Eastern National Park and Monument Association

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
1999978-0-915992-06-5Thomas E BakerAnother Such Victory: The Story of the American Defeat at Guilford Courthouse that Helped Win the War for Independence
1979978-0-915992-10-2J.P. · George E. Scheer (ed) MartinPrivate Yankee Doodle
1994978-0-915992-63-8Harry W PfanzThe Battle of Gettysburg
1995978-0-915992-66-9Noah Andre TrudeauThe Campaign to Appomattox (National Park Civil War Series)
1994978-0-915992-69-0Margaret TrumanBess W. Truman
1995978-0-915992-76-8William C DavisThe First Battle of Manassas (Civil War series)
  ''978-0-915992-82-9Noah Andre TrudeauThe Siege of Petersburg
1993978-0-915992-83-6William MarvelThe Battle of Fredericksburg (Civil War Series)
1995978-0-915992-85-0A. Wilson GreeneThe Second Battle of Manassas (National Park Civil War series)
  ''978-0-915992-87-4Gary W. GallagherThe Battle of Chancellorsville (National Park Civil War Series)
1996978-0-915992-93-5William J MillerThe battles for Richmond, 1862 (Civil War series)