Themis Books

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
1990978-0-9527302-0-0Gerardo Reichel-DolmatoffThe Forest Within: World-View of the Tukano Amazonian Indians
  ''978-0-9527302-1-7Hipolito CandreCool Tobacco, Sweet Coca: Teachings of an Indian Sage from the Colombian Amazon
  ''978-0-9527302-2-4Edward GoldsmithThe Way: An Ecological World-View
1996978-0-9527302-3-1Edward GoldsmithThe Way: an ecological World-view
1990978-0-9527302-4-8Gerardo Reichel-DolmatoffRainforest Shamans: Essays on the Tukano Indians of the Northwest Amazon