbe- und Realschulen (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86576-2 | Thomas Haweis · Samuel Austin | An Impartial and Succinct History of the Revival and Progress of the Church of Christ: From the Reformation to the Present Time. with Faithful Characters of the Principal Personages |
'' | 978-1-144-86593-9 | Ricardo Aranda | Colección De Los Tratados, Convenciones Capitulaciones, Armisticios, Y Otros Actos Diplomáticos Y Políticos Celebrados Desde La Independencia Hasta El ... Comprende La Época Colonial (Spanish Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-86609-7 | Louis Moll | La Connaissance Generale Du Boeuf, Etudes De Zootechnie Pratique Sur Les Races Bovines De La France, De L'algerie, De L'angleterre, De L'allemagne, De ... Avec Une Atlas De 83 Figures (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86612-7 | Bertram Moses Bernheim | "Passed As Censored," |
'' | 978-1-144-86626-4 | Edward Henry Kraus | Descriptive Mineralogy: With Especial Reference to the Occurrences and Uses of Minerals |
'' | 978-1-144-86643-1 | James Barr Ames | Lectures On Legal History and Miscellaneous Legal Essays |
'' | 978-1-144-86657-8 | Anonymous | Entomologische Monatsblatter, Volumes 25-26 (German Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-86660-8 | Anonymous | Boekzaal Der Geleerde Wereld: En Tijdschrift Voor De Protestantsche Kerken in Het Koningrijk Der Nederlanden (Dutch Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86674-5 | Robert Hadfield | Elijah Ward of New York: A Biographical Sketch |
'' | 978-1-144-86688-2 | Anonymous | Christmas Books, And, Sketches by Boz, Illustrative of Everyday Life and Every-Day People |
'' | 978-1-144-86691-2 | Mary Frances Hyde | A Practical English Grammar: For Grammar Schools, Ungraded Schools, Academies, and the Lower Grades in High Schools |
'' | 978-1-144-86693-6 | Québec · Henri Elzéar Taschereau | Le Code De Procédure Civile Du Bas Canada Tel Qu'en Force Le 1Er Août 1876 (French Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-86707-0 | Anonymous | Colección De Documentos Inéditos Para La Historia De España [Ed.] Por M. Fernandez Navarrete [And Others]. (Spanish Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86710-0 | Philippe Aubert De Gaspé | Les Anciens Canadiens, Volumes 1-2 (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86738-4 | Damasceno Vieira | Memorias Históricas Brazileiras, 1500-1837, Volume 2 (Portuguese Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86741-4 | Anonymous | Neue Militarische Blatter, Volume 48 (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86755-1 | Edwin Clarence Eckel | Building Stones and Clays: Their Origin, Characters and Examination |
2010 | 978-1-144-86769-8 | Richard Henry Wilde | Conjectures and Researches Concerning the Love, Madness, and Imprisonment of Torquato Tasso, Volume 1 |
'' | 978-1-144-86772-8 | Robert Maynard Leonard | Love Poems |
'' | 978-1-144-86783-4 | PROF E.A. ANDREWS | Sallust's History of the War Against Jugurtha, Conspriracy of Catiline with a Dictionary and Notes |
'' | 978-1-144-86786-5 | George Seton | St. Kilda Past and Present |
'' | 978-1-144-86805-3 | Anonymous | Poems of Places, Volume 15 |
2010 | 978-1-144-86819-0 | Laure Prus | Histoire Des Reines De France: Depuis Clotilde, Femme De Clovis, Premier Roi Des France, Jusqu'a Nos Jours, Volume 2 (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86822-0 | Stephen Reynolds Clarke | Hortus Anglicus: Or, the Modern English Garden: Containing a Familiar Description of All the Plants Which Are Cultivated in the Climate of Great ... According to the System of Linnæus, Volume 2 |
'' | 978-1-144-86836-7 | William MacLean | Brennus: Or, the Downfall of Tyranny, a Tragedy in Five Acts ; Alcander: Or, Love and Friendship, a Drama in Five Acts |
'' | 978-1-144-86853-4 | Frederick Albion Ober | Ferdinand Magellan |
'' | 978-1-144-86867-1 | Michael Foster · Lewis E. Shore | Physiology for Beginners |
2010 | 978-1-144-86870-1 | Lydia Maria Francis Child | Isaac T. Hopper: A True Life |
'' | 978-1-144-86884-8 | Anonymous | Ten Years in Saráwak, Volume 2 |
