by: John Marriott · Masaie MatsumuraHardcover
ISBN: 978-1-138-76165-0 ISBN-10: 1-138-76165-6 Routledge · 1999 |
See also: | ||
1999 | Hardcover | The Metropolitan Poor: Semifactual Accounts, 1795–1910 |
1999 | Hardcover | The Metropolitan Poor Vol 1: Semifactual Accounts, 1795–1910 |
1999 | Hardcover | The Metropolitan Poor Vol 2: Semifactual Accounts, 1795–1910 |
1999 | Hardcover | The Metropolitan Poor Vol 3: Semifactual Accounts, 1795–1910 |
1999 | Hardcover | The Metropolitan Poor Vol 5: Semifactual Accounts, 1795–1910 |
1999 | Hardcover | The Metropolitan Poor Vol 6: Semifactual Accounts, 1795–1910 |