Thoresby Society

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
1970978-0-900741-00-5Joseph SprittlesLinks with Bygone Leeds (Publications of the Thoresby Society / Thoresby Society)
1972978-0-900741-01-2Thoresby SocietyMiscellany: No. 15, Pt. 2
978-0-900741-02-9Derek FraserPolitics of Victorian Leeds
1984978-0-900741-20-3Guy D. BarnesKirkstall Abbey, 1147-1539: An Historical Study
1993978-0-900741-29-6Carole P. Johnston · etc. · Thoresby SocietyMiscellany: Publications of the Thoresby Society, Second Series v. 3