'' | 978-1-144-86898-5 | Etienne | Le Dragon Normand Et Autres Poèmes D'étienne De Rouen (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86903-6 | William Adolphus Wheeler | An Explanatory and Pronouncing Dictionary of the Noted Names of Fiction: Including Also Familiar Pseudonyms, Surnames Bestowed On Eminent Men, and ... Referred to in Literature and Conversation |
'' | 978-1-144-86917-3 | Sociedad De Amigos De La Ilustración | Revista De Sud-América: Anales De La Sociedad De Amigos De La Ilustración, Volume 3 (Japanese Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-86920-3 | Heinrich Behrens | Mikrochemische Technik (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86934-0 | Robert Mark Wenley | An Outline Introductory to Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason" |
'' | 978-1-144-86948-7 | Anonymous | My Water-Cure Tested for Than 35 Years and Published for the Cure of Diseases and the Preservation of Health |
'' | 978-1-144-86951-7 | Robin | C. C. Robin's Reisen Nach Dem Innern Von Louisiana, Dem Westlichen Florida Und Auf Die Inseln Martinique Und St. Domingo: In Den Jahren 1802, 1803, 18 (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86965-4 | Anonymous | Prospectus |
2010 | 978-1-144-86979-1 | L Curmer | De L'établissement Des Bibliothèques Communales En France (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-86982-1 | William Twopeny | Extracts from Various Authors: And a Letter Detailing a Fatal Banditti Adventure in Asia Minor in 1845 |
'' | 978-1-144-86996-8 | Illinois. Office of Secretary of State | Biennial Report of the Secretary of State of the State of Illinois |
'' | 978-1-144-87002-5 | Robert Armstrong · L Pinzger | Chimneys for Furnaces |
'' | 978-1-144-87016-2 | Edinburgh Obstetrical Society | Transactions of the Edinburgh Obstetrical Society, Volume 23 |
2010 | 978-1-144-87033-9 | Stephen Higginson | Ten Chapters in the Life of John Hancock |
'' | 978-1-144-87047-6 | THOMAS DE QUINCEY. | Literary Reminiscences; |
'' | 978-1-144-87050-6 | Polynesian Society | The Journal of the Polynesian Society, Volume 12 |
'' | 978-1-144-87064-3 | France. Ministère de la Guerre | Décret Du 9 Janvier 1896 Portant Règlement Sur Le Service Du Harnachement Dans Les Corps De Troupe: Instruction Pour L'application De Ce Règlement (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-87078-0 | William Morris · Joseph Jacobs | Old French Romances: Done Into English by William Morris |
2010 | 978-1-144-87081-0 | Argentina. Ministerio De Relaciones Exte | Memoria (Spanish Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-87095-7 | Daniel Trembly MacDougal · Anna Murray Vail · George Harrison Shull | Mutations, Variations, and Relationships of the Oenotheras |
'' | 978-1-144-87099-5 | Louis Rouvroy De Saint-Simon · Louis Rouvroy De De Saint-Simon | Mémoires Complets Et Authentiques Du Duc De Saint-Simon Sur Le Siècle De Louis XIV Et La Régence, Volume 1 (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-87100-8 | Charlemagne Tower | The Charlemagne Tower Collection of American Colonial Laws |
'' | 978-1-144-87128-2 | Anonymous | Compte-Rendu Publié Par Dr. Legrain, Président Du Congrés Et Dr. Boissier, Secrétaire Général, Volume 2, part 2 (French Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-87131-2 | Joseph Kay · Mary Elizabeth Kay | Free Trade in Land |
'' | 978-1-144-87145-9 | Emily Elizabeth Constance Jones | An Introduction to General Logic |
'' | 978-1-144-87159-6 | Worthington Hooker | The Child's Book of Nature: For the Use of Families and Schools: Intended to Aid Mothers and Teachers in Training Children in the Observation of Nature: In Three Parts |
'' | 978-1-144-87162-6 | Victor Wilfred Pagé | The A-B-C of Aviation: A Complete, Practical Treatise Outlining Clearly the Elements of Aeronautical Engineering, ... |
'' | 978-1-144-87176-3 | William Brough | Open Mints and Free Banking |
2010 | 978-1-144-87193-0 | Francis Francis | Newton Dogvane: A Story of English Country Life |
'' | 978-1-144-87209-8 | Anonymous | Willis's Current Notes: A Series of Articles On Antiquities, Biography, Heraldry, History, Language, Literature, Natural History, Topography, &c. ... During the Year ... to the Publisher |
