Sun Chalice Books

Other ISBN range for Sun Chalice Books: Sun Chalice Books (978-1-928754-...)

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
1998978-0-9650839-3-5Gareth KnightMagical Images and the Magical Imagination: A Practical
1997978-0-9650839-4-2Anthony DuncanThe Sword in the Sun: Dialogue With an Angel
1996978-0-9650839-5-9Anthony DuncanThe Lord of the Dance: An Essay in Mysticism
1997978-0-9650839-6-6Gareth KnightOccult Exercises and Practices: Gateways to the Four `Worlds' of Occultism
1996978-0-9650839-8-0   ''The Practice of Ritual Magic: Powerful Aids to Concentration and Visualization