Armenian Heritage Press

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
2003978-0-935411-17-1Derenik DemirchyanThe Book of Flowers (English and Armenian Edition)
  ''978-0-935411-18-8Theodore D. KharpertianHagop: An Armenian Genocide Survivor's Journey to Freedom
2005978-0-935411-19-5James R. RussellArmenian and Iranian Studies (Harvard Armenian Texts and Studies)
2006978-0-935411-22-5James R. RussellBosphorus Nights: The Complete Lyric Poems of Bedros Tourian (Harvard Armenian Texts and Studies)
2013978-0-935411-25-6Paul R. Ignatius5 x 3: Fifteen Books by Three Great Armenian Writers [Summaries, Commentaries, and Anecdotes]