Documentary Publications

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
1980978-0-89712-012-8Thomas M VerichThe European Powers And The Italo Ethiopian War, 1935 1936: A Diplomatic Study
  ''978-0-89712-021-0Lebanon's struggle for independence (The Political history of Lebanon, 1920-1950 ; v. 3-4)
1978978-0-89712-029-6Lee Clement · Bob SelbyAndrew Young at the United Nations
1982978-0-89712-038-8Gene Z. HanrahanAbajo El Gringo: Anti-American Sentiment During the Mexican Revolution (Documents on the Mexican Revolution)
1984978-0-89712-122-4Gavrilo PrincipThe Sarajevo trial