year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
2010 | 978-1-144-29262-9 | Alfred Austin | Soliloquies in Song |
'' | 978-1-144-29276-6 | Otto Edvard August Hjelt · Einar Lönnberg | Carl Von Linnés Betydelse Såsom Naturforskare Och Läkare: Skildringar Utgifna Af Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien I Anledning Af Tvåhundraårsdagen Af Linnés Födelse (Swedish Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29289-6 | H Rous | Kiṡṡat Al-Ḣakawātī Al-Islāmbūlī Or, the Autobiography of the Constantinopolitan Story-Teller (Arabic Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29293-3 | Julio De Hoyos | El Solar De Arias Gonsalo: Elogio Gráfico Literario De La Zamora Histórica Y Monumental (Spanish Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29309-1 | Turkey | Recueil Des Traités De La Porte Ottomane Avec Les Puissances Étrangères, Depuis Le Premier Traité Conclu, En 1536, Entre Suléyman I Et François I Jusqu'à Nos Jours (French Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-29312-1 | Pieter Hendrik Eijkman | L'internationalisme Scientifique (Sciences Pures Et Lettres) (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29315-2 | Royal Society | Abstracts of the Papers Communicated to the Royal Society of London, Volume 6 |
'' | 978-1-144-29326-8 | Ralph Davol | A Handbook of American Pageantry, by Ralph Davol |
'' | 978-1-144-29343-5 | Sandford Fleming | Report and Documents in Reference to the Canadian Pacific Railway |
'' | 978-1-144-29357-2 | Grace Denio Litchfield | Criss-Cross |
2010 | 978-1-144-29360-2 | George Frederick Chambers | The Story of Eclipses |
'' | 978-1-144-29374-9 | Dorothy Henrietta Boulger | True to Her Trust; Or, 'womanly Past Question' [By D.H. Boulger]. |
'' | 978-1-144-29388-6 | E Von Renferling | Edmúle Lage, Dritte Auflage (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29391-6 | France. Commission Des Annales Des Mines · France. Conseil Général Des Mines | Annales Des Mines (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29407-4 | South Australia. Legislative Council | Standing Orders ... 28Th. Nov. 1861 |
2010 | 978-1-144-29410-4 | Félix Thibert | Musée D'anatomie Pathologique: Bibliothèque De Médecine Et De Chirurgie Pratiques Représentant En Relief Les Altérations Morbides Du Corps Humain ... (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29424-1 | Louis-Antoine-Augustin Pavy | Esquisse D'un Traité Sur La Souverainté Temporelle Du Pape (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29438-8 | Thomas Brackett Reed | Reed's Rules: A Manual of General Parliamentary Law, with Suggestions for Special Rules |
'' | 978-1-144-29441-8 | Charles Lewis Slattery | The Holy Communion |
'' | 978-1-144-29455-5 | William Goode | The Divine Rule of Faith and Practice: Or, a Defence of the Catholic Doctrine That Holy Scripture Has Been Since the Times of the Apostles the Sole ... Dangerous Errors of the Authors of the Tracts |
2010 | 978-1-144-29469-2 | Norbert Ortner | Vorlesungen Uber Spezielle Therapie Innerer Krankheiten Fur Arzte Und Studierende (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29472-2 | Clarence Moores Weed | Stories of Insect Life |
'' | 978-1-144-29486-9 | Edward Payson Powell | Our Heredity from God: Lectures On Evolution |
'' | 978-1-144-29505-7 | William Smith | A Smaller History of Greece: From the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest |
'' | 978-1-144-29506-4 | John Campbell · Archibald Bower · George Sale | An Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time, Volume 23 |
2010 | 978-1-144-29519-4 | Alfred Horsley Hinton | Practical Pictorial Photography, Part 1 |
'' | 978-1-144-29522-4 | Erie Railway | Instructions for the Running of Trains, Etc. On the Erie Railway: To Go Into Effect On Wednesday, January 1, 1862 |
