Devon and Cornwall Record Society

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
1992978-0-901853-35-6Nicholas OrmeNicholas Roscarrock's 'Lives of the Saints': Cornwall and Devon (35) (Devon and Cornwall Record Society)
1994978-0-901853-37-0Robert BearmanCharters of the Redvers Family and the Earldom of Devon 1090-1217 (37) (Devon and Cornwall Record Society)
1998978-0-901853-41-7H. S. A. Fox · O. J. PadelCornish Rentals and Surveys of the Arundell Family of Lanherne, Fourteenth to Sixteenth Centuries (41) (Devon and Cornwall Record Society)
2003978-0-901853-46-2David Lepine · Nicholas OrmeDeath and Memory in Medieval Exeter (Devon and Cornwall Record Society New Series): 46
2006978-0-901853-48-6Garry TregidgaKillerton, Camborne and Westminster: The Political Correspondence of Sir Francis and Lady Acland, 1910-1929 (48) (Devon and Cornwall Record Society)