Bettany Press

Other ISBN range for Bettany Press: Bettany Press (978-0-9552973-...)

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
1994978-0-9524680-0-4Rosemary Auchmuty ยท Juliet GoslingChalet School Revisited
1995978-0-9524680-1-1Helen McClellandVisitors for the Chalet School
1996978-0-9524680-2-8Helen McClellandBehind the Chalet School: A Biography of Elinor M.Brent-Dyer
2002978-0-9524680-6-6Jane ShawSusan and Friends: The Jane Shaw Companion
2003978-0-9524680-7-3Margaret MoncrieffWorlds Apart: Memoirs of Margaret Moncrieff Kelly (Helen McClelland)