'' | 978-1-144-29527-9 | Voltaire · Jean Antoine Nicolas De Condorcet · Jacques Joseph Marie Decroix | Uvres Completes de Voltaire, Volume 43 (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29536-1 | Aristophanes · Woldemar Ribbeck | Die Acharner Des Aristophanes: Griechisch Und Deutsch Mit Kritischen Und Erklärenden Anmerkungen Und Einem Anhang Über Die Dramatischen Parodieen Bei Den Attischen Komikern (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29553-8 | Francesco Pastonchi | Le Trasfigurazioni (Italian Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-29554-5 | Armand Boisbeleau De La Chapelle · Willem Jacob 's Gravesande · Jean Barbeyrac | Bibliothèque Raisonnée Des Ouvrages Des Savans De L'europe, Volume 20 (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29567-5 | Anton Christian Wedekind | Noten Zu Einigen Geschichtschreibern Des Deutschen Mittelalters, Zweiter Band (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29570-5 | Anonymous | Il Teatro Moderno Applaudito: Ossia Raccolta Di Tragedie, Commedie, Drammi E Farse Che Godono Presentemente Dul Più Alto Favore Sui Pubblici Teatri, ... Dei Teatri Di Ven... (Italian Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29584-2 | Karl Gutzkow | Die Ritter Vom Geiste: Roman in Neun Büchern, Achter Band (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29598-9 | Joseph Maria E.C.W. Von Radowitz | Gesammelte Schriften, Erster Band (German Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-29603-0 | George Wilson Meadley | Memoirs of Algernon Sydney |
'' | 978-1-144-29617-7 | Baldwin Latham | Sanitary Engineering: A Guide to the Construction of Works of Sewerage and House Drainage, with Tables for Facilitating the Calculations of the Engineer |
'' | 978-1-144-29620-7 | Dominique François J. Arago | Astronomie Populaire, Publ. Sous La Direction De J.-A. Barral (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29634-4 | United States. Dept. of the Interior · United States. General Land Office | Decisions of the Department of the Interior and the General Land Office in Cases Relating to the Public Lands, Volume 34 |
'' | 978-1-144-29648-1 | J C Ross | An Examination of Opinions Maintained in the "Essay On the Principles of Population,", Volume 1 |
2010 | 978-1-144-29651-1 | Anonymous | The Medical News, Volume 61 |
'' | 978-1-144-29665-8 | Charles Phillips Emerson | Clinical Diagnosis: A Text-Book of Clinical Microscopy and Clinical Chemistry for Medical Students, Laboratory Workers, and Practitioners of Medicine |
'' | 978-1-144-29679-5 | Anonymous | Medical Review, Volume 29 |
'' | 978-1-144-29682-5 | Handelingen Van De Algemeene Synode Der | Handelingen Van De Algemeene Synode Der Nederlandsche Hervormde Kerk,in Den Jare 1857 (Dutch Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29696-2 | André Ortolan | Cours De Machines À Vapeur, Appliquées À La Navigation À L'usage Des Mécaniciens De La Marine Militaire Et De La Marine Marchande. Première Partie: ... Programme Officiel De 1860 (French Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-29701-3 | Edward Sell | The Faith of Islam |
'' | 978-1-144-29715-0 | JSC SCHWEIGGER | Journal Fur Chemie Und Physi. XXIV Band. (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29729-7 | Hippolyte Baraduc | Les Vibrations De La Vitalité Humaine: Méthode Biométrique Appliquée Aux Sensitifs Et Aux Névrosés (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29732-7 | Ludwig Preller · E Plew | Griechische Mythologie, Volume 2 (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29746-4 | Eneas Mackenzie | A Descriptive and Historical Account of the Town and County of Newcastle Upon Tyne: Including the Borough of Gateshead |
2010 | 978-1-144-29763-1 | Anonymous | Deutsches Bauhandbuch: Baukunde Des Architekten (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29777-8 | Léopold Delisle | Les Manuscrits Du Comte D'ashburnham: Rapport Au Ministre De L'instruction Publique Et Des Beaux-Arts, Suivi D'observations Sur Les Plus Anciens ... Manuscrits Du Fond Barrois (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29780-8 | Friedrich Arndt | The Four Temperaments, Contemplations On Luke Ix. Translated |
'' | 978-1-144-29794-5 | Jones Quain · Edward Albert Sharpey-Schäfer · George Dancer Thane | Quain's Elements of Anatomy, Volume 1 |
'' | 978-1-144-29813-3 | Adolphe Thiers | Histoire De Law (French Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-29827-0 | Colombi | Dopo Il Caffè (Italian Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29830-0 | Étienne Lambert | Idiomatic Key to the French Language: Illustrated with Copious and Practical Conversational Examples of All the Leading Idioms, with the Corresponding English Version |
