J. P. O'Hara

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
1974978-0-87955-310-4Sterling QuinlanThe hundred million dollar lunch
1975978-0-87955-317-3Eileen SullivanArthur Ford speaks from beyond
  ''978-0-87955-327-2Albert MemmiJews and Arabs
1976978-0-87955-328-9Albert MemmiJews and Arabs (English and French Edition)
1974978-0-87955-413-2John OlsonJohn Olson's Book of the Rifle
1972978-0-87955-501-6Yuli DanielPrison poems,
  ''978-0-87955-601-3Rene PasseronRene Magritte
1973978-0-87955-603-7Man Ray · Jean Saucet · Sarane AlexandrianMan Ray (A Howard Greenfeld Book)
1955978-0-87955-907-6Albert MemmiThe pillar of salt