Bell Telephone Laboratories

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
1978978-0-932764-00-3Bell Telephone LaboratoriesA History of engineering and science in the Bell System: National Service in War and Peace (1925 - 1975)
1982978-0-932764-02-7A. E. Joel Jr.A HISTORY of ENGINEERING and SCIENCE in the BELL SYSTEM: Switching Technology (1925-1975).
1983978-0-932764-03-4S. (Editor) MillmanA HISTORY of ENGINEERING and SCIENCE in the BELL SYSTEM: Physical Sciences (1925-1980). by Millman, S. (Editor) (1983) Hardcover
1984978-0-932764-06-5S. MillmanA History of Engineering & Science in the Bell System: Communications Sciences, 1925-1980
1985978-0-932764-07-2F. M. SmitsA History of Engineering and Science in the Bell System: Electronics Technology (1925-1975)
  ''978-0-932764-08-9AT & T Bell Laboratories · American Telephone & Telegraph CompanyA History of engineering and science in the Bell System: transmission technology (1925-1975)
1988978-0-932764-10-2Gary J. Bronson · Howard I. SilverThirty-Two Bit Microprocessors: A Primer Plus (At&t Advanced Technology Ser.: Vol. 1)
  ''978-0-932764-32-4Roger AckermanProcess Quality Management & Improvement Guidelines (At&t Quality Library)
1992978-0-932764-36-2Brian LearyReengineering Handbook