'' | 978-1-144-29844-7 | Léon A Daudet | Le Partage De L'enfant; Roman Contemporain. 7. Mille (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29858-4 | Schweizerische Geologische Kommission | Materiaux Pour La Carte Geologique de La Suisse, Issue 25 (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29861-4 | Tom Gallon | Tatterley: The Story of a Dead Man |
2010 | 978-1-144-29875-1 | Richard Hurd | Moral and Political Dialogues: With Letters On Chivalry and Romance, Volume 2 |
'' | 978-1-144-29889-8 | Friedrich Karl Möhl | Die Vorläufer Der Heutigen Organisation Der Öffentl. Armenpflege in München: Insbesondere, Das Armeninstitut Des Grafen Rumford ... (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29892-8 | Frederick Leopold Holtz | Principles and Methods of Teaching Geography |
'' | 978-1-144-29908-6 | Connecticut Medical Society | Proceedings of the Connecticut Medical Society |
'' | 978-1-144-29911-6 | Egbert Willard Fowler | Poems |
2010 | 978-1-144-29919-2 | Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz · Louis Alexandre Foucher De Careil | Oeuvres De Leibniz: Publiées Pour La Première Fois D'après Les Manuscripts Originaux, Volume 3 (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29925-3 | Jacob Gottstein | Die Krankheiten Des Kehlkopfes (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29939-0 | Jzef Olszewski · Jozef Olszewski | Bureakratie (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29942-0 | Benjamin Willis Wells | Modern French Literature |
'' | 978-1-144-29956-7 | Anonymous | Goethe's Werke, Funfzehnter Band (German Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-29973-4 | Argentina. Suprema Corte | Fallos De La Corte Suprema De Justicia De La Nación: Con La Relación De Sus Respectivas Causas ..., Volume 55 (Spanish Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29987-1 | Johann Florello | Theomela Oder Hallelujah (Spanish Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-29990-1 | Carnegie Institution of Washington | Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication, Issue 276 |
'' | 978-1-144-30007-2 | Robert Browning | Fifine at the Fair |
'' | 978-1-144-30010-2 | Giovanni Paolo Marana | The Third Volume of Letters Writ by a Turkish Spy [G.P. Marana] at Paris. Tr. [By W. Bradshaw.]. |
2010 | 978-1-144-30024-9 | Royal Society | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Volume 189 |
'' | 978-1-144-30038-6 | Karl Christian Wilhelm Felix Bähr | Symbolik Des Mosaischen Cultus, Erster Band (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30041-6 | Edward Charles Booth | The Post-Girl |
'' | 978-1-144-30055-3 | Sophocles | Tragoediae, Ex Recensione G. Dindorfii, Et Scholia, Volume 1 (Latin Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30069-0 | Wisconsin. Tax Commission | Biennial Report - Wisconsin Tax Commission, Issue 1 |
2010 | 978-1-144-30072-0 | Albert Desjardins | Le Pouvoir Civil Au Concile De Trente (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30086-7 | Karl Friedrich Göschel | Von Den Beweisen Für Die Unsterblichkeit Der Menschlichen Seele Im Lichte Der Spekulativen Philosophie (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30105-5 | Giuseppe Biamonti | Lettere Di Pamfilo [Pseud] a Polifilo Sopra L'apologia Del Libro Della Volgare Eloquenza Di Dante (Italian Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30119-2 | Samuel Johnson | Life and Writings of Samuel Johnson ... |
'' | 978-1-144-30122-2 | Robert Montgomery Martin | The British Colonial Library, [Comprising a Popular and Authentic Description of All the Colonies of the British Empire, Their History--Physical ... Defence--C |
2010 | 978-1-144-30136-9 | Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lord | The History and Proceedings of the House of Lords, from the Restoration in 1660, to the Present Time ... with an Account of the Promotions of the ... with the Transactions of the Commons, a |
'' | 978-1-144-30153-6 | Sallust · Gerardus Joannes Vossius | Caii Crispi Sallvstii Opera Qvae Svpersvnt Omnia (Latin Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30167-3 | Julien Hayem | Traité Du Contrat D'apprentissage: Commentaire De La Loi Du 22 Février-4 Mars 1851 (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30170-3 | Louis Mas Latrie · Albert Montémont | Bibliothèque Universelle Des Voyages Effectués Par Mer Ou Par Terre Dans Les Diverses Parties Du Monde: Dupuis Les Premières Découvertes Jusqu'a Nos ... Revus Ou Traduits, Volume 23 (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30184-0 | Edmund Burke | A Speech of Edmund Burke, Esq. at the Guildhall, in Bristol: Previous to the Late Election in That City, Upon the Certain Points Relative to His Parliamentary Conduct |