'' | 978-1-144-87212-8 | Richard Lydekker | Library of Natural History, Volume 10 |
'' | 978-1-144-87226-5 | Anonymous | Domestic Economy: Comprising the Laws of Health in Their Application to Home Life and Work |
'' | 978-1-144-87243-2 | Andrew Gray | Absolute Measurements in Electricity and Magnetism |
2010 | 978-1-144-87257-9 | Massachusetts. Bureau Of Statistics Of L · Massachusetts. Dept. Of Labor And Indust · Massachusetts. Bu | Annual Report On the Statistics of Labor |
'' | 978-1-144-87260-9 | Jean Moréas | Iphigénie: Tragédie En Cinq Actes (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-87274-6 | Lʹeon Moreaux | Le Général René Moreaux Et Lʹarmée De La Moselle, 1792-1795 (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-87288-3 | Latin Monetary Union | Arrangement Et Procès-Verbaux (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-87291-3 | Thomas Stackhouse | A History of the Holy Bible, Corrected and Improved by G. Gleig |
2010 | 978-1-144-87307-1 | Fernand Abraham Bernard | Aménagement Des Eaux À Java, Irrigation Des Rizières: Rapport Établi À La Suite D'une Mission D'études Aux Indes Néerlandaises (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-87310-1 | Anonymous | Annuario Pontificio (Italian Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-87317-0 | Charles John Cutcliffe Hyne | Atoms of Empire |
'' | 978-1-144-87324-8 | Roderick Henry Burnham | Genealogical Records of Thomas Burnham, the Emigrant: Who Was Among the Early Settlers at Hartford, Connecticut, U.S. America, and His Descendants |
'' | 978-1-144-87338-5 | Edward Charles Pickering | Elements of Physical Manipulation |
2010 | 978-1-144-87341-5 | Alexandre Layet | Hygiène Des Professions Et Des Industries: Précédée D'une Étude Générale Des Moyens De Prévenir Et De Combattre Les Effets Nuisibles De Tout Travail Professionnel (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-87355-2 | Balfour Stewart · William Winson Haldane Gee · Charles Lightfoot Barnes | Lessons in Elementary Practical Physics, Volume 1 |
'' | 978-1-144-87369-9 | Royal University Of Ireland | Examination Papers |
'' | 978-1-144-87372-9 | Hollis Godfrey | Elementary Chemistry |
'' | 978-1-144-87386-6 | Jean Racine · Gustave Lanson | Iphigénie: Tragédie Publiée Conformément Au Texte De L'édition Des Grands Écrivains De La France |
2010 | 978-1-144-87405-4 | Rufus Choate | Addresses and Orations of Rufus Choate |
'' | 978-1-144-87419-1 | Orlando Schairer Reimold | First Primary Language Book |
'' | 978-1-144-87422-1 | Stephen Langdon | Lectures On Babylonia and Palestine |
'' | 978-1-144-87436-8 | Viscount Edward Grey Grey Of Fallodon | Fly Fishing |
'' | 978-1-144-87453-5 | Indiana. State Board Of Agriculture | Annual Report of the Indiana State Board of Agriculture, Volume 31 |
2010 | 978-1-144-87467-2 | Anonymous | Nouvelle Bibliothèque D'un Homme De Goût: Entièrement Refondue, Corrigée Et Augmentée, Contenant Des Jugemens Tirés Des Journaux Les Plus Connus Et ... Dans Tous Les Genres, Tant E (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-87470-2 | Henri Gourdon De Genouillac | Dictionnaire Des Fiefs, Seigneuries, Châtellenies, Etc: De L'ancienne France, Contenant: Les Noms Des Terres Et Ceux Des Familles Qui Les Ont ... D'érection En Terres Ti... (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-87484-9 | Ferdinand Ludwig Strumpf | Die Fortschritte Der Angewandten Chemie, ERSTER BAND (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-87498-6 | B[enjamin] Franklin Callender | Geometry: Applied to the Mensuration of Lines, Surfaces, Solids, Heights and Distances |
'' | 978-1-144-87503-7 | Louis La Saussaye | Les Six Premiers Siècles Littéraires De La Ville De Lyon (French Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-87517-4 | Ernst Moritz Arndt · Edgar Wildberg | Der Rhein Deutschlands Strom Aber Nicht Deutschlands Grenze (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-87520-4 | Henry White Warren | Among the Forces |
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