2010 | 978-1-144-30198-7 | Wells Phillips Eagleton | Brain Abscess: Its Surgical Pathology and Operative Technic |
'' | 978-1-144-30203-8 | EJ STEARBSM A.M. | Notes On Uncletom's Cabin |
'' | 978-1-144-30217-5 | Walter Gray De Birch | Domesday Book: A Popular Account of the Exchequer Manuscript So Called, with Notices of the Principal Points of General Interest Which It Contains |
'' | 978-1-144-30220-5 | Ralph Coffin Richards | How to Handle Freight: Address to the Agents and Employes of the Chicago & North-Western Railway Company, Delivered at Chicago, Boone, North Fond Du Lac, Madison, Escanaba, Waseca and Huron |
'' | 978-1-144-30234-2 | François-Zénon Collombet | Histoire Civile Et Religieuse Des Lettres Latines: Au Ive Et Au Ve Siècle (French Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-30248-9 | Henry Swinburne | The Courts of Europe at the Close of the Last Century, Volume 1 |
'' | 978-1-144-30251-9 | Anonymous | Lettres Édifiantes Et Curieuses, Écrites Des Missions Étrangères, Volume 11 (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30265-6 | Arthur Raoul G. De Grandeffe | Voyage À Rome En 1853 (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30279-3 | Anonymous | Œuvres Complètes De Laplace, Volume 2 (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30282-3 | Edward Gibbon | The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume 5 |
2010 | 978-1-144-30296-0 | James Todd | Experiments with Oxygen On Disease: Tuberculosis, Bright's Disease, Et Al |
'' | 978-1-144-30301-1 | Voltaire | Siécle De Louis Xiv. (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30315-8 | William Fordyce Mavor | Historical Account of the Most Celebrated Voyages, Travels, and Discoveries: From the Time of Columbus to the Present Period ... |
'' | 978-1-144-30329-5 | Stanislas Gilibert | Monographie Du Pemphigus, Ou, Traité De La Maladie Vésiculaire (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30332-5 | Lorenzo Giustiniani | Cenno Storico Sul Sannio (Italian Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-30346-2 | Sachau | Vaterländisches Archiv Für Das Hertzogthum Lauenburg: Von Landeskundigen Männer, Zweiter Band (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30363-9 | Anonymous | The Ladies' Work-Table Book: Containing Clear and Practical Instructions in Plain and Fancy Needlework, Embroidery, Knitting, Netting, and Crochet. with Numerous Engravings ... |
'' | 978-1-144-30377-6 | '' | Russkoe Bogatstvo, Issue 2 |
'' | 978-1-144-30380-6 | Carl Jentsch | Geschichtsphilosophische Gedanken, Zweite Auflage (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30394-3 | Anonymous | Dissertationes in Caesaris Commentarios, Volume 10 |
2010 | 978-1-144-30413-1 | Eu Heleniusz | Wspomnienia Lat Minionych, Volume 2 (Polish Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30427-8 | Molire · Arthur Desfeuilles · Nicol Barbierei | Uvres de Molire, Volume 4 (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30430-8 | Jean Nicolas Jager | Histoire De L'eglise Catholique En France, D'après Les Documents Les Plus Authentiques, Depuis Son Origine Jusqu'au Concordat De Pie Vii. (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30444-5 | Alexandre Gouget | Armorial Du Poitou Et État Des Nobles Réservés Dans Toutes Les Élections De La Généralité, Par Lettre Alphabétique, Paroisse Par Paroisse, Élection ... Familles Municipales De... (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30458-2 | Lucrèce | Oeuvres Complètes De Lucrèce (French Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-30461-2 | Louise Stevens Bryant | School Feeding: Its History and Practice at Home and Abroad |
'' | 978-1-144-30475-9 | Carel Gabriel Cobet | Variae Lectiones Quibus Continentur Observationes Criticae in Scriptores Graecos (Latin Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30489-6 | Dietrich Wilhelm Heinrich Busch | Lehrbuch Der Geburtskunde: Ein Leitfaden Bei Akademischen Vorlesungen Und Bei Dem Studium Des Faches ... (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30492-6 | Bradford | Vital Records of Bradford, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849 |
'' | 978-1-144-30508-4 | Proceedings Of The Society For Psychical | Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research |
2010 | 978-1-144-30511-4 | Johann Samuel Traugott Gehler · Karl Ludwig Littrow | Johann Samuel Traugott Gehler's Physikalisches Wörterbunch, Volume 2 (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30525-1 | Herbert Confield Lust | The Law of Loss and Damage Claims: Including the Cummins Amendment, Bill of Lading Act, Twenty-Eight Hour Law, and Federal Control Act |
'' | 978-1-144-30539-8 | Rudolf Kink | Geschichte Der Kaiserlichen Universität Zu Wien: Statutenbuch Der Universität (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30542-8 | Gustav Von Salisch | Geschichte des königlich preussischen siebenten infanterie-Regiments von seiner Stiftung im Jahre 1797 bis zum 1Sten Juli 1854 (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30556-5 | Alfred Jeremias | Das Alte Testament Im Lichte Des Alten Orients (German Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-30573-2 | Maurice Donnay | L'affranchie: Comédie En Trois Actes (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30587-9 | James Russell Lowell | The Writings of James Russell Lowell, Volume 3 |
'' | 978-1-144-30590-9 | James Hall | Notes On the Western States: Containing Descriptive Sketches of Their Soil, Climate, Resources, and Scenery |
'' | 978-1-144-30606-7 | Samuel Richard Bosanquet | "Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation": Its Argument Examined and Exposed |
'' | 978-1-144-30620-3 | Anonymous | Gartenflora: Zeitschrift Für Garten- Und Blumenkunde, 52 Jahrgang (German Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-30623-4 | Francis Walter Merchant | The Ontario Examination Systems |
'' | 978-1-144-30637-1 | Caroline Ransom Williams · Menthuweser | The Stela of Menthu-Weser |
'' | 978-1-144-30640-1 | Jacob Bernays | Grundzüge der verlorenen Abhandlung des Aristoteles über Wirkung der Tragödie. I. Band. (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30654-8 | Jules Sandeau | Jean De Thommeray: Le Colonel Evrard (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30668-5 | Gustav De Ruyter | Compendium Der Allgemeinen Und Speciallen Chirurgie, Volume 2 (German Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-30671-5 | Jeremiah Burroughs | A Sermon Preached Before the Honorable House of Commons Assembled in Parliament, at Their Late Solemn Fast, August 26. 1646: In Margarets Westminster |
'' | 978-1-144-30685-2 | Théodore Olivier | Compléments De Géométrie Descriptive (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30699-9 | United States. War Dept. General Staff | Manual for Farriers, Horseshoers, Saddlers, and Wagoners Or Teamsters: 1914 |
'' | 978-1-144-30704-0 | Frederick William Dallinger | Nominations for Elective Office in the United States |
'' | 978-1-144-30718-7 | Louisa May Alcott | Eight Cousins: Or, the Aunt-Hill |
2010 | 978-1-144-30721-7 | Paulus Verres | De Tib. Silii Italici Punicis Et Italici Iliade Latina Quaestiones Grammatical Et Metricae ... (Latin Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30735-4 | Frank Richard Stockton | The Novels and Stories of Frank Stockton ... |
'' | 978-1-144-30749-1 | P Baret | De Jure Apud Terentium ... (Latin Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30752-1 | Margaret Hunt | Under Seal of Confession, by Averil Beaumont |
'' | 978-1-144-30766-8 | Otto Cohnheim | Chemie Der Eiweisskörper (German Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-30783-5 | California Fruit-Growers' Convention | Official Report of the ... Fruit-Growers' Convention of the State of California: Held Under the Auspices of the State Horticultural Commission, Volume 11 |
'' | 978-1-144-30797-2 | Jean Czynski | Kopernik Et Ses Travaux (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30802-3 | Hugh Kelly | The Babler: Containing a Careful Selection from Those Entertaining and Interesting Essays, Which Have Given the Public So Much Satisfaction Under That ... of Four Years, in Owen's Weekly Chronicle ... |
'' | 978-1-144-30816-0 | John Seely Hart | Mistakes of Educated Men |
'' | 978-1-144-30833-7 | Marcel Braunschvig | Le Sentiment Du Beau Et Le Sentiment Poétique (Essai Sur L'esthétique Du Vers) (French Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-30847-4 | Ramón Antequera | Juicio Analítico Del Quijote (Spanish Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30850-4 | Karl Bachem | Der Unterschied Zwischen Dem Furtum Des Römischen Rechtes Und Dem Diebstahl Nach Dem Deutschen Reichs-Strafgesetzbuch, Besonders in Ihren Beziehungen Zum System Des Privat-Rechtes (Latin Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30864-1 | Besanç Société D'émulation Du Doubs | Mémoires De La Société D'émulation Du Doubs (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30878-8 | Jakob Weismann | Lehrbuch Des Deutschen Zivilprozesszechtes, Volume 1 (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30881-8 | Mihály Vörösmarty | Lyrai És Vegyes Költeményei 1821-1855 (Hungarian Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-30895-5 | Myles Endicott | Stories of the Bible: The People of the Chosen Land, Volume 1 |
'' | 978-1-144-30900-6 | Helen Wodehouse | The Logic of Will: A Study in Analogy |
'' | 978-1-144-30914-3 | Horace · Johann Carl Zeune | Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera Omnia (Latin Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30928-0 | Royal Society Of Public Health And Medic | Topographie Médicale Du Royaume Intro., 1904 (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30931-0 | Anton Mollinary | Sechsundvierzig Jahre Im Osterreich-Ungarischen Heere, 1833-1879, Volume 2 (German Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-30934-1 | Gustave Honoré Cotteau · Alcide Dessalines D' Orbigny · Gaston Saporta | Paléontologie Française: Description Des Mollusques Et Rayonnés Fossiles, Volume 4 (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30945-7 | Philippe Gilbert | Cours D'analyse Infinitésimale: Partie Élémentaire (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30959-4 | Edmund Heusinger Von Waldegg | Vorarbeiten, Erd-, Grund-, Strassen- Und Tunnelbau, Dritter Band (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30962-4 | Jean Calvin | Vom Abendmahl Des Herrn: In Deutscher Uebersetzung Mit Erklärenden Anmerkungen Von E.F.L. Matthieu (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-30976-1 | Dietrich | Das Leben Der Heiligen Elisabeth, Vom Verfasser Der Erlösung (German Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-30993-8 | Gyula Andrássy · Béla Lederer | Gróf Andrássy Gyula Beszédei, Volume 1 (Hungarian Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-31013-2 | Edmond About | Rome of Today |
'' | 978-1-144-31027-9 | Rafael Altamira | Psicologiá Y Literatura (Spanish Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-31030-9 | Rupert Hughes | Songs by Thirty Americans |
'' | 978-1-144-31044-6 | Benito Jerónimo Feijoo | Cartas Eruditas, Y Curiosas: En Que, Por La Mayor Parte Se Continúa El Designio Del Theatro Critico Universal, Impugnando, Ó Reduciendo Á Dudosas, Varias Opiniones Comunes (Spanish Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-31058-3 | Anonymous | Mademoiselle La Quintinie (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-31061-3 | Charles Hubbard Judd | Measuring the Work of the Public Schools |
'' | 978-1-144-31070-5 | John Henry Mackay | Max Stirner: Sein Leben Und Sein Werk: Mit 4 Abbildungen, Zahlreichen Facsimilen Und Einem Anhang (German Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-31089-7 | Henry Shanks | The Peasant Poets of Scotland and Musings Under Beeches |
'' | 978-1-144-31092-7 | Karl Baedeker | Allemagne Du Sud Et Autriche: Manuel Du Voyageur (French Edition) |
2010 | 978-1-144-31108-5 | Pierre De Ronsard | Choix De Poésies De P. De Ronsard: Précédé De Sa Vie Et Accompagné De Notes Explicatives (French Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-31111-5 | Adolf Claus | De Dianae Antiquissima Apud Graecos Natura ... (Latin Edition) |
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'' | 978-1-144-31125-2 | Fortunato Hernández | Desequilibrio (Spanish Edition) |
'' | 978-1-144-31139-9 | John Burke | A General and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire, Volume 1 |
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